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Everything posted by midnight24

  1. lavanilla - vanilla coconut! i love it, and it's all natural...smells so good...perfect for a destination wedding
  2. my FI knows how much i weigh, it doesn't really matter anyways...it's a number...it doesn't reflect who i am as a person. we try to help motivate each other to make positive changes in our life. i recently studied and became a holistic nutritionist. i did that to benefit my own ongoing health issues. i don't like to focus as much on the number on the scale as i do to how i feel and what i eat. i think if you make realistic nutrition choices, work out a few times a week, then the scale should reflect that. if it doesn't then you may have more serious health issues to consider. also...in a marriage keeping secrets as small as they are isn't really necessary or healthy. be proud of who you are.
  3. i absolutely think #1 looks the best from the front & back on you. the sweetheat neckline really makes a huge impact compared to the other 2 in my opinion! the shape of the dress seems to flatter you more as well. who is the designer?
  4. i really like the oot bags & gifts you put in them. this is more my style than some of the other ideas i've seen people do. thanks for sharing.
  5. for you to truly decide if something is a good price when it comes to photography...is look at their portfolio of pictures. do they have experience doing doing wedding photos? are they using your photos for their portforlio as well?
  6. very cute! interesting too...i haven't seen any like that before. just curious...your pre-wedding AHR...how did you word that on the invite?
  7. i agree with everyone else...stunning dress! yes, you will be hot, but i think in any destination...no matter what you wear you will be hot. **great tip about the honey dust*** i am sooooooooo getting that!
  8. wow stunning photos. i loved your dress. you guys both looked like you had fun taking those photos!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by taimeaka16 Nice!! I love Maggie Dresses so do i! all my top choices were maggie dresses, except 1!
  10. you look so happy and beautiful! congrats on being a mrs and having your dream wedding day.
  11. great photos you both look so happy...congrats! we are hoping to have our wedding at the same place. i really liked your flowers. did you bring a photo and show them what you wanted, or was that something they did for you?
  12. love the centerpieces...and the guest book. i wasn't aware of that website, i totally just saved it for future reference! thanks for sharing!
  13. def don't pick jamaica if you have gay guests attending. mexico is very gay friendly. i don't know a lot about other resorts, but we are looking to have ours at the gran bahia principe - riveria maya. i know they have a gazebo on the tulum side. i'm pretty sure you can walk with heels down the isle there, but you may want to double check. it's all inclusive, lots of bars, restaurants and you have access to all 3 resorts (akumal, coba & tulum). you can also book a poolside reception for the evening and a dinner as well.
  14. i say oct or feb only because the weather won't be as humid as the summer months. plus if you want to have a reception at home afterwards it's off season and will probably be less money. i am planning a spring wedding and i had no idea that may/june were so popular for weddings and receptions. i know what you're thinking...how could i not know but until i got engaged i really didn't know anything wedding related. i wish i picked a different time of year to get married but work priorities are a factor for us.
  15. i loved "A" the best! it seems like a classic style that they could wear again too!
  16. i nearly had a heart attack when i noticed the price but if you're going for it...i say #3...silver goes with everything!
  17. my dog is part cocker spaniel & minature poodle. that pic was when she was a puppy probably about 5/6lbs. she's about 16lbs now and still cute!
  18. i voted closer church, can't stand sitting on a bus. i have the worlds smallest bladder and the thought of being stuck on a bus, with no washroom for 50 mins...possibly more in traffic etc...would stress me out!
  19. looks great...congrats! i will have to keep this in mind for my wedding!
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