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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Im also using WTIW however we did have a bit of a miss understanding. We had to change our wedding date because of a family member who is in the Army do the one we have now. We did the switch awhile ago however I called a couple weeks ago and turns out the date we have our date set on is Good Friday and the courts will not open for us. If we would of known that when we first switched to that date more than a few months ago we would of made sure we came in on a day the courts were open. So legally we cannot get married in St. Thomas
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 i voted for #2 as well! #1 seems a tad too short. I was thinking the same thing!
  3. I agree with hockeymom. She shouldnt be too upset about you telling us she was crying its not like you are giving details of things that have TMI, KWIM? She knows you care and for her to have that emotion she cares. If she was a bit upset about posting that I would talk to her and say how much we love you and love to hear about you two. Maybe set some boundaries so it doesnt happen again? We all want the best for you
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Damn, youtube removed the video... You have to sign in I believe so you can see it. People under the age of 18 are not suppose to see it however I believe people who do drive should see this! Huge wake up call!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dolfinluck Scary but gets the message across. my company (i work for a market research company) did a study on the video a couple of weeks ago and did a followup study to it and the good thing was that 85% of ppl that watched it stated they reduced the amount of texts while driving after viewing I did for sure!!!!! My FI sees the after math of accidents like this and its not pretty. PAINTING NAILS WTF.
  6. I got all dresses http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t48530
  7. UPDATE: My BM agreed to make the sash the same color as the dress so she wont be sticking out YAY. They are being ordered as we speak. They expect them in about the beginning of February! WOOT WOOT
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by luciel2820 I just saw the 5th dress (with the yellow sash) where did you get that dress, it is absolutely beautiful, or the style, i have fallen in love lol Alfred Angelo... Find the perfect Wedding Dress, Bridesmaid Dress, Prom Dress, Flower Girl Dress or Mother of the Bride Dress at Alfred Angelo. Its an Alfred Angelo. Im sure you can find is somewhere! The sash comes in all colors to match!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Did you ask about diff sash options?? The dress is beautiful - just the sash color is a bit out of place! Im talking to my BM on the phone now about changing the color of sash to another color blue or the same color as the dess. There is 55 differant colors
  10. I stopped them ordering it today so I could talk to the BM about it. I hope she doesnt get upset, ugh
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride OOohhhhh...LOVE it Holly!!! Is your MOH wearing the dress with the yellow sash?? No. If it was her dress I would be ok with it!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride They are very pretty Holly. Somehow I feel very relaxed & calmed while looking at them!! Beautiful colors! My fav is the last one, the one with the straps & the gathered bust and waist. But I'm all about the V neck & showing some cleav! That also is my Fav. The back is even better Jasmine Bridal
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by t&kJanuary2010 Very nice...the second is my favorite. Any idea what price point? I have 6 BM too and I am trying to keep the cost of the dress below $100. Any ideas Also this weekened we are going to look for suits for my FI...anyone have any ideas there? The dresses my girls picked our are priced from 140-215. The cheapest place I would say would be a Davids Bridal. However I know they can have some expensive ones!
  14. WTFlyingF. What kind of Facken Balls does this girl have. She in know way needs to know what is going on in your life and obviously try and pry it out of you that you will invite her cause that is how it sounded. You really need to talk to your "friend" who seems to blowing crap off. NOT COOL! *hugs*
  15. One of the dresses has a yellow sash. Some how I need to figure out a creative way to add those colors to either 2 others or all other BM's. Suggestions
  16. Well she better join soon to start a DW Im so happy for you guys!
  17. It would be fun to do it across the board. Some that I did are Favorite Candy Your favorite Xmas movie (around xmas) Funny animal saying (the pics with the animals and the funny captions)
  18. I did that on another forum. It is so much fun!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 I only ask this because I dont know, how would it be much differant being at a resort? If its the number of days. What if your BM made the trip to what island you are getting married at and make it a long weekend or something. I know they wont be with you on your whole trip, but then at least they could be at the wedding. I dont know just a thought! Ive told them they can just fly down to St. Thomas and be there for the wedding and just have a mini vacation of there own. The problem is one is saving up for a car another for a home and so on. Would you be upset if you could only where the dress at the AHR and not be in the actual wedding itself? I mean I could do a small wedding here but what is the point of a wedding on the beach if I do something here kwim?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 Thanks for all the support with the dress-buying. I'm heading out again tonight for another go at it, and I've liked a lot of the dresses on their website so here's hoping! And of course you know I'll post if I do find one Good luck to LOTS of pics. My last 2 BM are shopping with me tonight after work!
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