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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. The choice is in I am not cutting it! I think if I want to sell it I will leave as-is and since this will be an indoor wedding its best to have it full Thanks ladies so much!
  2. I admint my tv will be recording that wedding!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* OMG! Vienna was married before? And stole $5,000 from her ex-husband's account to pay for her boob job?! Bahahahahahahaha News – Bachelor's Vienna Drained Ex's Savings on Boob Job – Movies, TV & Music – UsMagazine.com Oh poor Jake. Mouth hit the floor!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I didn't either. I can bet you a million dollars she hasn't told Jake that. Her and her wonky eye are both mental. Yeah she has a "crazy" eye like from Mr. Deeds LOL Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya Actually, not to come to Vienna's defense she did tell Jake! Like on their very first date too! Apparently she was in a long relationship and the guy dumped her... she was very hurt and flew off to Vegas and married some random guy in revenge. That was when she mentioned how her daddy bails her out all the time etc... Anyway, she was very ashamed of it and really wanted him to know. I don't think she's hiding anything. Whatever... she is someone's child and people love her, why can't Jake? LOL I dont remember this. I will have to go back to that episode.
  4. If he does really pick V than he is a douche!
  5. OH wow that is cool lutz. She was sweet but Ali is still my top runner. I am still going over the edge of the spoiler I read. AHHHH. No rose ceremony next week WHAT??
  6. BM lately suck big balls! I would of been upset also! You need to confront her and go from there. Totally not cool on how she bailed.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hmmm, this one is really hard. I love the way #1 looks from the back. It's very flattering on your shoulders. But #2 from the front is incredible! If i had to pick between the two, I'd say #2 since the front is more important then the back (to me anyway!). I agree with this. I fell in love with a dress from the back. Well most picks will be taken from the front and not the back.
  8. Im all for the 2nd one. It just caught my eye. I love the bottom of the dress how it just pops out!
  9. Dont really have "sexy" ones but I will find something cute.
  10. I am still on the fence. If I wear my hair all up I will have the veil with my hair flower. If I wear my hair in a half up do then no veil just the flower.
  11. Ok here is my garter. Funny question. Which is the toss one the smaller one?
  12. Lets see a pic of the dress. I am sure they can alter it and it BETTER be for FREE. Dont accept anything less!
  13. OOOO I have never noticed that about those two but now thinking about it they do! Cant wait for Monday
  14. Congrats ladies. Manders we never forget about you
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ I like the first pair Hols- but for me, not for a wedding. Sorry Hun. But if you love them you should wear what makes you happy, not what we would want. You must be hesitant about them though or you wouldn't be reconsidering. That said I think you should do one of the other shoes. You could switch for the reception and wear the more fun ones? I like #3 Ebony the best with your dress. However, I will say I have seen #2 Logan in person and they are very awesome in person on! I was very surprised! Thanks Steph I heart you so much. I think Cougs also said she loved them but they arent wedding-y I am hesitant about a lot of things cause I want it to be perfect and that is my issue with planning! If anything I dont think I would switch shoes. I may just keep them for the cruise and rock them with my black dress and red one!
  16. That dress needs to be purchased NOW. Love it love it Love it!
  17. I have looked at Zappos they have so many shoes to choose from. Like I said above I like all the shoes just hard choosing them. My main thing is the color. I know ALL the shoes above can be dyed black if I stay with that color.
  18. It looks gold but it isnt. My colors are blue and black. I will not wear blue shoes. My intention is to buy shoes for my wedding that I will wear again. All the shoes above I can dye after my wedding. So I would either wear my black shoes that are above or one of the white ones and dye later.
  19. Whoops thanks fixed. Yes the shoes I purchased are black the 1st ones. Some close to me said I should just do white. Not a fan of white shoes but again they may look better. I guess Im fashion dumb, lol.
  20. Ok so I have come up with my final choices! I did purchase shoes now after talking to a few people I think I may have changed my mind. Some say I should do white not black. The first shoe is what I have purchased. The other shoes are dye-able shoes so once the wedding is over they will go black! 1. Coco. Yes this is the shoe I bought and they ARE black. 2. Logan 3. Ebony 4. Yvette Pics of my dress Thanks!
  21. They are both strappy but to me the 2nd one has to thick of strap on the bottom if that makes sense..... happy choosing!
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