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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Nice! I was also planning on sending a note along with the STD's in regards to what we chose as our Wedding Site. We will also have an ACH when we get back home but it will be about 2months after we get back so the weather is nicer here in MN. Your not hits it on the nose I might just have to change the wording around and add a few lines if you dont mind. Thanks Kelly!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Hey who's you WC? I'm using Janelle Scott. Happy planning. We are not going through Princess for the WC we found a company that is on the Island that does weddings. They are called Weddings the Island Way. You get a WAY better deal on your wedding and I heard nothing but great reviews about them!!!!! Im saying over 50% by working with them. The lady I talked to over there is Erica.
  3. Very true!!! I just hope those I invited just to the AHR are not upset I didnt send them an invite to the DW....
  4. I heard you only send STDs to the ones you want to go on the DW. Is that true? If so do the invites go to the rest along with the people you sent the STD's to? So confused please help. Thanks.
  5. I will be setting sale in March on the Ruby. We set our wedding date for 3/13/2010 in St. Thomas USVI. We just put our deposit down for our wedding planner on the island I am sooo excited. Tons more to do but I am glad we have a Time and a Place.
  6. We finally have deceided to get married in St. Thomas. We will be coming from the Princess Cruise ship the Ruby in March. My questions is do you send out STD's now and invites later or how does this work. I am soooo clueless. I know not everyone will go that is why we are planning on a AHR in May. We have not decided on the place where we are hosting the AHR we just know a nice lake with some good ol' fashion BBQ . Help me please..... Also do the STD's be the cruise dates or just the date we are planning on getting married in St. Thomas? UGH my head hurts.
  7. *HOLLY*

    Hello :)

    I am recently engaged. My fiance proposed to me on our Caribbean Cruise 2 weeks ago. At this time we are working with a Travel Agent. We keep going back and forth from Jamaica to Mexico and maybe a cruise wedding. It will be either January or April next year. His brother is on his way to Iraq so we are trying to plan a wedding so he can hopefully come. I look forward to learning tons of info on here!
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