Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I feel like such a debbie downer everytime I post in here. But the stress from work and wedding planning has caused me to have serious hives outbreak. Its broken out twice and was almost so bad I had to go to the ER. Im talking so swollen in welts an inch off my skin. On my arms, legs, hips, chest, and back! So Ive been put on a 21 days of steriods.
Ive been on it for a few days and can already feel the side effects of insomnia. Now weight gain is a side effect to and find myself wanting to gorge everything in sight.
HELP! DEEP BREATH. Take all with strides. Prioritize. See with the wedding planning if you can have someone help you out. It is suppose to be fun so dont stress over it. Your day will be perfect no matter what. Just get yourself healthy. No matter if you loose weight or not your future husband loves you for who you are. Always remember that and we are all here for you. *HUGS*