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Everything posted by midnight24

  1. there's so many great places in mexico to get married. check prices to see what you feel comfortable for you & your guests. also check the costs for the wedding packages. some resorts offer free ones, but they may be higher in costs per person for the week. do you want to get married right on the beach, do you want something more private? do you know how many people might attend? read the wedding reviews on here, there's lots of valuable info. we're getting married at the gran bahia principe - riviera maya. we're been there 2x before so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  2. ours is april 23 @ tulum gazebo...i think 4pm we're having dinner at one of the coba al la cartes and i'm still deciding on a poolside reception trying to figure out how many people are actually coming!
  3. well from the sounds of it you are not alone. we asked our parents before we got engaged if they would be ok with us having a DW. they said yes so we started the planning. about 3 months into the planning we had FI's dad say we should just elope and a few other people made comments along the way. so far only 6 of us are booked. both of our parents. the way i see it...it's our day this is how we wanted to get married. we invited everyone and if they come great...if they don't they miss a good time. we are having a AHR now even though we weren't planning on it originally. my parents were pushing for it more than his...so they are helping with the costs. my brother eloped 5yrs ago and never invited us so i kind of want my parents to get the full wedding experience too. one thing i've learned in the whole process is everyone has an opinion and everyone has something to complain about. do what is best for you....and have fun.
  4. how fun! that must have been such an amazing surprise. you have a great group of friends/family!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 There is a place on Fairview, just west of Walkers Line. It's called Goodness Me Home Online. It in an older plaza on the north side that has Cora and Midnight Sun Tanning in it. Goodness me is tucked in the east corner of the plaza so it can be easily missed. If you ever travel to Oakville, there is a Whole Foods Market: Natural and Organic Grocery which is a great place to go. Its right near the south side of the Oakville GO station. oh great thanks for letting me know about goodness me.
  6. your photos are stunning...congrats on your wedding. you look beautiful! loved your flowers too!
  7. No one in our wedding party has booked yet either, although ours is 5 months away. My theory is...they are invited if they don't go or have the decency to tell me...their loss. I am not going to let myself get too stressed about who goes or who doesn't. Our parents will be there and my FI that's all I care about. If it really bothers you just ask or send a quick email reminder.
  8. we booked 6 months in advance. i reserved the date with the resort 8 months in advance and they said to hold it i had to give them a travel booking confirmation # within 3 months. we found a good price so we are happy with that.
  9. will the sash stay in place and not slip down when they walk? i like the colour combo...will be fun in photos!
  10. First off...relax. It's just the flight there. I have been on so many flights were I couldn't sit next to my travel companions either. Yes sitting next to the bathroom sucks I've been there many of times so I understand. I never know why a TA tells people they can pick there seats ahead of time, because anytime I have been told that is when I have the most problems. Just remember DW's are suppose to be stressfree...just enjoy the trip and don't sweat the small details. In the end you will be at the same place as all the people you love. Take the time on the flight to nap because you be so busy socializing with everyone all week. Nothing wrong with a little 'me' time. Congrats on your upcoming wedding.
  11. I went online and found old funny photos of bridesmaids from different eras and got the pics printed up and made cards for my friends. I also wrote each one (4 in total) a letter and told them how important they were to me and reminded them of a funny story from our past and that we would pay for their dresses as a gift to them then I mailed them out. They were all surprised because I led on for about 2 months after we got engaged that we hadn't made any decisions about plans yet, even though I was planning to ask them all along! A couple girls said they even cried it was so sweet and they were so suprised. Even my one friends husband told me she was so touched she cried...and that it meant a lot to her. I said well it's not everyday you get to tell your friends how important they are to you and what an impact they have had on your life...i figured now was a good time.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Oh really? Where abouts? We're across the road from the Burlington Mall. Very handy. lol. appleby/upper middle area!
  13. we told all our guests that 'guests' were welcome to the destination wedding but only invited guests to our at home reception. i just asked they keep us informed on how many 'extra' people will be going on the trip. i know not everyone is going so if a few extra people show up we don't know i don't mind...it is a destination wedding at a resort with a bunch of strangers anyways!
  14. we picked after april after easter so the costs would be a little cheaper. we figured everyone is broke in january after xmas, february i can't get time off work cuz of the olympics, march was family/spring breakers...so april. we are getting married on a friday because we have to be there for 4 full business days to have a legal ceremony. so we are flying out sunday-to sunday. that way we have a day to recover/relax after the wedding before we go home.
  15. ha....love that you used landshark beer! your guests will love these invites!
  16. congrats i'm a coba bride to be too. april 23rd! enjoy the planning.
  17. every resort i've ever been to has had topless women on the beach. in europe it is normal, just remind your guests that other tourists are from around the world and it's common. it's not a huge deal. my FI and I always play the 'speedo & boob' game on vacation. usually the amount of men wearing speedos outweighs the topless women...in case you're betting drinks on it...haha!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Midnight, we used the menu from Portifino and it was good. For the main entre the options were chicken or salmon. I'm sure they would add on a plain pasta dish to accomidate the food alergies. thanks for letting me know. i'll keep this in mind. oh i just noticed your from burlington...we are moving there in Dec!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by BahiaBride16 We choose the Medditerranean Restaurant and the 2 dishes that our guests could choose from were a Linguine Pasta (vegetarian, and everyone thought it was delicious, including me!) and Lemon chicken, which our guests raved about! Also for our soup I choose the Cream of garlic (which sounds weird) but it was a total hit, I dont think anyone had a complaint about it! And Tiramisu for dessert which was also yummy :-) Everyone was very impressed with this restaurant menu! ok, this makes me feel a little better about the pasta meal then knowing others had that as an option and people enjoyed it. i'll keep in mind the medditerranean restaurant. thanks for your help!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by BahiaBride16 Yeah I found the little details are what made our wedding a little unique :-) The balloons did cost extra (I ordered them so at the end of the ceremony, we could do a balloon release). It only cost $60usd for 30 balloons and the wedding planners set everything up. They also used the extra balloons at our private cocktail party which looked awesome! As for the flowers hanging from the gazeboo that was all included in our wedding package and turned out so beautiful! I did bring the cake topper with me and asked them to put it on our cake for us :-) Also if you like my cake topper I can send it to you if you just want to pay for the shipping, its still in perfect condition! Goodluck with your planning!! thanks for letting me know about the balloons and the flowers. good to know! do you have another pic of your cake topper so I can see it a little better? thanks!
  21. i was told we could choose from 4 restaurants at the coba side for our dinner. i'm having a hard time picking a menu because myself and 3 other guests have food allergies that will be attending. they all range (one being seafood, one chicken, one beef and another all meat/poultry). when i spoke with karla she suggested a pasta dish. i'm vegetarian so i wouldn't complain...but i'm pretty sure all my meat-eater guests would complain. has anyone had an all pasta dinner at any of the 4 coba restaurants? or has anyone had any luck with maybe paying extra to accommodate those with food allergies and the rest of the guests eating a set meal? i'm still unsure how many guests will be coming on the trip for our wedding but i'm thinking it is over 20 for sure.
  22. thanks for sharing your review. as time goes on and i'm getting closer to my date i'm actually thinking more about the little details. for the decorations at the gazebo...did you pay extra for the balloons & set up? did you bring your own cake topper? oh i'm also glad to hear someone say positive things about the resort photographer. your pics look fun and you look beautiful.
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