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Destination Scout

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Everything posted by Destination Scout

  1. Hey Jen - how many people do you think you're wedding will have? I've put together a few lists of recommended places in Tulum if you're interested.
  2. How fun! Congrats on 7 years:)
  3. I think it's important to find out how your wc works. It sounds like she lives in the states, not in Mexico, correct? As a wc that works in multiple locations I can understand how she doesn't understand how everything works every where, but it's also important for her to tell you how she plans to get that information for you. You will need to be patient when waiting for answers if she has to reach out to Mexico. Their culture is completely different than ours, most don't even own computers, so many times you are waiting for a vendor to go to an internet bar and check their e-mail. I've found that the quickest way to coordinate a wedding in a new location is to spend a lot of time defining exactly what you want, and then send your coordinator there for a week. In that week they should be able to finalize your plans. Good luck.
  4. Have you spoke to princessbhbz yet? She's in Singapore. What a great resource.
  5. Beautiful portraits and church.....and yes, missy, great dress for the cleavage. You looked amazing!
  6. I confess that I don't want to accept my MIL as a friend on Facebook.
  7. I'm glad you loved Mil Amores. I was there in Feb. and didn't require air conditioning. I believe the weather is similar in Feb and November. Did you experience something different?
  8. We registered on Amazon. That way we only had to register in one place and we could register for anything.
  9. My wedding dress was super comfortable, so I wore it despite the fact that our AHR was in my in-laws backyard. Everyone was so excited to see us in our wedding attire since they didn't have the opportunity to be at the wedding.
  10. The only people who are able to do a legal ceremony are justices of the peace. Most do not have phone numbers, so you need someone to go to their office. This is one of the reasons legal ceremonies are more expensive. You need to pay someone to do the legwork for you.
  11. Definitely register. There will be people who can't make it to your wedding but want to get you something. It's better to have a registry than to have people give you random gifts. For your guests that are coming, tell them firmly that you consider their attendance your gift. We told them that we didn't want gifts because we didn't want to have to worry about how to get it home. That worked.
  12. Is $30/person just food? Are you paying for drinks as well?
  13. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll find what you need here.
  14. We had this concern as well. We knew there were shots that he took that he didn't pass along. When we asked him about them he let us look at thim. He had left them out on purpose because they were not quality photos. Someone had gotten in the way of the shot, I was squinting, there were a ton of reasons. My photographer had sent us the good pictures, and in the end I was comfortable with that. Over 4 days we got about 100 pictures that we really love. That in itself was fantastic. I really only expected 10 amazing pictures and I got 10 times that amount.
  15. Welcome! It will be great to follow your plans.
  16. It sounds like you have the location down, which is one of the harder decisions. I like looking on TripAdvisor for their suggestions. You can also do a search on reviews in Punta Cana. Decide whether you want all inclusive and what your priorities are and start digging away.
  17. Welcome to the forum. There are so many reviews and ideas here. You are sure to find something that tickles your fancy.
  18. It sounds like you are on the right track. There are a ton of AI's and rental homes available around Playa.
  19. I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm sending you a hug. Unfortunately, there will always be someone (or someones) who are going to be negative, or not give your wedding a priority. This hurts, but it's important to let it go. You really don't want them there if they don't want to be there. They will just make you miserable at your own wedding. Work with those who have legitimate issues or insecurities, but let the rest go.
  20. Very cool! I was married in Tulum this past Feb. and the MR holds a special place in my heart.
  21. I had this worry. We had a couple of things that worked in our favor. 1) Get someone to dance something completely off the wall to break the ice.His parent's started out the dancing by breakdancing to "Baby's Got Back" (yes, they are 70). It was an absolute riot, and no one was afraid to get on the dance floor after that. 2) We hired salsa dancers to come in and give a lesson about two hours after the party started, just to give the dancing another burst of energy. It worked, and the dancing lasted for another 2 hours. 3) As stated here, you and the groom have to take the lead. The DH made it a point to dance with each of the guests. No one can say no to the bride and groom. Have fun! You're party will be great.
  22. This may require more legwork than you want to put in, but here's the link to the Playa yellow pages. Unfortunately, it's usually hard to find websites, but it may just be easier to call them. BUT - your best bet is just to talk to someone at your hotel. I bet you they can tell you were the local flower market is.
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