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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Thanks ladies. SO far its working out. We went to the venue today and actually saw the venue set up as a ceremony/reception and it looked great. We no longer will have a DW theme it will be more classy/modern. Our colors are ocean blues (since the BMs dresses are ordered) and blacks. I just notified our BMs and GMs and the ones that could make the cruise are excited to be in the actually ceremony now. This will be great because we will have more family and friends surrounding us on our special day!
  2. I will be a DW Bride by heart. I want to start by giving a HUGE thank you to the SB ladies. You have been nothing but supportive and sweet during this tough time. Due to finances FI and I will be getting married back home in MN. Thankfully the cruise is already paid for so we at least have our honeymoon. So by staying home and having the wedding here it saves us thousands of dollars. With that being said I still plan to participate in the forum and continue the friendships I have made! I started a bulk pashima order which I still will be doing since I would like to order them for my BM's, my mom, and FMIL. To all others thanks for all the advice you have given me. This forum is such a great way to get to know such sweet B2B's and Mrs. Thanks Tammy and all the mods for what you do!
  3. I hate to see these threads! Good luck with the claim! I bought off here before and it was smooth! Just be cautious that is all I can advise!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Joseph, are you able to tell me the difference between the colors: PA-002 and PA-003? It may be just my pc but I can't really tell if there is a huge difference! Thanks a bunch, Scubadiva, I'm assuming there hasn't been a deadline set? I've kinda been MIA lately! I said Nov 30th but if it slows down I might close it earlier than that.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by handbagscentral With the current 11/30 deadline that would be no problem at all Thank you sooo much for jumping in and helping with this
  6. Good luck tomorrow Kat. Im sending you labor vibes!!
  7. If it slows done I may just set an earlier deadline! I want at least a couple weeks so other B2B's can get on this!
  8. If they ship to me yes cause I would ship them to you as a "gift". That should work.
  9. Thanks for posting that is great! As for what is needed in an email. How many of pashimas you want with the style number I will need your address so either I can ship them or the vendor can ship them. If I need anything else from you I will email you back.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Actually I feel really relaxed.. Maybe because I have a plan now? I am not sure. It feels kinda weird having it plannned out because I have been so anxious about when/how she would arrive. So, knowing I have to show up at the hospital at a certain time makes it so strange to me. You never know she may just come on her own since she knows there is an eviction notice out there for her
  11. Alright here is the email I recieved. So the more we order the better. Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I will offer you the discount we give for mixed assortments, but will let you specify the colors and quantites for each. I will also start you guys off at the first discount level of 3.75, which normally takes 100 pcs to reach. Here is the breakdown normal wholesale price for 1-99 = 3.95 0-249 = 3.75 250-499 = 3.55 500-999 = 3.25 1000+ = 3.00 The prints are more. The normal wholesale price is 5.95 with 5.75, 5.00, and 4.75. What i will do to make it easier to keep track of for you is add up all the print and solid scarves you order together to get one amount for discount purposes, and for any of the scarves that are print I will just add 1.25 which is a really good deal and better than the normal print quantity discount. Since no ones getting married in the next two months lets have a deadline of ordering and payments the end of November. That gives newbies and others time to see this thread! So payments and orders need to be emailed to me at [email protected]. At this time DO NOT send payments I will be setting up a paypal account just for this! I will update later with the paypal address and how much the order will be. NOTE: It will only take about a week to ship to me. If your order is over 25 I believe they can ship it directly to you. If your order is under 25 and you live in Canada I will have them ship items to me and than I will ship them to you. I will use flat rate boxes so shipping could be from $5-$10 a box depending on how many you order.
  12. I would like to place the order next month. Still waiting on the responce from the company if I dont hear anything today I will call tomorrow!
  13. I love this thread. Can I stuff my shirt with a pillow so I can be 'In"? HEHEHE
  14. Oh Kelly sorry to hear about your little one but glad she is getting better!
  15. HAHAHA. Yeah FI had the ring for like 3months before he popped the question. He actually picked up the ring when he was working and his partner tried it on. Then when they got to the station his partner was like look what A bought. Yeah the ladies freaked and put their paws on it. After we got engaged I gave them a hard time but I could care less. The way I look at it they are just jealous
  16. Keep us updated I went in to get induced and next thing you know I was contracting and I didnt even know it. I thought I just had cramps. 10hrs later Annabelle . Enjoy your baby bump!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I'm still here and still fat lol OH Kat not fat at all. You are beautiful! Did they say where they think the baby is at weight?
  18. Kat, how are you doing anything yet?
  19. One of the other BW's has those in Black. Great color and shoe choice!
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