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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Kat I saw you are close so vibes are going out to you good luck. I also enjoying this thread even though I came across this couple times. I HEART babies.
  2. YAY for finding a job in your field that is awesome. Glad to see you pop in!
  3. WOW its looks great! Cant wait to see it after its altered!
  4. I would def call them. That is just not right. I hope it goes away fast!
  5. Yeah he is cute and all but I still may get sucked in!
  6. Awww Cougs you brough tears to my eyes. This is what we are here for not just wedding planning but building realationships that will last. I wish you and your family the best of luck while your dad fights this cancer.
  7. Oh gosh I would flip a lid. Are they going to composite you for anything? I would think sending the sample will get it right this time!
  8. Well he put up a fit and I let him wear the light jeans oh and he forgot his nice brown shoes so he wore tennis shoes, UGH men. I hope they are ok!
  9. Hey question for ladies and gents. My FI and I are having our engagement session bight and early tomorrow and need advice. Its kind of silly but I dont want the picks to look funny. If I wore dark jeans and FI wore light would that look ok or should we try and both stick with dark jeans? We are not wearing matching shirts or anything I just thought it may look funny with different colored washed jeans. Thanks in advance!
  10. Happy Wedding Day hun! I wish you all the best! I know you will be a beautiful bride. Enjoy YOUR BIG DAY! I guess Im one day early but o'well Im excited for you! WOOT WOOT! Ill be thinking of you than today AND tomorrow
  11. Now thinking over it I probably wouldnt do the H1N1 however my daughter did get her regular flu shot today. A is a paramedic so he comes in contact with all sorts of stuff you never know what he may have clinging to him. He is very good about washing and things but again Id rather be proactive!
  12. Drum roll please............................................ ......Hit it Marcus Who won?
  13. Ive been bad on not talking to much on the April brides thread but Ill pop in here! I just starting doing Jilliam Micheal's 30day shred and I LOVE IT. My calfs hurt but in a good way. I cant believe we are under the 6month mark im want to scream and pull my hair out at the same time. Im wanting to loose 20lbs and Ill be set Good luck to you ladies and Ill try and check in more!
  14. So I guess business has picked up and now her prices are $1500 and up. I contacted her to make sure my price is still standing and of course it is!!!! I got one heck of a deal!
  15. Looks like loads of fun! Congrats on being a paper wifey
  16. Nothing FI has reported feels the same. Only thing is that his arm hurt but that is what usually happens.
  17. I am getting my daughter vaccinated with this when it comes in. She is getting the H1N1 and the flu. I will just getting the flu one. Id feel bad also if she got sick and I never got her vaccinated. My FI since he is a paramedic he got both shots and since he is around sick people I would rather be proactive!
  18. Not cool at all. I hope everyone sees this before they order ANYTHING from her! Not a good way to run business. The worst customer you could piss off is a future bride!
  19. ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT TO VOTE. Come on ladies and gents lets make Jean-Marcus #1
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