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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel To be honest, I would think his mom would want to make every day available to see her son- I know I would. He was over in another country fighting a WAR! It's not like he just returned from vacation. Maybe she wants to focus on celebrating her son's life and not necessarily divide her attention to look at wedding dresses. I can see how you would be frustrated and I don't mean to be offensive, but some things are bigger than weddings. Some things are bigger than shopping for dresses. If it is that important to you, then keep your shopping date. Your MIL and FSIL can make the decision if it's really important to them as well. However, I think you should be happy that they like you enough to want to be a part of this experience. Good luck on whatever you decide, but I just wanted to voice that I don't necessarily think your MIL or FSIL are being unreasonable. I get what you say honestly I do! Most of his time will be spend with his FI and not really family first off and its not like they cant talk to him over the net or on the phone. He is free to call, email, and send letters. He is back for 2 weeks and I know for a fact he wont be home each day. All I was asking for was 2 afternoons and thats it. I scheduled this 3 weeks ago and then get a phone call today to change the dates. I would like them both there but I cant just up and change each thing with my wedding plans.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Is FMIL paying for your dress? If she isn't then I would just keep the appointment. If they end up being available that day then fine, and if not that's their choice. No she isnt. What gets me is she will be all upset she cant go and try and make me feel bad.
  3. Now I found out my FMIL wants me to change my dress shopping days because her son Kyle is coming home. He has been overseas in Iraq for 5months and will be home for 2 weeks. Yes its great he is coming home and im excited however I know most the time it will be spend with his FI and not really family. I have paid for a private showing at a boutique and friends that are coming already took off work so they could come. Note this: I have changed my wedding date because of him and now I have to change my dress shopping. If I dont change it my FMIL wont go nor with my FSIL. Why do I have to budge things for my wedding? Im sorry I cant change my shopping days and I know she will be upset about it. What am I suppose to do?
  4. Thanks ladies & gent its so hard at times. I just let the past get the best of me. I know he has never cheated. He told me he loves me with all my heart and he only wants to be with me that is why he gave me a ring. This day just has been horriable and seems to be getting worse and its just not the whole FI thing now. UGH
  5. My fiance asked both my mom and dad plus showed the ring to everyone in our lives that are close. Pretty much I was the last one to see the ring.
  6. First off I hate to admit it but I have jealousy issues. I think its due to my first marriage because I was cheated on soooooooooooo much. The fight I am having not with my FI is... I go to the station to visit him with Annabelle our daughter (would be his soon to be step-daughter). All is well then I go inside so say hi to his partner and there is some new chick sitting in a chair and gives me that look up and down. Call me crazy but it was the look of "oh that is your fiancé".....Anyways we go outside and I said "you have a ride along today?" He goes "yes, and she has the hots for me" Um yeah dont tell me that. So right then I start getting jealous. He goes dont worry she knows Im engaged. Ok thats great but was the look she gave me necessary Well lastnight I found out she has his number and called him asking when he works in July so she can schedule another ride along with him and his other partner. I was not to happy. My heart sank. He has plenty of girlfriends and just adding more will make my heart sink. My FI has this thing about him where he can just be so charming. I dont want to push him away but at the same time I dont want to sit back and just let these girls that just walk into his life to sit and flirt with him. Feedback Im scared really am scared. Im in tears typing this!!!!
  7. I dont think its bad luck at all. Im trying to find a great condition King Size bedroom set for cheap and I could careless if its used. If you like it take it! The less you spend the more you save
  8. The dress looks really really good on you! Whooo HOOO
  9. That is what it will cost me for........ "I am offering the free engagement session with the purchase of the wedding day or in your case reception day + boudoir package. For reception only I would charge $250. That would include... -2 photographer -Coverage for the entire reception -copyrights -CD of all photos -Printing options available with me -2 photographers (both ladies for the boudoir) For the boudoir session I would charge $125." Im so excited here is her blog site. whitney e photographee I found her on Craigslist
  10. Ive done SOOOOOOOOOO good and I hope after this I will continue to shed the way I have been able to lately! Its all about what you eat and staying active. Keeping your mind on the goal and not stress will shed the pounds off. I have learned how to keep in my "weight loss" zone to maximize shedding the inches/pounds.
  11. veggies-not fan but need them
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 The session is maybe 20 minutes and your legs get a pretty good burn. After about 2 weeks doing it often I began seeing results. I have a friend who is a dance teacher and she told me about it and she never raves about exercise equipment. You do it everyday? Ive been running and working out just need to tighten up a bit more Does it help the crater butt also?? hehehe
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by cbecker Thanks ladies my dress is a BCBG dress that I bought at Macys. I bought if for two reasons one to get my engagement pictures done in and two to wear at a wedding that my fiance was in. Scubadiva yes I do work at HealthEast. I work at the new clinic in Eagan! I am a lab lead there. Small world:) Ah I was thinking you worked at Healtheast as like a Paramedic or EMT. My fiance is a Paramedic and started his career with Healtheast and now has moved to a differant company closer to home.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR oh i know! and i saw that one of the sisters signed him up. i totally see them as the type to sign him up just to promote his music, so then of course they're going to lie as well about the gf. I totally see it to. If he gets rich they get rich. They win.....
  15. Another thing I want to add is that I am loosing all respcect for jillian. She has let go some great guys and kept some loosers. I mean it may be differant when you are on the show since they like to twist things but OMG. Ugh im still hooked and I still need to watch till the end. My fiance was so annoying lastnight he looked up who went home before I got to finish it so he was rubbing it in my face when I had 30mins of the show left. UGH
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by cbecker Here is the link to my engagement pictures take in St. Thomas Virgin Islands on Magens Bay. Our photographer was Gary Felton. Enjoy! email address [email protected] Enter Email Totally off topic. Do you work at healtheast? My Fiance use to be a paramedic there..... BTY LOVE the pics. Thank you for letting me see the beach where I will be married since I have not seen it in person, LOL.
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