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Everything posted by scottgm2

  1. has anyone made their own wedding postage stamps if so would like to find out how this is done. want to do my own mailable stamps with my logo.
  2. you do really nice work. I'm sure the template are nice but don't have enough points yet to get what I need.
  3. how the photobook business going can we see pictures of your work
  4. wish I could see these don't have enough points to open all the templates. can pictures of each template be posted
  5. love your shoes, you did such a great job on everything. I'm sure your guest will be extremely happy
  6. love these I thought about trying to get all the bridesmaid together because so of them don't know each other and have a lunch. This helps alot.
  7. thanks for the site for the cd box. Love the idea will look into ordering these unless someone already have a template.
  8. well you have given me a lot to think about. I want to do m&m's but I never thought about buying them now or after easter. that will be a big saving for me. thanks so much for this thread
  9. look very professional, do they come off easy, is it a problem to sit with the stones on your butt of the bikini
  10. nice, love the idea of your daughter helping you, I'm sure she is excited to tell everyone she helped with her dress
  11. love your design, do we know what size the circle cut is. Would love to try and make these for all my mailouts
  12. you did a great job, I'm going to oriental trading to see if I can find the circle punch. thanks so much for the info
  13. keep in mind that you head count will probally change get it that far in advance. things will come up and people will have to change their plans. Keep in mind when you get your head count that it may not be exact
  14. love the card for the special dresses and the guest book. did you make templates for those.
  15. great info, I like the thanks you / in loving memory , but I may seperate the two
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