I meet my FI, Devin, 6yrs ago at work. The first day he started work and I was introduced to him there was an instant attraction. We worked together for a year and half before he decided to pursue his maters degree at Indiana University and I decided to obtain my masters at Columbia University. During the two years we were apart we remained great friends, continuing to keep the lines of communication open and visit each other as time permitted. Once we settled back in the area we began to attend a lot of family functions together. His family and my family alike would ask us when we were going to get married and we would always tell them we were just friends because we honestly were “just friendsâ€. Through thick and thin we had been there for each other and in Mar of 2008 we began to date exclusively. In March of 2009, entire family; mom, dad, brothers, sisters, and their wives, husband, and children went on a family cruise to the Caribbean and of course Devin went with me. Devin ended up spending a lot of time with my dad and brothers while he sent me off to the spa and various land excursions. I really didn’t think anything of it because he had already informed me prior to the trip that he just wanted to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle of work. Fast forward to day five of our cruise, we stop in St. Thomas and head over to Magen’s Bay which is a very beautiful beach. We lay out our blanket and he goes to get drinks and he ends up leaving me on the blanket for a long time, I’m wondering why is it taking so long to get these drinks. He comes back but doesn’t give me my drink and he starts talking about how our relationship is beautiful just like this beach and how we had been through so much together as friends and partners. He hands me my drink and the umbrella on my drink is upside down and there is a beautiful ring lay there. He then says “I want to make you my friend for life, Kelly will you marry me!!!†I was so surprised, shocked and happy. Turns out my family knew all about the upcoming engagement and had planned an engagement dinner on the cruise that evening. My journey with Devin has been amazing thus far. We’re heading back to Magen’s Bay for our Wedding on Oct 16, 2010.