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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. I would not need them for a few months however I was wondering if anyone would let me borrow their stiletto or sexy high heeled shoes for my BD shoot. I would pay for shipping and all that. I would only use them for the shoot. I really dont have the right shoes for a BD shoot and I dont want to pay for shoes that I probably wont wear again. I can wear a size 8-8.5 I would ship them back the next day after the shoot. Again It wont be for awhile but im just trying to get a head start! Thanks in advance!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jennie Your stories are all so sweet! My FI was a regular client at the hair salon that I work in and we knew mutual friends. I'm the jokster with the twisted type of humor that is very blunt at work and so is he. Only thing is he comes across as being very cocky, but he's not. Anyways, I had ...don't laugh.... a pair of tickets to see Bon Jovi last year in Boston, Mass and the friend that was suposed to go backed out, etc. I had no one to go with. Jessie overheard and suggested that he invite himself and I kept saying... oh, well so and so may go, I'll let you know. I ended up calling him at the last minute(the day of) to go and he was the last person to ask. We went and I thought it would be awekward in the car for so long, but it wasn't. The show and Boston in general was great. While walking in the street of Boston he quietly went for it: held my hand. It felt so natural and from that day...exactly 1 year from today.... we have never been apart at all. Not one night. Actualy, I have to get off this computer soon because we're going back to Boston tonight for a dinner cruise on the harbor and the Tall Ships are there to see for our 1 year aniversary. In just a few weeks we will be married in Jamaica. I can't wait. As he said, I'm a girl version of him (but more girl "evil"lol than him) and I guess that's what he was looking for: to date himself! lol Nice LOL. My man can be a totally chic so I joke Im the man in the relationship and he's my chic
  3. I actually found someone off craigslist that is doing my BD for only 125.00 and that includes all copyrights. I dont know how I will do the book but I got a great photographer for a great price. She is even looking into a hotel for an hour or two for now charge Good luck!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I'm with you Stacey - if someone hosts Season 7 I really want in! I'd host it, but then I can'd do the challenge can I? Ann played along with BL6
  5. Well for my extra rolls I got my SPAX in the mail today plus a nice strapless bra I can use when I try on dresses. Im so excited!!!
  6. Jaq you look AWESOME. I wish I could wear a bikini but I cant. Just some access skin that aint too pretty kwim? Congrats!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by budgetjamaicabride THAT'S MY BL BUDDY! WAHOO! You rock my world... you have been so incredibly motivated and motivating! I am sooooo proud of you. You deserve it! Thanks Bev!!!I got your message. I will try and call you a bit later to chat
  8. I want all of you to know I did not cheat once! I believe in Karma and what comes around goes around! That is why I am posting some pics so you can see Im not altering anything. I am sorry if any of you think that at all. I love this board and I would not do anything ever to jepordize my membership here. I had to get that off my chest!
  9. I went from a size 16 to a size 12 almost 10. I have loose skin from my weight loss when in return comes from pregnancy. I dont think I will be able to wear a two-piece however I will feel better in a swimsuit. My goal is to be 9/10 so I have some work to do however I want to focus more on toning now loosing. Im trying to find my before shots! I have my camera at work so I could take a few photos quick in the gym that I worked out in everyday
  10. I would like to give the top three something. Can I do that? Like 2nd place $75.00 3rd place $50.00? Cause we all did so good....
  11. HOLY COW OMG. I just shat my pants! Im shaking!!! I will be glad to be the next upkeeper I wont participate ill just encourage. I will take some photos and have them posted in the next day or two. 20% sounds huge I thought it was less than that but I could be wrong!
  12. Tara-We invited about 230 people. I highly doubt all will go but our STD's had our reception info on there as-well. Im thinking we will have about 30people booked for the cruise.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ OMG, ok...I rofl'd when I read this! DH does that exact same thing to me ALL THE TIME lmao. I always thought it was just one of his little weird quirks but maybe it's a guy thing? haha I love it though! Great thread! Nope I guess we both got the weirdo's Kidding. His totally nerdy/goofy side always gets me. I do have to say though when he is in uniform for the fire dept I cant keep my hands off him. I think it was pretty noticeable at the fireworks, oops! Gosh I love all these stories! Keep them coming! I love to hear how all of us BDW knew that man we are marrying/married was the one
  14. I did the SHD and HOLY COW did that work. My body feels sooooo much better now. I feel lighter and not so icky all the time inside if you KWIM. I have lost some good weight and I think I plan on sticking around what I am because if I keep loosing the weight at the rate I am going I dont think its that healthy in the long run. I mean Ive been eating right and exercising. I think im going to focus now more on toning up than loosing so I am sure after a few weeks my weight will come up but it will be from muscle
  15. I have not seen this posted yet and I am sure it has but its always fun to find out when you knew he was the one. I had a long day and was getting very frustrated fast. I was trying to get Annabelles room together since she was with her father and that was the only time I could get things done. Adam kept on bugging me and bugging me. I gave him the signal meaning I need space. He left for a few minutes came back. OMG I almost peed my pants. He came prancing in Annabelles room with red boxers and his black Nike socks pulled all the way up singing "If you want my body and you think Im sexy come on girl let me know". He made my day and I knew he was a keeper.
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