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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. I bought my dress 2 days after I booked my wedding, over a year before the wedding - I put it on and cried because I knew it was MY dress, even though I'd only tried on maybe 8. After being on BDW for the past 8 months I have seen so many beautiful dresses, but when I tried mine on again last month, I cried again...it's the right dress for me.
  2. If you don't need to have monogrammed bags, they had really cute totebags at Old navy for 99 cents yesterday. On the website they have striped ones for 4.99. If you want the monogram type try Vistaprint - you can test different ones out for free - depending on how many you need - I've done about 5 already - you only have to pay for shipping.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by adelaide Puppies are definitely hard. I totally understand what you are feeling! one really good tip that our puppy trainer gave us was to actually leash the puppy inside the house - here's the catch...tie the leash to your belt. This way you are forced to notice things that you wouldn't necessarily notice if the dog was loose in the house. They key is to watch for signals that the dog needs to go out and then catch her before she makes a mistake. It really worked well for us. Good luck! Training a puppy is SO hard. and now you have 2 dogs and all these upset feelings which makes it even more difficult. But all of these ladies have great tips - I rescued a very rambunctious Rottweiler and had to get him trained and keeping him on a leash in the house was really helpful. You really have to watch the dog too - if he doesn't pee/poo when you take them out, stay with them when you bring them back in till you see him looking like they are going to and get them back outside so you can tell them what a great dog they are. They do great with positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement will just make them fearful and more likely to mess up. Watch Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer too - he's awesome. Good luck - a trained dog is an awesome pet - you can do it!
  4. The dr told me vitamin B would give me ENERGY!!!! It's my first one so we'll see. It better not make me tired!
  5. The great thing about this thread is that it's making us all aware of how much we're moving and what we're putting in our mouths and feeling a bit more accountable for it. That's a huge step. I did 30 minutes on the eliptical today so 3x to the gym this week! Got weighed at the dr and lost another pound so 12 total in 6 weeks. He gave me a Vitamin B shot today so we'll see how that helps.
  6. Meghan - I love Rise Against : ) I'm so excited to see that we have 700 posts in this thread and are on page 70! April brides Rule! Shan I wish you lived in NJ - I have the best fake ring! Tracy - I wouldn't stress about the email - these people were supposed to RSVP by October 1 - they didn't do what they were supposed to do. How are you supposed to plan? My RSVP date is December 31 - don't think that by January 2 I won't be on the phone with people finding out their decision. I've gotten 4 RSVPs out of the 29 invitations sent out and still nobody has booked...including my mom. She forgot again...it's like a joke now.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Wholly crap jerseykitten, YOU are AWESOME!!! I hadn't heard about the Brazilian Keratin Straightening!! I actually had the Japanese straightening done years ago and it didn't work - It definitely made my hair easier to style but I still had to flat iron it daily! So like how much are we talking here - is it comparable to the Japanese product pricing? I'll definitely have to see if any salons offer it!! I'm sooooo excited!! BTW you deserve a peanut butter and jam day tomorrow, reward yourself! Tanks for all the links and info too! I have to get off the computer now, my eyes are going buggy but it's definitely coffee material for the morn! Have a great night ladies!! Sleep well!! Keratin is way better than Japanese - i barely need to flat iron - it was $250 to get it done.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Wholly crap jerseykitten, YOU are AWESOME!!! I hadn't heard about the Brazilian Keratin Straightening!! I actually had the Japanese straightening done years ago and it didn't work - It definitely made my hair easier to style but I still had to flat iron it daily! So like how much are we talking here - is it comparable to the Japanese product pricing? I'll definitely have to see if any salons offer it!! I'm sooooo excited!! BTW you deserve a peanut butter and jam day tomorrow, reward yourself! Tanks for all the links and info too! I have to get off the computer now, my eyes are going buggy but it's definitely coffee material for the morn! Have a great night ladies!! Sleep well!! Keratin is way better than Japanese - i barely need to flat iron - it was $250 to get it done.
  9. It took about 2 hours. They wash your hair then blow dry it straight, then paint this stuff onto your hair with a brush. Then they blow dry it straight again and then use the flat iron so it is stick straight. You can't wash it for 72 hours. When you do wash it, you have to use special products specific for Keratin treated hair...they're expensive but totally worth it. I don't buy them from the salon - I get them at a beauty supply store so they're a little cheaper and I don't wash my hair every day anyway. Here's a link to the website - you can put in your location and it will tell you if there's a salon near you that does it. The Hairdresser has to get certified to use the product. At my place there are only 2 people out of 10 that do it. I paid $250 to get it done and it lasted about 6 months. I had it done originally in April, again last week and I'll have it done a couple of weeks before the wedding. Welcome to Marcia Teixeira Web Site!
  10. You look so amazing in your dress and I love your shoes. My FI said the exact same thing - since he can't see my dress, I can't see his suit! dress and am praying he gets something nice!
  11. You did such a great job with everything! Vistaprint rules! I love how you sent out the luggage tags a month before - what a nice gesture - I may have to copy that! I'm so excited for you that it's only a little over a week away !!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  12. Note to brides - do not eat so little that you black out : ) Again...I go to the doctor every 1-2 weeks. He did a million blood tests and even had me lay on some freaky machine that scanned my body and told him more stuff about me....generally you shouldn't go below 1200 calories without a doctor. for the curly hair, I don't know if you've heard about or thought about Brazilian Keratin straightening - I have before and after pics posted in another thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...keratin-49534/ Also, here is a link to online yoga classes YogaClass.com - the YogaChannel and online pilates - although I usually like yoga better, I love these pilates classes - someone had posted these on BDW a while ago - I was doing them regularly for a while and noticed a difference - maybe tomorrow morning I will be motivated! Ultimate Pilates Workouts » Pilates DVD | Exercise Workout Videos
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 OK, Jerseykitten - you too, by that wee little pic look FABULOUS!! that seems like a really low cal diet, like excessively low? I'll try it but modified, lol My Modifications: -NO LOW FAT cheese, that's against my beliefs, lol has to be extra old cheddar... -quadruple the amount of sour cream and I think I can work with everything else!! lol -hopefully salsa is a freebie, it usually is on most diets/low cal Thanks though, I can't wait to try it...Monday, need a full week to start and don't forget Canadians - this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving weekend!! I'm making apple streusel pie and coconut cream pie to take to the dinner we're going to - low fat of course ;o) The halloween siggy picture was taken the weekend I met FI last year- I gained 10 pounds after I met him, as I don't cook and he does, so where I was eating crackers and hummus for dinner, he started cooking me dinner, plus all of our traveling and eating out....I'm now a bit under where I was when we met. The diet is very low, but I am under a doctor's care. I don't eat any cheese or sour cream because it's just easier and the fake stuff does suck! Salsa is under the optionals but there are no freebies like on weight watchers - everything is measured, like even lettuce, you can only have a cup, and I can eat 14 baby carrots....it's strict but it's working when nothing else, including WW was.
  14. This is my Very Low Calorie Diet from my doctor to go along with my thyroid med ( just 5mcg cytomel 2x a day right now) it's 1000 calories a day He gives me supplements which are like Zone bars or EAS shakes that you can get at Walmart or Target between 100-200 calories - so when you see Supplement, that's what I'm talking about. Breakfast: 1 Supplement 1 Fruit (basically 1 cup or 1 piece, like one small apple or 1 cup of strawberries) Lunch: 2oz Very Lean Meat (Turkey, Chicken, Fish, Shellfish, Nonfat Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Egg Substitute) or 1 oz Lean Meat (Beef-sirloin, tenderloin, roast, Veal, Pork, Seafood - Salmon, Low Fat Cheese, Lowfat Lunchmeat, Medium Egg) 1 Starch (2 lslices of diet bread, 1/2 cup cereal, 2 oz cooked pasta, 3 cups popped popcorn) 1 Vegetable (1 cup uncooked or 1/2 cup cooked) 1 fruit Snack: 1 supplement Dinner: 4 oz Very Lean meat or 3 oz Lean meat 1 Vegetable 1 fat (2 tsp peanut butter, 1 tsp margarine, 1 tsp mayo, 1 tbsp reduced fat mayo, 8 lg olives) evening snack - 1 supplement You also get 2 optionals - 1 tbsp nonfat creamcheese, 4 tbsp nonfat margarine, 1 tbsp reduced fat margarine, 1 tbsp non fat sourcream, 2 tbsp nonfat dressing, 2 tbsp sugar free syrup, 2 tsp sugar free jelly So now I know this seems really strict, but once you get used to it, it's not bad, and I have been losing about 1 pound a week. I mix and match some of the things too, so that I can have a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch sometimes, which makes me very happy! Let me know if you have any questions.
  15. I have gone to the gym 2x this week...I'm hoping to make it 3x and I'll be happy! For any of you on an eating plan if you want to track what you're eating and calories/fat/carbs etc, I like the site FitDay, which is free FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal This one is also supposed to be good but I've never used it: Lose Weight with the LIVESTRONG Calorie Tracker | LIVESTRONG.COM Sometimes when you really keep track of what you eat it helps you stop eating so much. You can also track your weight and BMI on there and your exercise. Not every single food is on it but once you add a food it will save it.
  16. I'm gonna say I'm in for the Get Fit thread, but I am really lacking in motivation. Maybe this will give me the kick I need. I've lost three pounds so far just by eating differently. My MOH has convinced me to do this Walktober thing where I track my daily steps (the goal is 10,000 steps per day). Haven't hit 10,000 steps yet though. I also have the Hip Hop Abs videos that I need to get back into. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 My Doc still hasn't quite found the correct combo of thyroid meds for me either, I think it's mostly trial and error, which sucks. I haven't had the brittle nails or hair breakage yet, my hair looks like crap and so do my nails - and although I wish I could blame it on my thyroid (along with my weight, lol) I think this one is all due to my negligence! I do need to get the meds adjusted again though, I can feel it happening; fatigue, headaches, burning eyes, no energy, crankiness...I could prob go on and on!! lol My weight has always fluctuated, and I'm pretty tall so I can hide 10 - 40 lbs pretty good! lol I also gain evenly all over my body - but since my thyroid gland decided to give up on life I find it really really hard to loose even 2 pounds, and I get discouraged even faster! When I was younger I could drop 10 lbs in a week by Friday just in time to hit the bars for drinks on Sat!! I don't know if the docs need to scale back my dose or double it but hopefully we'll get it under control - and I hope you do too!! ;o) my dosage is pretty low right now -- I take Cytomel -- but I have noticed my nails are a little more brittle. I'm having my blood rechecked on Friday as it's still new for me - I'm also on a very low calorie diet (with the doctor's help) so I am losing the weight about a pound a week. I can post the diet on the get fit site if anyone is interested.
  17. Shan I just realized we are date twins! YAY!!!!
  18. bholthof - congratulations on booking your day! you must be so excited!
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