Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel To be honest, I would think his mom would want to make every day available to see her son- I know I would. He was over in another country fighting a WAR! It's not like he just returned from vacation. Maybe she wants to focus on celebrating her son's life and not necessarily divide her attention to look at wedding dresses.
I can see how you would be frustrated and I don't mean to be offensive, but some things are bigger than weddings. Some things are bigger than shopping for dresses. If it is that important to you, then keep your shopping date. Your MIL and FSIL can make the decision if it's really important to them as well. However, I think you should be happy that they like you enough to want to be a part of this experience.
Good luck on whatever you decide, but I just wanted to voice that I don't necessarily think your MIL or FSIL are being unreasonable. I get what you say honestly I do! Most of his time will be spend with his FI and not really family first off and its not like they cant talk to him over the net or on the phone. He is free to call, email, and send letters. He is back for 2 weeks and I know for a fact he wont be home each day. All I was asking for was 2 afternoons and thats it. I scheduled this 3 weeks ago and then get a phone call today to change the dates. I would like them both there but I cant just up and change each thing with my wedding plans.