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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Very true dress! You never know with this crap. I miss the old show when it first started it has gone off the deep end. It has put me to the point where this might be the last season I watch.
  2. withholding sex = he will cheat how Vienna's former classmate describes her as "not the sharpest crayon in the box"
  3. She either quick or they let her come back something stupid. I want fresh faces on for this show not people who dropped out or got kicked off! I love drama but this show has turned into the hills!
  4. I would so pass it on to your hubby hahahaha. I would suggest having her make the grooms cake and for the AHR you want something big that a single oven probably wont handle. IDK I am sorry hun!!!
  5. Include him as a ring bearer or a GM. My daughter from my first marriage is my flower girl and I would not have it any other way!
  6. At this point V and J are made for eachother!
  7. Thanks steph. I wanted to do a ribbon around the envelope but I just didnt want to put anymore time into it. I found the wax and the seal at Michaels in the wedding isle.
  8. Ok these don’t even match up to you ladies on your DIY projects but I mostly did all the work along with some help from my MOH. I have like no patience and no crafty hands this is what I came up with. And they were sealed with wax A's idea
  9. Ok these don’t even match up to you ladies on your DIY projects but I mostly did all the work along with some help from my MOH. So have like no patience and no crafty hands this is what I came up with.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya I wish there was a throwing up smilie, LOL But seriously... this is ridiculous. Jake and Ali seem so natural together. I am all for career, but she'll regret it, because at the end of the day if her job had to chose her over something of equal consequence, they would not have chosen her. Things you learn as you get older, which she is too young to know at this point, but she is very disposal. Jobs come and go...... she should have stayed on the show! lol At least had a shot at becoming the next Bachelorette. Ok I use to like Jake now I just want to choke him badly!!!! Fack him. Ali does call so I wonder what that is about. Its not puking but close enough
  11. Congrats. YOu both are such wonderful ladies!
  12. Great job ladies. Sorry I missed mine. I will be on the ball this week!!
  13. I am still feeling bad about the party my girls are throwing me. I told them I just want to have fun and its not about gifts or anything. My MOH is crazy. Its like a whole day event. Its shower than dinner, and night out with a limo. I told her I want to help but she says NOPE NO WAY.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JuneWeddingDreams WHAT? Tamara and her husband got a divorce! Actually that makes me happy I cannot stand Simone! I'm actually a huge Vicki fan...I know I know. I think its her drive for success - I am the same way so I feel like I relate the most to Vicki. I agree with you on this! Simone is a total douche and Vicki is just strong willed. IT works for them but T and S's marriage just blows. I cannot be attached to my fiances hip it would drive me nutz! Lynn needs to get ahold of her kids. I cannot believe she lets them walk all over her. I dont think it was announced yet they got a divorce I am sure its coming up!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by loua4 we are huge Toronto Maple leaf fans. I dont know if i want that to be my something blue or find something beach themed. we will have to see i guess. I think the smaller one is the toss garter too. Honestly I love when people incorporate the teams they love into something in the wedding such as a garter.
  16. I think I am going with smokey eyes and a half up do. Ill have to find the pic and add it on here. For the ladies I will so something soft like pink and blues
  17. Yeap I have 6 BM's and I want to kick 3 in the mouth sometimes. However 2 of the 3 are coming around thankfully! I had to be a biatch but o'well. I love how its my fault for being mean but its their fault for not communication! Fackers o'well its about my future husband and I. Hang in there girl. SO glad you have others to support you! Oh and you and me are like twins I had a DW in St. thomas now its back home here in MN
  18. Yeap didnt send my photo yet but I gained like 2lbs FACK ME
  19. I mean it could be how the cameras are but really some of this shite she says is as crazy as her eyes!
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