Quote: Originally Posted by jennie Your stories are all so sweet!
My FI was a regular client at the hair salon that I work in and we knew mutual friends. I'm the jokster with the twisted type of humor that is very blunt at work and so is he. Only thing is he comes across as being very cocky, but he's not.
Anyways, I had ...don't laugh.... a pair of tickets to see Bon Jovi last year in Boston, Mass and the friend that was suposed to go backed out, etc. I had no one to go with. Jessie overheard and suggested that he invite himself and I kept saying... oh, well so and so may go, I'll let you know. I ended up calling him at the last minute(the day of) to go and he was the last person to ask. We went and I thought it would be awekward in the car for so long, but it wasn't. The show and Boston in general was great. While walking in the street of Boston he quietly went for it: held my hand. It felt so natural and from that day...exactly 1 year from today.... we have never been apart at all. Not one night. Actualy, I have to get off this computer soon because we're going back to Boston tonight for a dinner cruise on the harbor and the Tall Ships are there to see for our 1 year aniversary. In just a few weeks we will be married in Jamaica. I can't wait.
As he said, I'm a girl version of him (but more girl "evil"lol than him) and I guess that's what he was looking for: to date himself! lol
Nice LOL. My man can be a totally chic so I joke Im the man in the relationship and he's my chic