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Everything posted by midnight24

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Cheri Thanks so much for sharing this!! I'm going to see if I can have a ring made with my children's prints. Love this idea!! no problem! i found this linked on another website last week. i just ordered my FI's ring yesterday. i told him about it and he's excited too. it's special & unique...especially having your kids fingerprints on it!
  2. ha i think we can all relate to the trial & tribulations on the pathway to better health, fitness & nutrition. thanks for sharing!
  3. i wish i had read this thread earlier. i was just ate sephora on my lunch break looking at foundation/primer and wondering what was good. i'll have to check out smashbox again.
  4. i had laser done almost 5yrs ago now in TO at pure med spa Pure Med Spa: Med Spa Home. i did my underarm, lip/chin and bikini. i did about 8-10 sessions, over the space of a year. it cost me about $5000 total. i found it to be extremely painful, i even tried the numbing creams (so add more to the cost it was about $50 for a small a tube (prices may be different now). you can't be out in the sun at all, you can't wax or pluck, only shave and you have to wait at least 6wks for your next appointment. i was never 'smooth' anywhere after treatments. the hair has grown back. the bikini area still comes in but not as thick. the underarm is just a few spruce hairs but enough that i still run the razer by to stay smooth. the lip/chin is the worst. especially the chin i have more hair now than when i got the treatment done. i think 'shaving' made it worse. i find for what it did it's overpriced with little results i'm no better off 5yrs later than when i started. should of did something more valuable with my money than waste it. but that is just my opinion.
  5. i by no means condone what he did, but i really could care less. i work at a tv station and i don't understand why we had to break into regular programming to air this. like there aren't more important things going on in the world?!!
  6. ours is still a few months away but i think we're going to greet people when they come in so we have a chance to say hi/thanks. after that we'll have the dj or mc announce us a mr & mrs and walk to our table to eat dinner. it's a fairly formal AHR. we're wearing our wedding day attire, seated dinner, decor...and open bar! haha (that's all i cared about)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ktchi I went to a wedding where the only refreshments available were chocolate milk or fruit juice. That was interesting. omg...great for people who are lactose intolerant & diabetic, eh. haha
  8. i'm planning on wearing my wedding dress. everyone who can't come to mexico wants to see it and i figured since i spent so much money on it, might as well wear it twice!!
  9. loved the idea of pinup photos, i love the retro look.
  10. What is your first name? wendy How Old are you? 36 Where are from? southern ontario...living in burlington now What is your occupation? work in tv & have my own holistic nutrition consulting business Do you have any pets? dog Where is your destination wedding? riviera maya, mexico! What is your FH/Husbands name? JR What is your favorite fruit? banana What is your favorite movie? fast times at ridgemont high What kind of car do you drive? vw What is your favorite book? good question...? What is your favorite season? spring, just feel so alive What kind of music do you like? everything Any siblings? older bro Where is your favorite place to travel? mexico! What year did you graduate highschool? too long ago to list What do you do for fun? hang out with friends and laugh When is your wedding? april 23
  11. Just a head up to the Toronto area girls looking for a TTD. I was just down at the Eaton Centre and they have a BCBG sale store set up downstairs (near American Outfitters/Food Court). They had a few different white/ivory long dresses that would be perfect for a TTD or even a wedding dress. Good prices too around $115-200. Just thought I'd pass it along.
  12. if you aren't having specific meals for each person, then you don't need to have placecards. it's nice sometimes to be able to sit with whoever you want, then when it is assigned seating. usually you seat people with family members, and i would personally choose to sit with my friends. more fun! haha
  13. we are not paying for any of our bridal party or guests to go either. we are paying for the bridal parties wedding day attire instead. they were made aware of that when they were asked. we have had one groomsman back out of the trip for financial reasons, but so far everyone else is coming.
  14. lots of good ideas on here. i'm paying for my BM's wedding day attire, i let them pick their own dresses too (i just picked the colour - black). so far they are all under what i budgeted so i might get them each a little personalized gift. still deciding. maybe something for their hair or jewellery.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by debbmach i can't believe it was more with a group rate, i always thought you were suppose to get a deal that way! any idea why it was more expensive? yeah i thought it would be cheaper too. this is what i found out from a travel agent friend and through some research of my own. that most group rate quotes are based upon 10 or 20 guests. they will offer you a perk as an example for every 10 guests 1 goes for free. so say 20 people book 2 guests go for free. meaning that most likely the bride & groom go for free. well when they offer those type of deals they actually raise the price to pay for that 'free' guest. so in the long run your guests end up paying more money to go. in my opinion i don't think that is fair. if you are planning a DW you shouldn't expect people to spend all this money to be there and pay for you. especially when over half of the people who do these things aren't even getting married legally (they do it before). but like i said that is my opinion. i contacted about 10 different places and got price quotes and i referenced them all with the same travel companies websites online...and everytime is was at least $300-600 more per person. also, another issue with booking group rate quotes is putting down a $200 non-refundable deposit for guests to hold the spot. that is a lot of money to shell out for people in advance who may or may not book.
  16. that's def an interesting idea to put 'save the week'. i hadn't heard that one yet. here's how my experience with STD's have went so far. we told family/friends through word of mouth that we were planning a DW for spring 2010 in feb/march 2009. we already knew which resort we wanted and that we wanted to get married legally. we contacted various travel agents and none of them said we could get pricing until sep 09. so we waited until then. we actually sent the STD's out mid Nov with our date for the trip and AHR and wedding website info. we choose not to do a group rate because the pricing was still too high (we knew this because we have been to the resort 2x). here's the thing over half of the people never even looked at the wedding website or read the STD because we still have people asking us what is going on. haha. so whatever you decide to do don't stress out about it worrying about planning all the details for everyone. our formal invites are being mailed this week so hopefully there is a better response for them. i honestly think if you don't know when & where you want to book...then wait until you know for sure. nothing is worse than telling everyone one thing and changing your mind. that will frustrate guests even more. until then spread the details through word of mouth. good luck!
  17. if you can remember where to find them...i would love to know! thanks!
  18. we're not exchanging gifts either because we just bought a new house, new bed & bedroom set, new car etc...so add that up with wedding costs...i think it's enough right from our 1st day until now we always write each other really nice cards (for holidays), letters, or cute notes so i was thinking of putting them all into a special book to preserve them as 'US' before our wedding. they have been sitting in a box for years.
  19. i just found out a local photog has offered to take pics of AHR reception for free because they are dying to shoot that venue! total score!!!!
  20. thanks for sharing your review. sounds like everything worked out and the WC was great. i'm so excited for ours 2 months to go! Congrats!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I saw many weddings who didn't do the poolside reception. They had their dinner and then typically went to either the Lobby bar which had live music or they went to the Hacienda. When we were there the Hacienda had live music outside before the disco opened. It was so awesome. Everyone just dances in the big square area. When we were there for the whole week I was the only one I saw have a poolside reception, so I saw a LOT of brides at the different live bar areas and they all seemed quite happy. thanks for the info. when we were there before too we saw both poolside receptions and wedding parties at the tulum bar & hacienda. i'm still waiting to see how many people are coming.
  22. sorry you had such a bad experience. (i had a few too just not there). it amazes me how poor customer service is at some place. good luck finding a dress!
  23. i really like #2 and i loved the back on #3 but i really think you need to try the dresses on to help make the best choice! good luck!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by KJT1985 SO glad things got fixed for you! Those sandals are super cute too, good choice! thanks! my mom thought they were a bit too flashy...but i love em!
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