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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. I am making a weekend of wedding dress shopping. I have four stores to go to and I am sooooooooooo excited. Its not till July 18 & 19 but I hope it comes fast. One of the stores I booked will only have the store open for me from 2:00-4:oopm so it is very private. At that time I will have one of my bridesmaids try on dresses also. As much as I hate wearing dresses I am so stocked to try on the dress I will be marry the man of my dreams in WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOo
  2. It wasnt a destination wedding but one of my old classmates had a bright pink bridal gown and the bridesmaids had white dresse. It was REALLY pretty! The guys dressed in dark jeans, black shirt and a white tie. The groom had a matching pink tie!
  3. I thinks it is beautiful. For me its like a mullet in a good way. Business in the front Bow in the back, hahaha. Ok maybe that was bad. But it looks great and I am sure it will look gorgeous on you!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Check this out... Wes Hayden Official Website - Austin, Texas - Texas Country Music Recording Artist I'm sick to my stomach This guy NEEDS to go!!!
  5. My heart just goes out to you hun!!! What an A-HOLE for taking someones purse. I hope they find the dirt bag atleast with the picture UGH. All I can offer is *hugs* Chin up!
  6. I hardly could watch the part with her and David. I had my hands over my eyes cause I could not believe what he was doing and saying. Thank God he is gone. My two favs are Kipton and Jake. However that can always change! Just hoping its Wes that goes home next. Im still creeped out by Tanner the foot fetish guy. "I want to suck on her toes" EWWW oh my god. I was however happy he said someone had a girlfriend I wish the best for Jillian but she needs to let the creeps go!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by kpuckrin I don't believe you're able to reserve the whole restaurant (I'm not even sure how many people they can accommodate). We've reserved space for 25 people. at the Crown Grill (the steak & seafood place). There is also Sabatini's which is the Italian one. I believe the cover charge is $25 per head. Ok I see. Yeah it is $25 per person. Depending on the amount of people going we may do that or just reserve a spot in one of the dining rooms. We are having a huge AHR so we are saving up for that as well.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J OMG, I would DIE if all my family was guessing my weight!!!!!! DIE!!!! I feel so bad for you! Ditto on this. That is wrong in so many ways. Its about how YOU feel about yourself who cares what others thing. Do this for YOU Chin up!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kpuckrin Hi Scubadiva! I too am sailing on the Ruby Princess in 2010 and will be getting married on St. Thomas. Our ceremony will be taking place on Bluebeard's beach. We've also decided to go with a local wedding coordinator- Leslie of Perfect Weddings of St. Thomas. So far, everything has gone really well. I'm looking forward to setting sail in Jan! We have also made arrangements through Princess to reserve one of the private restaurants on the ship for our reception meal. I will be sure to share our experience with you and any tips I might have after returning from our cruise. That would be great!!! Can I ask how much it was to reserved a private restaurant? I would love to do it but I am not sure its within our budget.
  10. I think I am going to finally invest in a bicycle trailer so we can go on family bike rides. Little spendy but I am sure its worth it!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I feel like such a debbie downer everytime I post in here. But the stress from work and wedding planning has caused me to have serious hives outbreak. Its broken out twice and was almost so bad I had to go to the ER. Im talking so swollen in welts an inch off my skin. On my arms, legs, hips, chest, and back! So Ive been put on a 21 days of steriods. Ive been on it for a few days and can already feel the side effects of insomnia. Now weight gain is a side effect to and find myself wanting to gorge everything in sight. HELP! DEEP BREATH. Take all with strides. Prioritize. See with the wedding planning if you can have someone help you out. It is suppose to be fun so dont stress over it. Your day will be perfect no matter what. Just get yourself healthy. No matter if you loose weight or not your future husband loves you for who you are. Always remember that and we are all here for you. *HUGS*
  12. OMG I just did my first spinning class and WOW. My butt is so sore and they only say it will get worse tomorrow. I guess I need to build up my small butt muscles so when I do more classes it does not hurt as much.....AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  13. OMG I would of smacked that biatch upside the head. Then when its time to do her hair and makeup put your hand out and be like give me $75.00 or I will make you look like a clown, LOL. Im glad the actual "adults" were able to bring her down a level to give back the money. What a snot. UGH
  14. Ok I cant read what you guys have posted since I am behind about an hour on the show. I just have to say my fav guy is the pilot. I dont remember his name but so far he has my vote. David and Juan can kiss my butt She is too good to be with them. Ill join more of the discussion after I finish the episode tonight
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda oh I hear ya lady! Especially w/ my dear MarieSam, she kills me! We are both getting married in the same town which there aren't many of us on here doing it there and we have the same WC so as soon as she finds out something she tells me and what do ya know I have to have it too and rearrange my budget!. My bank account will probably do really well after June 26th when my dear MarieSam should NO LONGER be planning!!!!!!! Evil MarieSam Evil, JK. Its just crazy. I was talking to my FI about OOT bags he goes why dont we make sure we have money for the wedding before we buy this extra stuff. UGH he is right however the Visaprint offers are to good to pass up, hahaha.
  16. I have/had all these wonderful ideas what I want to do. Then I join this thread and get so much more which is great. So I finally settled on my colors and what I think I want to do for my invitations. Well I am fine with my colors however because of all the wonderful invites I see from all you on here makes me so indecisive. Its like I see how I want it then I read posts and my mind goes off in different directions. I thought my STD's were nice but compared to you ladies on here they look cheap .
  17. Im doing a sand, tiffany blue, Caribbean blue, and cream colors. Thanks to the ladies that helped me decide what I want to do
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Melissa~ Nice! How many did you receive if you dont' mind me asking? I ordered 80 at first then I realized I needed more so I ordered another 30. So I recieved 110.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt i LOVE number 1! It is super flattering on you! Not that number 2 isn't, i just like number 1 more - shows off your figure more I agree with this statement
  20. I just have a thing for wedding dresses and earings like #1 so I voted #1
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