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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Love the dress I just dont think it would fit sorry otherwise I would
  2. Sweet. I just sent out my referral link to some people hope it goes well. Good luck
  3. Id like the two starfish jewels. Please PM me when you can. Thanks
  4. My wedding date has changed. I will be getting married April 2nd 2010.
  5. I am glad he has someone here he looks forward to seeing. Im nervous as heck that he will get a dear john letter his mom even stated that. I know people get married young but most of them have been together at least a year and then some. Trust me I know first hand. This is my 2nd marriage and my FI first. I should of never been married in the first place but I was prego and at that time my now ex husband was going to go in the army. My future BIL told us they were thinking of getting married before he got shipped off so they could get the benefits of being married. You dont just get married for that because that is what I basically did in my first marriage. The reason why I have such a hard time with this is I really see myself and my ex husband in their shoes. These two have only been together for a few months get engaged and trying to plan a wedding while my future BIL is going to Iraq for 400 days. In regards to having family at the wedding yes it is very important. My brother cant make it because of money and we are not the richest people if we could afford it I would take care of him but I cant. My future FIL can pay for my future BIL but paying for his fiance really erks me because we would not get that treatment if they got married overseas!!!! Yes we are two different people and have two different weddings but the spotlight seems to be more on their wedding then mine and my FI's. Again I may be selfish but I have some reasoning to it. Sorry if I offended anyone Im not trying to but I feel my FI and I are getting the back burner.
  6. No my FFIL is paying for the room for him and his wife plus another one for his daugher, son, and his son's now fiance. Honestly we would never get that same treatment we would have to pay I know it. To me that is not fair. My future BIL made a statement to me when I found out he was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him. At that time his family and I thought it was really early and he needed to think about it. I sat down with him and his mom and we said give it time you guys have only known each other for so long and she is only 18 and your 20. He comes back at me saying "Your just upset Im getting engaged before you and Adam" OMG WAY not true. That comment has stuck with me and it hurt me. It has gotten to the point my FI and I have been fighting a lot about wedding things. I really wanted this to be special but its turning out to be a huge fight.
  7. If you call the Vet at 7am what is the difference if you call now You stated they would tell you to come in anyways. Let them know your money situation and I am sure they will help in some ways. It never hurts to ask. Post dated checks anything....
  8. OMG I am so sorry hun. Hang in there is will be ok just breath. You have a daughter to stay strong for. I left my ex husband just before my daughter turned one and moved back home with my parents. I know it can be tough but look at the big picture you have a beautiful child that will always look up to you! *HUGS* I am also so sorry to hear about your dogs. Its tough to loose an animal
  9. Get a text from my future FIL saying my fiance and I need to chat with him. Turns out my fiance's brother who is going to Iraq may not be back till March 26th and we planned to set sail for our wedding on March 10th. At first we were looking at January but knew his brother would not be back till end of February early March. Im not to happy about moving the date but I do understand to see if his brother can make it. What pisses me off is that my finances dad is like I have to pay for two rooms one for me and Laurie and one for Tara, Kyle, and Megan. WTF you are paying for Megan who is not in the family yet?. Mind you they got engaged so fast and they are very young. Kyle is just now getting shipped off to Iraq how the heck is she going to handle him being gone and planning a wedding. Yeah I may be selfish but my FI and I have been talking about marriage for awhile and all of a sudden his brother gets engaged. Im not to excited I have to share the spotlight. Am I wrong and just being jealous/selfish? Kyle told us he was going to wait to ask her and he does it out of the blue. Im sick of trying to please everyone. My wedding is turning into a burden for me. That shouldn't be....
  10. I totally put Firthday instead of Birthday oops I cant spell...... It turned out to be a great party and he was very surprised. I guessed it he did scream like a girl YAY me!
  11. My fiance turns 25 today. I am throwing him a surprise party tonight at our home. I purchased tickets for Elton John and Billy Joel concert in May and he is going to scream like a little girl. I cant wait
  12. I was married prior to meeting Adam and I have no regrets. I learned a lot about myself and have a great daughter out of it. After separating from Kenny I moved back home to get myself back on my feet. As much as I love my parents I just was not myself living at home with a daughter going to turn one soon. I turned to the internet for finding a friend and hopefully finding that someone. I went on a few dates through out the months some lasted longer than others. I was giving up even the people I met just out and about never really worked for me. Not only did I want to find someone for myself but also for my daughter Annabelle. Someone who she can look up to and go to if she ever needs anything. Some may have felt I was dating a little too soon but that was debatable. I did however meet a great friend named Chad who to this day he and I remain in contact and go back a forth with our love lives. Finally January 2008 I found myself on Craigslist looking at personal adds. I felt silly but I figured to give it a shot. I found a listing I was interested in. I ended up emailing this gentleman telling him a bit about me but did not mention in the first email I had a daughter for security reasons. That night I ended up getting an email back from a guy named Adam. Adam explained his interests and also that he was a paramedic/fire fighter. Hmmmm what could be better a guy who can save my life and likes to play with fire, hehehehe. The second email I sent to him explained I have a daughter and she is the world to me and if he is not ok with that we can end our contact. Adam never batted an eye and said that does not matter I know a few single mothers. After a few emails we exchanged phone numbers. I remember one day Adam and I talked on and off ALL DAY. There was never a dull moment between us it was none stop. Later that week we decided to meet up to see if we had any chemistry. I went over to his house in Lakeville which is not to far from my parents house. I found myself soooo nervous walking to the door I was pretending to play with my phone when he answered. Not only was I greeted by Adam but CJ a pure yellow lab who is also known as Adam’s "status symbol" . We watched a movie and chatted up a bit. Adam seemed so nervous and not to talkative. He sat on one couch and I sat on the other which made me feel more awkward. That night he walked me out to my car and gave me a small goodnight kiss. I remember I fired a comment at him saying "you can do better than that". I did not want just a friendly peck but little more passion. Our official fist date outing was at Spill the Wine in Minneapolis. It was a dinner for the company I was working for. I picked him up that Saturday night and headed up to the cities. This time he seemed a bit more relaxed and talkative. He was a hit at the party. They had a ballroom dance instructor there and I got daring to try swing dancing and Adam followed me to the floor. We totally stunk at it but we had a great time trying. After that night we hung out a few more times. We started to fizzle out. He didn’t seem to interested and I was getting upset with him not being as talkative as he was in the beginning as in phone calls or text messages. I finally called him up and said you know what I feel like we are a couple at times and others you are distance either we make this official or we should head out separate ways. I told Adam I was not interested in a fling and if that is what he wanted I was not the person. That comment gave him enough thought to say you know what lets try this and see where it goes. Finally we were official February 16th 2008:). We had a rocky start but seemed to work through it. April came around and Adam knew living at my parents house put me in the slumps. He understood I was very close to my family but needed to be on my own. He made an offer that totally blind sided me. He said "I could always use extra money and you could be sane why don’t you move in as my roommate". I was shocked I was excited yet nervous. We both made it clear it was strictly roommates but we were going to continue to date. Annabelle got her own room and I was also going to stay in that room time to time. We had a signal if we wanted to space we would make the signal and go into our own rooms or do our own thing. Adam made it clear I was not going to sleeping in the same bed every night because we don’t want to cross to much between roommate status and bf/gf. Um yeah to this day I still have not slept in the other room actually I take that back I have because of his snoring, hahaha. I was so nervous this move was going to make us grow apart but what it did was made us stronger. After moving in with Adam it felt like we have known each other for years. Our first official fight was about potatoes. Yes you read it right potatoes. It was so heated he ended up hanging up on me and I cried. I mean I bawled. How stupid was that?? I was talking to my mom about the fight and she just laughed and I finally realized how stupid we were. I will never forget that. Ok lets fast forward to the night her proposed. Adam will tell you I ruined the romantic part about it but others that have known me for years say "oh that’s just Holly being difficult". It was our third day on the ship it was a sea day. We just finished dinner and we went to walk on the promenade which goes all around the ship. You can watch the ocean fly by and see all the stars in the sky. Adam wanted to go to the back of the boat to see what wake the ship makes. I was sooooo not having it my feet hurt way too much from walking in my high heels I told him I wanted to go back to the room and change first. He was persistent on going to the back of the boat. I finally said "you know what my feet hurt and you promised I could call Annabelle can we please just go back to the room" in my snotty tone of voice. Adam seemed a bit upset but finally caved in. On the way to the room I said I was sorry but my feet just hurt and I really missed Annabelle and wanted to hear her voice. We got back to the room and I just fell right onto the bed. I asked Adam if he would get my flip flops for me to wear. He did Then I asked him to please take off my shoes that were killing me which he did . I then asked him to put my flip flops on cause I was just so tired and did not want to move. I noticed when he was putting on my flip flops he was on one knee. I said "well since you are down there you can practice asking me something" with my biggest grin. So he started by saying Holly Marie Pribyl and he went on for a minute or so and then said you are my girlfriend and I want you to be my wife will you marry me. I sat and thought about it and said "hmmmmmmm no". HEHEHE. I thought I was funny but to my surprise Adam had one up on me. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a box and said "well I guess I cant give this to you then". HE HAD A RING. OMG. I screamed YES YES YES. I kept grabbing his face and kept kissing and kissing him peck after peck. I just got engaged. I have to say at this time I feel bad I don’t remember what he all said in his proposal because I thought it was a joke . However, I am very happy and lucky to have Adam in my life. Not only did it not go the way Adam planned it, it was better. Adam and I are a very interesting couple and this proposal for sure made it the icing on the cake.
  13. I met my fiance on craigslist.com Ive never been happier. It is true you can find love almost anywhere even on a website
  14. Ive been debating about having one not sure yet. If we do it will be at our home with just a bunch of family and friends. It will be more of a cookout and chill party than anything. Dont want to spend money really on it since there is so much going into the planning of our wedding anyways.
  15. I asked my fiance tonight and he is like um no we ARE sleeping in the same room. You will be gone most the morning getting ready anyways whats the point. It will be nice to sleep together before the big day because it will be the last part of a chapter into a new chapter
  16. It all depends on who is coming. If my fiance has a friend of his who can make it than we will have a small bridal party. I know for a fact I have two people going that can be my bridesmaids but if he doesnt have anyone he wants standing up there than it will just be us two.
  17. Since yours is so far apart I would use the legal one. My fiance and I were talking about this the other day. If we decided to get married at home first and then do the DW or DW would be our anniversary date.
  18. I know someone on this board had a great way to put into words. "I understand not all may attend our wedding but we hope you can join us on our AHC"? Someone have some good ideas for wording or can find the post? Thanks!
  19. I made my brother an usher. I also included him into the pics with the wedding party.
  20. 1. Name- Holly 2. Where are you from- Minnesota 3. Where are you getting married in St Thomas- Magen's Bay 4. When are you getting married- March 13 2010 5. Who is you WC- Weddings the Island Way - Erica
  21. That is awesome. May your late husband rest in peace. I am sure he will have the biggest smile seeing you again walking down the isle. Congrats and I wish the best for you both!
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