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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk this will officially be the weirdest thing i'll ever post on BDW... make a concious effort to squeeze your buns when you push up when you're doing squats. if you're doing lunges, when you push up, keep your weight in your heel on the foot that is out in front and that will help target your glutes. you can also channel the "call on me" video where you lay on your back with your knees bent and lift your hips and squeeze. i love exercises i can do while also watching tv! I love exercises I can do while laying down and watching tv Now if I could just find exercises that would work while I was sleeping!
  2. I remember hearing someone say even if you just squeeze your butt and hold it through out the day it will help your butt get tighter. Squats and lunges are also really good for your butt.
  3. I am all for an April brides get fit thread! That's a great idea - I don't sit at a desk but I sit on my a$$ at home all day reading BDW! Meghan - will you start it? Tonya - your dog is adorable! Is Kijiji like Craigslist? I'm going to look for it right now.
  4. Hi LeNell - I totally feel your pain - my wedding is in 6 months and nobody has booked. I've sent STDs, email reminders and my invitations went out last week. My rates even dropped to $379 for 4 nights (and I sent out an extra email for that) and still nobody. I guess people book when they're good and ready : (
  5. I just started using a primer - i have Chanel and it is making a HUGE difference - I never liked wearing foundation - my skin would look great for an hour and then the makeup looked like it was falling off my face - the primer is great - it really keeps it on and looking fresh - I can't believe I waited so long to try it!
  6. My invitations just said My name and His name look forward to sharing with you the sun, the sea and memories of their wedding ceremony Here's a site that has tons of different styles. It helped me with my invitations and my RSVPs VerseIt.com
  7. Today is the first time I went to the gym in almost 2 months. I hate working out!
  8. The site is definitely intimidating at first. It gets easier. Choose the layout you like and then you can edit the wording to make them say whatever you want. You're also never obligated to buy anything until you actually go through and pay for it with your credit card or PayPal so you can play around and not worry about that. Good luck!
  9. Wow - I'm so glad you are ok!!!! Hell hath no fury like a pissed off bride to be!
  10. Last Halloween was the first time I'd dressed up in YEARS - it was FI & my 3rd date!
  11. I plan on taking a car service or limo to the airport - we'll be going with my parents and FI's parents to Philadelphia, which is over an hour away, and the flight is at 7:25am. With all of the luggage and stress, it will be easier to have someone else drive! We will definitely wear "bride and groom" shirts - I haven't mentioned that to him yet but I'm sure he will be ok with it ; )
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 It is amazing how quickly men can lose weight. I especially have a harder time losing weight because of my thyroid problem, but I'd be happy losing ten pounds before the wedding. I mainly want to tone up my arms and back, since I will be wearing a strapless dress. My FI loses weight so quickly it's annoying! I just started taking medication to help my thyroid - it's helping my weightloss go much faster now - but I HAVE to get to the gym for the arms shoulders and back for the same reason!
  13. That is a great idea - I love Vistaprint and order all the time - I'll have to make a sign for the next batch!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell This made me smile- it made me think of my future mother in law. She's such a nice person but she was scared to death that we were going to make her book her trip online or through email too! She was pretty humourous about it. Oh, and thanks for all of the welcomes, everyone. I know she really wants me to book it for her, and maybe I should be a good daughter and at least help her, but it pisses me off that I sat and actually gave her lessons on how to use her email, and even created an instruction manual to follow AND SHE STILL CAN'T (or won't) do it!!!! It's a matter of printing out a form, filling it out and faxing it back. It's not that hard.
  15. Although I'm not getting married at Beaches, my TA has warned me against shipping anything to my resort in Jamaica. I think deliveries can be sketchy and if something doesn't get there you'd have problems. Let's see what the TA's on this board have to say.
  16. I tried it and did not like it. My old neurologist wanted to try it for my migraines so we did...she was a licensed acupuncturist as well as a neurologist. She put all the needles in and told me to relax. I couldn't and felt kind of sick afterwards. I know a lot of people swear by it but for me personally it was not a good experience.
  17. Yes my parents plan on coming - my mom has even talked with the TA, but the last time I asked her if she booked the trip she told me "I forgot". How do you forget to book your trip for your daughter's wedding?? She said in her mind it's a given that she's coming so she just assumes it's done. It freaks her out that the TA uses email and my mom is computer-phobic - she knows how to do things but then forgets....she was the first one to send the RSVP but I guarantee when i ask her if she's called she will tell me she forgot. Again. I promise you girls I will ask her this weekend and tell you what she says!
  18. Sarah - I love your invitations - beautiful! Erin - that dress is awesome - I Love VS - I order from them all the time - I may have to get that dress for myself! Meghan - your email uninviting guests is hysterical -we have to remember that on days when we're stressed out! Tracy - I'm sorry you didn't get your RSVPs - are you going to call or email people? If it's any consolation, you're still 2 ahead of me - my parents still haven't booked yet It may feel uncomfortable for you to call, but really it will be much more uncomfortable for the person who didn't rsvp. Or you can leave a message like Meghan's email and say "Since you didn't RSVP I'm assuming you can't come - sorry you can't make it and we'll miss you". See how fast they call you back then! Welcome Melidell!
  19. Interesting - my friend and I stayed at Riu Palace last year and had a similar situation. I paid cash for everything and she used her card and there were discrepancies on her card as well - the translation of pesos to dollars is sometimes unclear.
  20. Oh I love surprises!!! That was so nice and kudos to your FI for keeping the secret while you were complaining! I'm so happy for you that you had such a nice shower and good luck getting ready this week!
  21. BOTOX is an interesting drug - I've heard it's awesome for sweating and lasts a long time- my weight loss doctor has signs in his office for it, and he also does the cosmetic BOTOX. My neurologist wanted to do BOTOX for my migraines which I was totally against ( I didn't want it injected in me either) until they were getting so out of control that I was willing to try anything to stop having headaches on an almost daily basis. My point being, if the sweating is a problem daily it might be worth it - I don't know how it works in Canada, but it's actually an FDA approved treatment for sweating so in the US insurance would pay for it - you might want to find out if a Dermatologist would do it so you wouldn't have to pay so much for it.
  22. I'm getting married in Montego Bay and photography is very important to me. I did a lot of research on the photographers local to the area and decided to go with Sungold that Sloan mentioned. Their pictures are beautiful and they have been great to deal with so far. https://sungoldphoto.com/ It is going to be expensive, probably 1/3 of my budget, but when the wedding is over, the pictures are what you have to remember it by. My package has 2 photographers for the day, and a TTD session - If you PM me I can give you more details.
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