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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. I got the newsletter today and it looks great! Nice job Tammy!
  2. Congratulations - just make sure you tell them you're getting married and will need to take off for your wedding. As long as you tell them up front they should be fine with it.
  3. I have the Sketchers version that look like UGGS. I definitely feel it when I walk around for a while...I figure it can only help.
  4. Hi Everyone - I sound just like Tracy but I've also been working and am so tired and this job is so busy I have no time for BDW while I'm there! I'm so glad I did most of the wedding planning before I got this job! The good news is that my parents and 2 friends have booked their trips! The bad news is that my TA is still a moron and actually sent an email to my 2 BFFs referring to Tiffany and Jamal's wedding! Hopefully I can catch up on this thread this weekend! Michele
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I haven't commented but I thought I would. I grew up riding. My Dad has had bikes since he was 15. We always had 3 or 4 and almost all of our family vacations were done on bikes. Week long vacations. We would ride the bikes there. Yes it was fun. And yes stuff can be MORE dangerous. But motorcycles can be too. Especially if you act like it's not dangerous. My uncle died 2 years ago. He was an avid rider like my dad. And he became unsafe. How? He didn't wear a helmet. He crashed and not even a bad crash. He hit his head (which would of been fine had he been wearing a helmet). And he had brain damage. Went into a coma and died. So I'm not saying "OMG don't ride Motorcycles are dangerous." They are but take precautions. Never ride without proper gear! If you crash and are wearing short shorts and a tank top don't think you won't get road burn. And don't ride without a helmet. Please. Riding is fun! I miss it. But don't give your life just to look good or underestimate how dangerous it can be. Sorry for rambling! We should share our riding pictures! I am with you 100%. The guy I was with before FI didn't wear much protection. A "brain bucket" helmet and we'd ride for hours with no jacket and I'd be in a tank top. In Myrtle Beach I wore no helmet and shorts and flip flops. When I met FI our first date was on his bike. He handed me a jacket and pants and a full face helmet and gloves...he said "This is how I ride"...and now I can't believe I used to be so unsafe. He almost lost his leg when he was 16 on a bike so he learned that way. So I wear EVERYTHING now - padded jacket, boots, gloves, pants...full face helmet....it took some getting used to, but I know if something happens we have a much better chance of not getting hurt and I won't get road rash. They actually have jackets with little airbags in them now...we saw them at a motorcycle show this summer. Here's some picture of us geared up this summer.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis Sometimes fi gets like this when something is bothering him and he doesn't want to bore me with the details. So instead he bottles it up forever and then explodes at me (when I had absolutely nothing to do with it). Maybe there's something else bothering him? Maybe when he seems relatively calm, just say "Hey, are you alright? Is something wrong?" and have a chat about it. It sounds like you two really love eachother, and you can't throw that away over a little argument Yes he doesn't know how to tell me things - act first, talk later Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva I have been there also. It sucks that you feel you have to be cautious around your fiance. It took me a bit to find out what was bothering my FI and once that was figured out it has been better. We have our days and if we didnt fight I dont think it would be "healthy". Not every thing is so easy realationships take work. Just hang in there and I would think he would come around. Just keep doing your thing. fighting is healthy but I HATE IT!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaP I hope you are feeling better. Just know that you are NOT alone... I doubt there is not one couple I know that don't experience "communication issues" at some points. Not knowing you are your situation well, it sounds like like your FI is/was having a hard time with change and some people just don't adjust well. Here you are back to working hard at something you are enjoying and he was used to having you home all the time instead and needing him to support you as you went through a bad time. Maybe he doesn't feel as needed in your life now that you have some of your indepenance back? yes and Damaris said it too - he was totally used to having me home - he only works part time hours so he has a lot of free time so he loved having me home when he came home. Now I'm gone 12+ hours a day. It's culture shock! Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie michele, that just stinks how are things now that the weekend has passed and you are back at work again? hang in there, i agree its DEF stress of wedding planning and all. the dude probably is feeling overwhelmed. listen to his mama, you are right she knows him best! just keep walkin on eggshells until you know he is feeling more secure about your new job and maybe have a convo about it all. but plan out what you will say ahead of time so it isnt putting him in a corner about anything so you can have a good discussion and not another fight. HUGS and good luck! Thank you guys so much for the support! Ok, so the weekend ended up well - I went with FI and his friend to a benefit on Sunday - it was a live music thing, which we both love and exactly what we needed - we were dancing and happy and had a great time. Last night when I came home we had a long talk about him missing me when he comes home early and not being good at TALKING about it and how we need to just spend time together really bonding ever night now so really just making a conscious effort to just be, if that makes sense. And we'll take it one day at a time.
  7. FI and I have been fighting/arguing a lot lately. 2 weeks ago it was really bad, started over something stupid but could have even been relationship ending, where he said he wasn't sure he wanted to marry me...a devastating thing to hear. I'd talked to his mom about it, only because she was at the house and saw me crying. She told me how he told her how much he loved me every time they spoke, and although it was a horrible thing to say, she didn't think for one minute he meant it, and she even told me how to deal with him....she knows him best and she was right. It was a bad weekend then, but we made up, and for the last 2 weeks, things were going along quite smoothly. I started my new job, so instead of being home all the time, I'm never home - I'm gone about 12 hours a day...he gets home really early from work, so now he misses me a lot, which he's been telling me all the time. I've been a little wary of things since the fight, but it's been nice to hear him telling me how much he loves me and misses me all the time. So this Friday, we were planning to go out after I came home. I had a crazy day and didn't get home till 7:30. I was tired, and wasn't my talkative self when I got home. I was willing to go out, but by 9 he said he didn't want to go anymore, and I could make it up to him the next night, and at least we could lay in bed and sleep in the next morning. Yesterday, he decided he wanted to get up early and go to the gym. So I got up with him. He was also supposed to fix a blinker light in my car, and install my satelite radio ( that part was supposed to be part of my bday gift from almost 2 months ago). I thought it was my left FRONT blinker = he said it was my Right. When I disagreed with him he got mad and said I should take it in to get fixed and get the radio installed at Best Buy. That was fine with me....when I called Best Buy and he heard how much it cost I think it freaked him out and he told me he wouldn't have charged me and I reminded him it was supposed to be part of my present. Then he got mad at me for taking a shower without him (sorry if it's TMI but we always shower together) and told me he'd never shower with me again....why would i want to shower with him after all of that? When I started questioning him he told me I shouldn't talk anymore and I was just like my mother (which he knows is not a good thing to say to me). Then he told me that he didn't want me to come out with him that night. Then he told me to cancel my appointment at Best Buy and that he would fix my car. So I leave for a while, and when I come home I find out his parents are coming to dinner. So I have a few drinks because I don't think I'm going anwhere for the night. I didn't hide this - I added vodka to my soda in the open. After dinner he tells me that we're going out. I tell him I can't drive because I've been drinking and he's SHOCKED. He's also been drinking so now we can't go and he says he understands, but now he's going to bed because it's the worst weekend ever. Now, Sunday morning, he is planning to go out with a friend, and when I suggested we do something together he said no, I've ruined the weekend, but he's not mad. He's trying to install the radio, has the old one out but can't put the new one in and says he needs a tool that he doesn't have and although I told him where to get it, he's now sitting next to me on the couch playing a computer game. Right now, I feel so sad...we were both so excited for me to go back to work, and although I didn't expect to be working quite as much as I am, and it's far from home, I'm actually loving the challenge, and after a couple more weeks, it won't be quite as bad. To me he's acting like a big baby, but when I try to talk to him, he pretty much dismisses me. We were both excited for the weekend too - we were going to go for a ride today, the weather is beautiful, and I can't even go out now because my car is in pieces. I don't even know what to do anymore. Sometimes I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around him just so we don't fight and he doesn't get upset...or keep my mouth shut instead of responding or asking a question. I didn't see it as a boring weekend, but it sure is a shitty one. I don't know how to stop the fighting or even how to get him to listen to me. Sometimes I think that I don't know if I can do this anymore, and that scares me. Thanks for listening.
  8. Jane Congratulations on being a Mrs and Thank you for such a detailed review! So excited to hear how you got things taken care of and it sounds like things went well. can't wait to see pictures!!!!
  9. Hi everyone - just wanted to say hello - my first week of work has been absolutely crazy - I've been commuting about 2 hours in the morning and an hour and a half going back so by the time I get home I'm shot. I hope everyone is having a great week! Michele
  10. OMG - you're getting married the day before me there! How exciting! Congratulations and Welcome!!!!
  11. Thank you so much everybody - sending good karma to everyone who is still looking! I was hoping my satellite radio would be hooked up by today but it's not - I'm going to try to finagle it to work - I miss my Howard Stern in the morning! Thanks again!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KPETT10 Hi girls! I am getting married on April 10, 2010 as well! I sent out my STD's in June. I am in the process of picking out invitations right now and I'm figuring that I can't really do the OOT bags or favors or centerpieces until I get my replies back. I am just wondering... I saw on here before something about a wedding packet that gets mailed to you from ROR and I haven't gotten one yet. Did anyone else get one? And also, if I am planning on using the photographer from ROR do I have to call to book him? Is it somewhere in that packet? I have no idea what I am doing! Please help!! Hi and Welcome - you're the 3rd April 10 bride! Yay! I just sent my invitations a few weeks ago and I'm very hesitant to start my OOT bags as well. Definitely check out the Jamaica board for the ROR info - there's plenty of brides from there that can share advice.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaP It kind of sounds like you knew what you wanted to do with this "friend" before you searched for advice on the situation. Listen to your gut. I am sure there is a reason you decided to not invite her to this very important event- maybe because you want the people around you who love and appreciate you ALL the time, not just when it suits them. Good Luck! You're right - I did kind of know, but I like to get other opinions too. I haven't written back. In the field that I'm in, it's a very small world so we may run into each other and will definitely hear about each other in the future. I will never say a bad thing about her work wise, but the friendship is definitely over.
  14. After 8 months of being unemployed - it's a contract position that should run till March, which is perfect timing with the wedding. I'll be working for a biotech company that makes skin regeneration products hiring production people. I have never had so much trouble finding a job in my whole career - luckily my girlfriend works at this company and really sold them on me before I went in to interview. It's pretty far from home - close to 50 miles each way, but I don't even care - I'm so thrilled to have a paycheck again and feel worthwhile, and to start replenishing my bank account! I start Monday!
  15. OMG - the Funny Email site with the tape of the wife is hysterical! Here is my addition: texts from last night
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover JKitten, I truly don't believe you need lipo, at all. I don't think a doc would approve it for you either, i know what you feel like, believe me, I've changed weight a million times due to steroids I had to take for my disease. I'm sure if you keep up your work out, and whatever else your doc may advise will get you into shape, and look like what you want to feel like. IMO you look great, especially with whatever illness you battle. and I am sure the FI thinks your drop dead grogeous, it's why he wants to be with you (of course for million other reason lol) I feel ya suzy, I have endometriosis (not sure if anyone knows what it is) shorty story, I suffer horrible pain when I get my periods, that it usually send me to the hospital (from non stop throughing up) lack of energy and all that like you, so I haven't been able to work out. I haven't been able to eat either, so I've lost a few lbs, haven't tried the dress on, but wasn't worried about the dress as much as toning the butt and stomach! I've decided to take the bra out of my party/ttd dress. I will be doing this friday. It's way to much for my body and dress (they way the lady fitted to my body) as you guys can see, the bra she put in is way to much, looks so fake, and makes crease in that area. is it just me?! Thank you for saying that - my FI actually had offered to get me lipo for my birthday if I wanted it - he's all about looking your best. I know he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful and he's very proud of me for trying so hard, but I just look at the backs of my legs and my belly that hangs over even when I'm starting to fit into single digit sizes. One of my friends got married and posted pics with her bikini bottom that said "mrs blah blah" on it and she looked so good, I'd love to be able to do that. Suzy I have no clue how long it takes for it to look good afterwards - I'm going ask the dr on Friday and see what he says. He has a whole Aesthetics group and does botox and Restylane and stuff - I'm sure he'll have a plastic surgeon to refer me to. And I know endometriosis is super painful. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I think the dress looks great, but if you aren't happy with how it looks, get it fixed. Otherwise you'll hate yourself in it on your happiest day!
  17. When my sister got married they did pictures before the ceremony. They set her up in one place hidden and brought her husband up and had a moment when they first laid eyes on each other that was beautiful and they took pictures of. I think if you do something like that it's not a bad thing and can be romantic. It also depends on the number of guests you have and might potenially be ignoring. In my mind I picture FI not seeing me until I come down the aisle, but now that this has been brought up I may re-think it.
  18. Started back with weights Monday - did a leg work out and OMG am I sore!!!! I thought I was looking pretty good till FI took pics of me in my halloween costume this weekend and I still look chunky in the gut and legs with a ton of cellulite. I wanted to lose another 12 pounds - I'm worried if I lose more i won't be able to keep it off but the pictures were awful to me!!! I'm seriously considering liposuction - I'm going to ask the weight dr on Friday.
  19. If I could only find a way to make my Facebooking and BDW time pay off : )
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Malisa I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Can you talk to your sister? I went through the same thing, although my sister wasn't open about not wanting to go until I was already in Mexico and the whole thing blew up at my wedding. I definitely wouldn't want that to happen to you, but I think that if we had talked about it before hand the whole thing could have been avoided. I would have been happy if he she had chosen to stay home or come happy, but coming and being unhappy was not the right choice. How is your diet going? I remember you posting about it. My friend went on something that sounds very similar and she lost a ton of weight and has kept it off. it's so weird with my sister- she hasn't mentioned it to my mom - I'm not even sure her husband knows. My mom thinks she's not saying anything until she knows she can afford it but it's her attitude more than anything that bothers me. I saw her this weekend and everything was nice - I got to see my niece and nephew but it's almost like the wedding is a taboo subject - and when she was getting married it was ALL WEDDING ALL THE TIME. I don't expect everyone to talk about it every second, but it's completely ignored! And thank you for asking about the weight loss - in 7 weeks I've lost 12 lbs - I get weighed again on Friday so I'm hoping it's more. It's slow but steady and I'm starting to wear a smaller size pants, but the cottage cheese on my thighs and butt is starting to make me think I should get liposuction before the wedding!!!
  21. I agree with Carly - you don't need this kind of negative energy. It sounds like she's just trying to get attention - possibly she has some issues in her one life so she's taking it out on you. Keep your eyes and mind on your beautiful wedding and how awesome it will be!
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