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Everything posted by emme

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo I think mine turned out great and I agree it was very difficult to decide what data to put in them. I don't have any pics of them since I'm at work, but I do have the image from online. I used 12 pt for most of the info and 22 pt for the headings. One the page with the bride and groom at the top the orange font is 16 pt. Also the dotted black lines are just guides and aren't printed on the brochure. Hope this helps! I love your brochures!! They look fantastic!! Were you able to cut / copy / paste the picture from vistaprint? I've been trying to figure it out (so I can have a PDF example like yours) but haven't been able to yet.
  2. Oh my Erika...I had no idea!! I am sorry to hear about your biking accident!! I hope you are on the mend and hopefully be back to yourself in no time at all. I have to agree...these BDW ladies are amazing!! Big hugs to all of you who did this up for Erika
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ Credit has to go to gossip girl (Lori). It was her fantastic idea! LMAO!! That's hilarious...love it!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Hola ladies!! It's been so long since I've been able to check in on this thread! Glad to see we have some new GBP brides and even more excited to see that a bunch of you will have your weddings soon! I'm so excited to see your reviews and pictures!! You're back!!! It's been a long time... Congratulations on your precious new bouncing baby girl Do you have pics?
  5. Wonderful review Janet and your pictures are beautiful...can't wait to see the rest
  6. Thanks for sharing!! It's so wonderful to see such a great review. Your pictures are beautiful...congratulations MRS!!
  7. and congratulations Cookie!! I remember doing that same "light" reading many months ago...lol...
  8. Great news for all of the Canadian girls looking for bubba kegs!! CT has them on sale this week (sale ends Thursday) for half price on ALL sizes!! We have been watching the flyers since April and this is the first time I've seen the 20 oz (mini) bubba kegs on sale in months. The store also told me the last time they were on sale was at the beginning of March...so...if you're planning to get these in the next 6 months...you may want to stock up now!!
  9. Oh geez...sorry...everything went from page 1 to page 3 so I missed everyone's post on page 2
  10. For all the Canadian girls...Bubba Kegs are on sale at Canadian Tire this week 50% off. I will start a new thread...
  11. Oh...I should mention that we got the 20 oz (mini) bubba kegs because they are just like regular travel mugs.
  12. Since the Bubba Kegs are so big...we're going to give everyone (in town) their OOT bags before we go. This way they won't pack their own travel mug if they've already thought about it...and it cuts down on our luggage otherwise we would probably have to pay ALOT...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ It's all going to be wonderful and you'll be setting back wondering what the heck was i worried about. Your getting married on my Bday it has to be wonderful. We will have to do a Happy Birthday / Happy Wedding "cheers" at 5:30pm Mexico time
  14. We're all booked...and I think there are 44 of us all together (kids + adults). I am guessing that there will be about 5 more people joining us on some last minute seat sales...but I'm so happy and excited that our "core" family and friends will be there I was also putting our OOT bags together this weekend...I'm SUPER EXCITED that bubba kegs finally went on sale at Canadian Tire this week. We love them for camping and we've taken them on our travels before...so we definitely wanted to put them in our bags. We've been saving our CT money for months (LOL) and checking the flyers every week...and finally...phew...cutting it pretty close!!
  15. How is everybody doing?!?! October is only a month away...it's so exciting Best wishes to all of you!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by swocanadianbride emme... do you have your programs finished for your wedding day? Having abit of a headache figuring out what I want (lol) I just ordered them from vistaprint and they haven't come in yet...so I don't have any pictures of completed programs...but here is my plan... I'm doing program fans on raffia (?) fans. I've ordered rack cards from vistaprint. The background is the palm tree on the top right with fading water at the top...the rest is mainly white which is good because that's where I did all the text in blue. At the top...I have our names and the date underneath. I also have Mayan Riviera, Mexico (in small text) on the roots of the palm tree off to the side. Next (centered)...I have "Ceremony" and in it's order (cross your fingers for me on this one because who knows if it will go this way?!) Processional ~ Somewhere Over the Rainbow Bride's Processional ~ Canon in D Greeting & Opening Prayer Blessing Marriage Vows Exchange of Wedding Rings Exchange of Family Rings (specific to us...with our 3 kids) Signing of Marriage Certificate ~ This Ring Declaration of Marriage Recessional ~ I'm Yours And after this...I have "Bridal Party" and their roles / names (centered) This pretty much takes up the whole rack card...and then I will use adhesive strips (Walmart $5 for pack of 500) and I am just HOPING that they will make the rack cards stick to the raffia fans. If not, I think I have a night of glue-gunning ahead of me...LOL Unfortunately I can't find a way to "copy" the image in vistaprint to paste it as a picture. Hope this helps...please let me know if I can help you (or anyone else) out with anything
  17. Another 2009 bride...woooohoooo!! How's the planning coming along swocanadianbride?
  18. If you did a wedding brochure with Vistaprint...what font size did you use? What font is too small? I have so much text and information to put in that I keep changing the font and it keeps getting smaller and smaller. Any tips? Did you use an 8 font and did it turn out okay?
  19. Time is flying!! I can't believe it's just over a month away for the both of us...and coming up pretty quickly for Keira too!! I think most of the other GBP girls are in 2010. How is your planning coming along? Karla has been great with me...how about for you two?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck OH my gosh, I cannot WAIT to see these photos! I heart theme parties! I don't have a pic, but my worst bridesmaids dress: picture this: floor length, LONG sleeve, EMERALD green, SATIN with crochety lace on the neckline, a pointed waistline, and kind of FULL skirt!!!! I am only 5'2". I felt like part of the Wizard of Oz cast.... HORRIBLE! That's hilarious!!! Sounds like something I just pulled out of this box...we must have been at the same wedding...LOL... Quote: Originally Posted by shellk sounds like great fun can we come lol.we will defo need to see those pics Absolutely!! Just catch the next flight out of England and bring your best tacky BM dress Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 That sounds so fun! I went to a bridal show a few weeks ago and got a flyer for this...Awesome 80s Prom Tickets, Bachelorette Party, Off Broadway, New York I wanna go! That sounds awesome!!! The ideas that some people come up with for "business" these days?!?! Makes me think..."why didn't I think of that first?"...it would be so much fun!!
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