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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. I live south of the cities. The price you paid is pretty good and the rights is awesome. Thanks for sharing and your pics are beautiful!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by flygirl Why is it that change makes you want to eat badly? Within the last 7 days we've found out that my husband got a new job in a different state, he's left for that job, we've put our house on the market, sold our house, i put in my notice at my job, and now I'm packing by myself and moving an entire house into storage because the buyer needed to close in 2 weeks! Can you say 'cheeseburger please'? This is either going to stress me out and I'm going to lose a ton of weight because of it or I'm going to console myself with food and pack on the pounds...I'm leaning towards the latter WOWSER. You are a very busy women! Good luck with the move!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Holly, I can do that. If you don't hear from me w/in like a few hours of sending your picture via text, text me again and ask if I got it - cool? That would be great. Again Ann I never meant to come off crabby/the B word! I never was blaming you for anything!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Scuba - I send a picture text message to my email address and than forward that email with a little note to ann. Maybe you can do it that way? instead of typing a phone number for the text message i just type in my email address. does that make sense? Totally makes sense but I cant email on my phone I have tried.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR it's up to you if you want to drop out. i can't control if the texts don't go through! if you need me to confirm when i get them, just ask. i can do that. i got the 2nd one today, obviosuly. and last week it was late - but i can't remember the details, did you have to send that twice too? you know, you can also email or PM the pictures if that will make you feel better. that's what most people do. and the weekly winners don't count for much other than bragging rights really, so don't beat yourself up too much about the last 2 weeks not counting. in the end it doesn't matter. I want to clarify for all, I know Ann is doing this on her own time and she gets nothing out of it. I am NOT in anyway blaming her she is not getting the texts. I cant upload my pics online from my phone so that is why I am sending her texts. My first shot of the scale for weigh in was from a camera since I needed to upload a million pics from it I threw that one in there. I personally dont have a scale so I go to my future In Law's to use their scale and I dont carry my digital camera on me so that is why I text Ann. If you could send me a confirmation I would appreciate that. You are doing a great thing for this board and I am not trying to be a pain. Again none of my statements are blaming Ann at all!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I got your weigh in late, this morning. And no, it doesn't count when you send it Thursday morning unless it's there by the time I wake up/record weights on Thursday. Weigh in is on Wednesday - you have 24+ hours to get it to me that day! Technically you have a little cushion since I don't cut it off at midnight on Wed. night. And I just realized that technically you should be disqualified for missing 2 weigh ins in a row. But since I didn't catch it, you have another week! I got a new laptop and the color coding was off so I didn't see that you missed last week too. Whew! lol I have it in my phone I sent it to you at 9:20am Weds morning and I left it in my phone saying it was sent for this reason. If you are not getting my texts with the pic than I am sure it will happen again. I had a HUGE loss the first week and a small one this week which is nice but they both dont count. I think I will just take my name out of the game at this time so I dont stress if the text went through or not.
  7. Ann I sent you a text yesterday with a pic for the weigh in you didnt receive it? *I re-sent it this morning* Also I took mine last weds but was not able to send it till thursday morning in the AM does it not count then?
  8. Just got over the dang flu. UGH. I am starting to get my strength back and able to eat some more but could not work out for the life of me or anything I was just a HUGE bum over the weekend.
  9. Target is EVIL, hahaha. You go in there to spend like $10 you end up spending $100.00 Oh how they love my business Great find!!!
  10. In regards to allergies most cruise ships worth with you. I will be sailing with Princess and my mom has the same disease. They have a menu for any type of allergy you may have. In regards to a WC I went with one on the Island because I know I have one person always to talk to and also to answer my questions. I dont have to wait for an email or a phone call! Remember its your day so if you dont want a cruise wedding than dont. Do what you guys want and what will make YOU happy Best of luck and happy planning!
  11. That is the sweetest ever! It is also such a gorgeous ring!
  12. Those are great. What an awesome job your FI's jaw will drop. I have to say my fav is #55. So hard to choose I bet!
  13. LOVE the pics. You look great!!!! Once I drop my weight and tighten up im going to get mine done. My FI is a firefighter and a paramedic so I think I will have some fun with that
  14. Finally got home 30mins ago, ugh. I have been gone since 8am. Ann- I will give you my weight tomorrow morning I am sure you are sleeping and I dont want your phone to go off. Great job ladies. Keep up the good work!
  15. My daughter Annabelle just got sick to her tummy today. Hopefully its just a 24hr bug. I hate to see her sick. On another note I dread weigh in tomorrow, ugh. I ate pasta today *naughty*
  16. Good luck! I think im going to wait a few months till I get a wedding dress since I am doing the BL6. Thank you soooooooooo much for putting up with ALL my questions and such I do appreciate it A LOT!!!!
  17. I was naughty last night. We had a pizza party and I think I ate WAY tooo much. Its hard not to when it is nummy homemade pizza hanging out with friends. I think that calls for double time on exercising today, hahaha. Oh I should add we had a bonfire and I had a smore
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I love it cause I always have my ipod w/ me and its so easy to enter everything in. So sorry I brought up my opinion on the men. It's been taken WAY out of context. I have no issue w/ the men competing w/ us but did feel like it was a bit unfair, but watch out men!!! Jacilyn is gonna sneek up on you!!! I dont' have a choice, I have to lose it to fit in THE dress!!! How is everyone w/ a buddy doing? I can't tell you how hestitant I was about the idea, but LOVE my buddy! She gets up so much earlier than me and I always have a motivational email waiting. I only hope I can be as much help to her as she has been to me! Its the weekend ladies!! lets try and start the 1st weekend of the season off good and be good to ourselves! (I'm drinking a miami vice right now, HA!) That is exactly how I felt Again I said im over it no big deal really!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild So did you ever watch the show? I am still curious how they handled this issue because I think their pot was a lot bigger than ours so if this is a valid concern it must have been addressed, no? As for the money, the odds of you winning it are stacked against you, as they are for me and everyone in this. Whether the men get taken out or not, I would encourage you to focus on the losing weight/gaining health thing that way if you win the money it is a total bonus rather than a let down if you don't. I havnt watch that show for the longest time. I am no one to know what they did. In regards to the bold part I have put in my posts that is my first thing on my mind and I am pretty sure all the other people on the BL6 is over all getting healthy and feeling good about yourself. I will state this again no one will budge on just having this for women so I am over it.
  20. Im happy your FI is joining mine is also looking to loose weight however wont be doing it via the board. Obviously the decision who is in the BL6 wont change so I will just leave it with my concerns. Good luck to all!
  21. Of course we are in this to loose weight and get healthier. The "gold" at the end of the rainbow is definitely a motivator. I read the article that was posted however I still feel its a unfair advantage. I have worked out with men whether it be my FI, brother, or a friend and they ALWAYs kicked my butt. We both watched what we ate and worked out but at the end of the day they have a bigger loss than I. I have nothing against men but my personal feelings we are all not just trying to get healthier. I know a handful of us women could use the pot for what will be alterations on dresses since we are loosing weight .
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I have ranted about this to FI. I didn't even realize the guys were allowed to join. Although their are a few grooms on the forum and in the show there are both sexes. I am kinda down everytime I hear about one of the guys cause they DEFINITELY will lose much easier than us. Just a thought maybe we could have the guys money go into a separate pot and the guys competing w/ each other. Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer either, but I didn't even know they could join or that it was discussed and its really a downer for me. Joe could lose the weight I'm trying to in just a couple weeks. Now i know its based on percentage, but Joe could easily drop in no time flat w/ hardly trying while i'm working my ass off I'm curious to hear what you other girls think I was a bit worried no one else would understand me A separate pot would be good however WAY smaller than ours. It would be nice to see what others think.
  23. I dont mean to be a sore thumb but guys can loose weight sooooooooooo much faster than women so is it fair to compete with them? Just a question Im not trying to be rude at all!!!!
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