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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. WOW that is great! Well its not great what she did but I am glad she admitted to it all. Hopefully you guys can get on the right track. Since you are BF hopefully she will get the help she needs and maybe still be your MOH depending the outcome. I wish you all the best!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsrhbtobe I just read this thread...hope it answers your questions:) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39752 Thanks! I did read this thread however I want to know if there are other brides that ordered from here and their experiance. More or less their own reviews not ones from other sites. Even though its nice to know from other sites but I trust the ladies here more
  3. Love Love this suit on my FI. It is a Calvin Klein 100% linen suit. His shirt is actually short sleeve and a lighter blue but you get the gist of it
  4. I saw a couple threads but I was wondering if I could get reviews from anyone who has purchased a dress from there and used it. I am really thinking about going with them but I am unsure. The price is right for me since I do not have tons to spend on a dress. Comments? Reviews?
  5. OMG I was looing at their website lastnight and that is the dress I picked out if I ordered from there, hahaha. Since I am a big on the heavier side I am not sure if it would look good on me.
  6. Those are great! Thank you so much for posting
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR Is it 100% silk? FI had a custom silk/cotton/poly blend suit made and did not want to wear it in the pool and ocean. He did and it was fine. He just left for work today wearing his suit! No its 100% linen I just checked.
  8. I never thought of buying something cheaper like Old Navy, DUH I am WAY more excited then he is. He just doesn't get it. O'well if I can find something else he could wear I am hoping he will be ok with it! You ladies are the best!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by cbecker 1. Name-Crystal Becker 2. Where are you from-Eagan, Minnesota 3. Where are you getting married in St Thomas-Lindquest Beach 4. When are you getting married-June 5th 2010 5. who is you WC-Janelle Scott Im from Lakeville MN we are practically neighbors. I wll also be getting married in St. Thomas on April 2nd 2010
  10. Sherri- Im am booked with you guys on April 2nd 2010 and I am so excited.
  11. Finally they worked for me. Those look great and you were a beautiful bride!!! Congrats again!
  12. Alright I need to ask for my FI. Doing a TTD and TTS session does it take a toll on linen suits. He purchased an expensive Calvin Klein suit and does not want to ruin it. I really want to do TTD but if his suit would get ruined I wont get to . Anyone experienced a ruined suit
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenamie is this it? Amazon.com: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Seven Questions to Ask Before (and After) You Marry: Leslie Parrott, Les Parrott III: Books Yeah however mine has a different cover here is a link to mine. Amazon.com: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Seven Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry: Les and Leslie Parrott: Books We also got the workbooks to go along with it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BeachBride10 I am having the same problem as you. I know I want a beach theme and so my first thought was blue BM dresses and khaki, tiffany/aqua blue, and white calla lilies. Then after seeing other peoples pictures I really love fuchsia. I love how the fuchsia color on the BM dresses pops out and makes the blue ocean color pop out more than with blue dresses. When I think about doing fuchsia, I can't make up my mind about the accent color if I want blue/aqua or orange. I can't figure out how I want to do my tables and other decor with those combos either. I feel like fuchsia with blue or orange seems to set a more fun and party like atmosphere, while the khaki/blue combo seems more beachy/elegent. I am not looking for a real formal setting but don't really want it to be wild and party like so I really don't know what to do. Any suggestions? My best friend said if I did pink and blue it would like an 80's party, hahaha. So I stepped away from that.
  15. Ill jump out there and say I have checked an ex's email and also found out he was cheating. I agree with not emailing her anymore and end the friendship. No one in there right mind should be a friend like that. Since she is your MOH I would call or write her a letter not an email stating you no longer want her in your wedding and you want to part ways. Good luck! However I see you are roommates so that is a toughy....That overall is just a bad atmosphere. Can you move-in with someone else and pay rent till your lease is up?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda And if you want those bright pink flowers, do it!!! they'll really pop w/ those colors! I was thinking that but was not sure if that would be to much random color  Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra&Mario you should go to a florist or even a craft store and see what colors you gravitate towards...go with what feels natural and draws you in, as opposed to what you think would look "nice" or "traditional"...sometimes there are certain color combination that you'd think, "ew, really!"...but they're so pretty. Great Idea. My FMIL told me she will help with the flowers if I choose to do a shade of some kind of blue, khaki, and lime green. The more I think about it the more I really like these colors. I am leaning towards the tiffany blue 
  17. We plan on doing a weekend retreat. Also we have a book called How to save your marriage before it starts. I believe that’s the title. It is very good. It includes workbooks for both. I highly recommend it.
  18. ooooo oooooo a blue, khaki, lime green, and a brown of some sort I think I like it
  19. Ok my FI wants blue and a linen color along with grass and coconut. Basically saying he wants the girls in grass skirts and coconuts, hahaha. Maybe Ill let him choose the colors so he feels he has some say in this
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by canadianadia I let my fiance choose the colors, but I reserved the right to veto his choice. He initially chose red and yellow, but I told him that I don't think a McWedding would be appropriate-haha! We decided on red and looked at photos of weddings with the red themes to see what appealed to us, and later settled on red, white and black. Does your fiance have a preference out of your chosen colors? That is WAY to funny. I needed a laugh this morning. My FI likes blues. However as long as he does not need to help with the invites he doesnt care.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl I am right there with you. I keep seeing bouquets of bright pinks and oranges and I never thought I was interested in those colors but the flowers are amazingly pretty. But then I am kind of leaning towards doing beachy colours as well like tan and coral and aqua type idea. I have awhile to decide but I keep going back and forth as well!! I felt the same way. I was like I would never choose those and all the ladies that have used those colors on this site have really changed my mind. They are beautiful. However I still see blues in my eyes. Can I have two weddings with different colors hahaha
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay One thing I forgot to think about before I chose my colors was what type of flowers I wanted. That might help! I want orchids and gerber daisies. I think about the flowers but it does make me go in either direction
  23. I cannot decide what colors I want for my wedding. I keep going back and forth on this. I have samples but I just do not know. I love the pinks and oranges however I like tans and blues. AHHHH. What made you choose your colors? Why is this so hard....
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