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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Throw the dress up to sell and buy the one that makes you smile!!
  2. I would not tell them to stay home or even bring it up! Let them decide what they want to do. It is horrible to see friends go through this but just be supportive. Hopefully seeing someone will help I am sure it may take a bit. Just hang in there as best as you can.
  3. Yea I missed weigh in AGAIN. I think I am out now but its ok I keep checking in on your girls. I have a million things going on. Work has picked up so much its hard for me to take my lunch and work out and lately when I have been home I have been dealing with wedding stuff and my sick family
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Come on Hol!! You can do it!! Only 5 weeks to go chickie!!! (wowzers...your going to be a Mrs soon!!!! ) It is coming to fast. After the surprise lastnight there is no doubt in my mind I am marrying my best friend~
  5. Way to go ladies you rock. I have been so busy I feel like crap that I dont work out as much I use to.
  6. Thanks for the link girls I love em'!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi I am convinced Ali called Jake back in an effort to try to remain in the spotlight so that she could get a shot at being the next 'bachelorette'. she pretty much admitted on Ellen that she would love the be the next bachelorette, ugh i did like her at first but not so much any more. Video Gallery - The Ellen DeGeneres Show Agree with ALL of this. They need some new people with so MUCH LESS drama. I like some drama but this season has gotten WAY out of control!
  8. This season I am very very upset like it pisses me off. I really did like Ali but her calling made me feel she is just annoying and dumb. She should of just left and never tried to come back. Tenly is sweet but she is also getting my nerves. AHHH really Jake really. I dont like you now!
  9. Thank you for checking we all have been thinking about you! Huge hugs hun I really hope this works out for you! Please keep us updated!
  10. $5000 Venue Food and Drinks $500 Photog $595 DJ $500 Gifts $200 Candy Bar $850 Dress with alterations and acces. $500 Gift to eachother for scubadiving in Antigua and TTD Shoot $5500 Honeymoon Cruise with shore excursions $300 Rings *wont get mine till after wedding so mine is not included* $100.00 Flowers $150.00 Decor $150.00 Cake I dont know of anything else that comes to mind Total 14345.00
  11. My fiance found one he loved for $1100.00 but we didnt want to spend that much money. So we kept looking and found one for $248.00. It all depends on what you can afford and what he loves. If you question it keep looking. You may go back and purchase that one.
  12. The one that gets me is the one in the end I am like "your facken crazy" goodbye!
  13. Yeah I can NEVER do the whole ab ripper its crazy!
  14. If its like lightinthebox.com I was happy with my dress I ordered for my daughter who will be the flower girl!
  15. My sweet hair flower Etsy :: White Wild Rose with Black Feathers, Ostrich Streamers and Swarovski Rhinestones My sexy garter Etsy :: Black and White Damask with Light Blue Bridal Garter Set My kissing ball for my daughter. It will have blue and white flowers with black ribbon Etsy :: Flower girl Pomander (Light blue/White Roses) Ring bearer pillow Romantic Satin Ring Bearer PillowYou Choose the by RomancingJuliet I will be getting these bags for my BM's Personalized BLACK MICROFIBER Handbag Tote FREE by nnichols
  16. Happy Wedding day and V-Day hun! Hope you have a blast and congrats!
  17. She borrowed them from her mom hahaha
  18. Im probably not help but here is my two cents. #1 is very sexy so if you like sexy I say number 1 #2 Very beachy and elegant. If you want elegant I say number 2 good luck!
  19. YAY that is great Lisa I am sure you will find someone!
  20. Sorry I meant Jess not dress!~
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Yes, when you are addressing someone's mail you should use their proper titles. However, I think most of us are saying that this is different as it is not being formally written but rather an announcement being made at their wedding. Agreed!!!! You are becoming a "Mrs" you already a Dr. So I would stick with Mr and Mrs. This is your day as a couple not you being a Dr. I understand you worked hard on it but for the big day stick with Mr and Mrs IMO.
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