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Everything posted by *HOLLY*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Ok Hols, lol we will have Cougs as our official winner, and you are our "unofficial" winner!! hahaha Sweet :WOOT: cougs! Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Hols I am still trying to get my hands on HcG, having a hard time up here... haha I could always order it and ship it to you
  2. LOL linds! Ok Cougs should be the winner cause I weighed myself a different time. I really only truly lost 3lbs
  3. Its based off % lost not lbs for a winner I think am I right Tash?
  4. Mrs- Heather B2B- Future Mrs. Griffith I think I got that right. Good luck ladies!!!!!
  5. I like them alot. This is your day who cares what others think if you like it go for it!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by budgetjamaicabride I am not in the contest this time but I lost two pounds this week and my EA Active game on my Wii kicked my butt and quads with some serious squats and lunges! Keep it up girls! Way to go BEV that is awesome!! I lost 3lbs. I weighed myself earlier not right away so not only did I loose 3lbs I lost an addt'l 3 because I weighed myself last time at like 11:30pm, hahaha. So tech only 3lbs here.
  7. THat is horrible. I hope its not anything serious. Your health is more important than anything hang in there!
  8. Nice Cougs I love it! I need to hope on the eliptical here soon!
  9. Manders go get drunk in paradise for me!!!!! Hey ladies didnt weigh myself this morning will have to do tonight.
  10. I would be kind of mean also with lots of chicks in one household that is DRAMA waiting. They want us to fall in love with some girls and hate others. That is what sucks us in.
  11. 2lbs a week is doable!!!! Just stay focused watch what you eat and continue to work out everyday!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 Scubadiva-A friend of mine saw the spoiler on some website... She told me who the Top 3 are as well as who he chooses... I also saw one with the top 3 but again the one I read stated Ella would be set home but she wasnt. So crossing my fingers the spoiler I read is wrong on who he chooses!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Ginalyn Thank goodness he gave Michelle the boot! That kiss had no emotion, you could tell he didn't really want to kiss her! I could not watch it without gagging. "Im going home" "Do you want me to go home?" "I will stay if you want me to" LOL Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 The spoilers I have recived are panning out so far....If he chooses who I was told, HE IS AN IDIOT! I wonder what one you saw The one I read stated Ella would be sent home and she wasnt Quote: Originally Posted by *Nadine* Ang- Jake was sent home last season b/c whatsherface thought he was fake and not acting himself.. and he kept saying 'this is the real me' - aka a girl in a mans body. Yeah Jillian thought he was fake and too go to be true thing.
  14. Jake was "the good guy" Jillian sent home. He came back after he got booted off to tell Jillian that Wes had a girlfriend back home. I am just happy the spoiler I got was wrong tonight so there is hope in the end!
  15. CRAZY chic is gone YAYAYAYAYAY. After reading the spoiler one thing didnt come out of it. So I dont know if the spoiler is true now......
  16. Just watched the video I am beyond pissed they did not kick him off the team for such a cheap shot. Growing up with 3 hockey brothers seeing this kind of BS is just wrong. What are they thinking. I mean come on.....Yeah kicked off and banned from the NHL!
  17. Crap Tash that is horrible. Def in my thoughts and prayers!!!!
  18. Welcome Welcome. Congrats Enjoy planning
  19. Weird ankles and feet hurting odd. Hopefully they will get better soon! I pretty much was sick to my tummy most of the day. I know its weird to say but thankfully I was so busy at work I hardly noticed how crappy I felt. Another week of lunch workouts coming up!
  20. I remember my first spin class I needed a donut to sit down LOL
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride That's awesome Hol!!! Seriously, it will really deter you from eating that kind of stuff now!! The same thing happened to me with smoking - I really cut back a lot & then basically quit. I will still have a few "puffs" of a smoke if I am drinking & around someone smoking, but anymore than like 2 puffs & I'm sick - it's a really good deterrent!!! : That is really good! So happy you quite! Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette P.S. Im super anxious to get my ticker to move. Me too!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Malisa Hols - well that will keep you on track:) I know. I am not shy of eating the crap I had lastnight!
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