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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. Ok, so the only thing I have actually bought in person are puzzle books $1 each at Target. I went to Christmas Tree Shoppes today but Dollar Tree is better. I ordered Excedrin from them online - they didn't have enough in the store - a case of 36 at $1/each. They have hand sanitizer 2/$1 - I'll go back and get those at the store. From Oriental Trading I ordered personalized pens, flip flop candles Large plastic glow in the dark cups (44oz) and fans. I want to get more stuff to do a first aid/hangover kit, but I think that will be it. I made postcards on Vistaprint thanking people for coming and gift tags to go on the bags too. I keep ordering t shirts and hats for free from them...I'm a little obsessive. I'm going to need a whole suitcase of just OOT items!
  2. Now that I am doing the OOT bags, I'm almost sorry. They are costing so much and when the actual bags came in FI looked at them and asked, "What are people going to do with that?" I really hope people appreciate them. When I explained they were in lieu of favors it made more sense. the only thing I did order were fans to put on the chairs for the ceremony...that will be the only favor type thing. This morning is shopping day for OOT stuff. I finally have a little ME time!! I will take pictures of what I get later and post them for you!
  3. I'm going to look for that stuff today. I was thinking about STAPLES or another Office supply store because they usually have boxes of the packets of Tylenol, Advil, etc. I know somw other people had mentioned Christmas Tree Shops and Dollar Tree. I went in Dollar Tree the other night and they had the Hand Sanitizers there 2/1$ - I'm going back there today as well. Heres the link for Staples - they have a few different options: Pain Relievers | Staples®
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 vistaprint tip - if you save the email that has the free offer, you can usually come back to it later on (even if a newer email doesn't have the same offer and you have to pay) and still get the free item! It took me a while to catch on to this but it seems to hold up pretty true. I've done that too And I had decided a while back (sadly when I was organizing and cleaning under my stairs during christmas!) that once I get all my RSVP's in and have my OOT bags ready to go, then they're getting packed early so that I can get my brain to forget about them already. I am the kind of person that even with lists and everything to keep me organized, if I know that I have lots of things to do then I freak out. But if I can know that a task is COMPLETELY finished and taken care of then I'm able to forget about it altogether until it comes time to leave for my trip! As for FI packing, well, he sucks at it! Either that or I'm just OCD about it! If I am not 100% sure that he has everything then I start double checking everything. So now his responsibility is to get all his clothes out on the bed ready to go - and I take care of everything else! All his packing gets done for him. Should be interesting when it comes time to pack for the wedding!! My FI doesn't like me to pack for him, but after traveling with him and then having to shop when he forgot all of clothes or razors, I usually do his toiletries with my own and try to double check that he has actually put his clothes into the bags...
  5. My training is going pretty well. What amazes me is how his pushing me makes me want to push myself. I feel like I've gotten a little smaller already. Definitely not as sore but a little sore still. He puts me on the treadmill and jacks the incline up to 15. Not 1.5 ladies, 15. Walking at a rate of 3.0 you will burn 100 calories in 10 minutes. My short term goal is to get to an incline of 20 walking at 3.5. You have to hold on because the incline is so steep, but my butt is burning from the workout. Yesterday I did 5 minutes at 15 and 5 minutes at 20 and in 10 minutes burned 165 calories. He also has me all over the gym doing all different things every day, so it's not boring. I get weighed again next week so that will be the big test. I've been really good with my eating too, so I'm hoping for some big changes!!!
  6. OMG Tracy, you are so organized! Making me realize what I need to do! I cannot wait for this job to be over so I can get started.
  7. FI & I went to high school together, but he found me 20 years later on classmates.com. he sent me a note saying he was happy to see I was still so pretty and he'd love to hear from me. I didn't remember him from his picture, but when we talked, we knew all the same people. We talked on the phone for a few hours andour first date he took me out on his motorcycle. When he came to pick me up, I recognized and remembered him right away and gave him a big hug - he says now that when I hugged him, he knew he was in trouble! We went to the beach and walked and talked, looked at the NYC skyline, watched the sunset and talked....I didn't even really know it was a date....I thought it was just two high school friends getting together and reminiscing....then we went to dinner, and kept talking...we had a lot in common...live music, traveling...not wanting kids, dating a lot of different people and not meeting the right one...then I was telling him about Rennaissance Faires and that I was supposed to go to one that weekend with some guy i'd been seeing and he said, "You should go with me instead". And immediately I thought....he's right, I should. The guy I'd been seeing had 3 kids, no job, living with his brother, while FI had a house, cars, job, motorcycles....no brainer right? so then FI rides me (motorcycle, remember?) home...and when he dropped me off, he kissed me....and that kiss went through me like no other...from my head to my toes I felt it.... I went inside, called the other guy and told him i was sorry, but it wasn't going to work between us. FI called me the next day and asked me out for Friday night as well as Saturday to go to the Rennaisance Faire, and that Saturday night we went to a Halloween Party too. That Monday night he showed up at my house with Roses, and we've been together ever since.
  8. I NEVER take my ring off. I wear it in the shower, pool, gym, while getting my nails done...I have taken it off to clean it, and that's about it. My mom once taught me that the safest place for your ring to be is on your hand, and I think she's right. It does get loose when it's cold out but it's not going anywhere and I'll have it resized when I get my wedding ring. I don't trust my ring to be anywhere but on my finger.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 I like your comment that all bets are off! So good to know that I'm not the only one who didn't want to do any sort of seating arrangement. I think the only concept I had of how tables etc would be set up is in my head! I want to request that tables only seat 8 people because I find anymore than that is typically too crowded. And even that way we'll only have five tables max based on the numbers right now so it's no big deal. It's nice of you to consider the BMn's girlfriend who won't know many people. That always seems to be a tricky part when it comes to seating for sure. And you can laugh at my concept of decorations to bring. I have chair sashes (that I got used for a wicked price and more than double the number I need so we're using them for ANYthing and EVERYthing - including my stagette!), strings of purple lights (like christmas lights but were on sale at halloween), and waterproof LED lights with floral gelly to put in some type of glass or vase TBD when I get to the resort. Aaaaaand that's it! Aside from those couple things, I don't have anything else and I'm totally okay with it. I think that if you've got people confirmed to go, then just make up your brochure with Vistaprint about a month before the wedding and since they only take a week or two for delivery then at least all your design and everything will be ready to go and you just have to click on the Order button. That might help take some of the stress out of it being more last minute?! I think that one photo album per couple is totally fine, especially since you're going to have your pretty placecards to put out still! I'd done the same thing with buying some of my OOT bag items. I bought about 34 (weird # I know) of some things because if we ended up with our max. no. of guests at around 50 then I could do one per couple and one per single, OR if we ended up with 34 or less guests then everyone could have their own! It's seemed to work pretty well so go for it! As for etiquette - I think that people who RSVP late (or not at all) and then still book and except all the same treatment are the ones breaking etiquette rules, not you! I mean, you could still make a small OOT bag for them but for items like mugs or towels that need to be ordered ahead of time then too bad! You have RSVP deadlines for a reason! OK - I am not doing a seating chart - I cannot even think about that - having a U shaped table and people can figure it out. Best of luck to them. I'm not bringing any decorations either - I figure, it's a beach and tropical setting, it will look pretty enough. My OOT bags will have 1 of everything - if its a couple, 1 bag per couple - I'm not made of money and a married couple doesn't need 2 things unless I do stadium cups or something like that. My job is ending in 2-3 weeks and then i can focus on stuff - Erin, you mentioned a packing list and i was like OMG I haven't even thought of that...FI is going to help me with the playlists, but unless I sit him down and make him do it with me he won't do it and he's a "do things the night before" kind of guy....and I need to find some excursions for us to do. TGIF!!!!!!
  10. FI and I turned 40 last year. We own a home, 3 cars and 3 motorcycles. We both have established careers. We have friends that have kids in the teens and early 20s, yet we feel like we're still kids. The only time I really feel old is when I try to go out during the week and then have to get up in the morning to go to work...or when my much younger friends talk about having computer labs in high school and college. I typed my college papers on a TYPEWRITER Y'ALL...and my first few jobs....there was no INTERNET!!!! Age is a state of mind. If you feel old, you'll act old, and you'll be old. We feel young, act young, so we are young...enjoy your life...you only get one!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by slkerr Thanks so much for everyone's encouragement. I keep hearing that things pull together once you meet with the coordinator. I think we're finally making some headway with the plans...only 3 months to go and getting really excited to get out of this snowy cold weather! Dave and I were engaged at the GP last March...we had such an amazing time at the resort, great food, fun people, beautiful locations and could go on....that we did decide to bring family and friends back to the same spot. So if there's anyone out there that has not yet visited the resort, and maybe a bit nervous, rest assured you have nothing to worry about as it's a fantastic place. wedding: April 9, 2010 4pm gazebo Blue Lagoon It really is a relief to hear that. You're getting married the day before me!!! We will definitely see each other there!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by march132010 Yay!!! For biggest loser keeping you on track. I have a personal trainer that I hate, he works me like crap and I am paying him and yet to see the results --- that my confession for the day I have a personal trainer too - I don't hate him but I hear his voice in my head all the time and think about him constantly because I am SORE! This is only my second week - How long have you been going for?
  13. Give it a couple of days....I know it's hard to be patient. Or wait a week or 2 and send a second one like I did! I haven't heard from my one cousin about anything since August when I sent a note that I got a cheaper rate. No response card, no response to my email reminders, nothing to my TA...this is my first cousin - I was in her first wedding, she was in my first wedding...at her second wedding...you'd think she could fill out the response card and send it back with the NO. I may not show up to everything, but I always RSVP!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl confession: I HATE HATE HATE my job! I hate my job too. and i hate saying it, because people tell me i should be greatful to have a job, but my commute sucks, and the job is boring and and sucking the life out of me, and I told my girlfriend, who is the acting manager, how miserable I was, and started crying....luckily she is one of my closest friends and I am not an employee but a contractor, and she is letting me out of my contract as long as I stay till they find a replacement. I'll still be able to get unemployment, and FI is totally supportive. I can't tell my parents because they won't understand me leaving a job without another one. And I feel so much better just knowing there's an end in sight!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Hi everyone! I'm starting to get antsy bc i don't have any plans for a BD shoot but it's something I definitely want to do! Erin, I wish I could have made it happen when you were getting yours done, it would have been a blast to do it together. This is the first time i feel like i'm on a mega time crunch with the wedding. It's always seemed so far away until now! We received our first physical wedding gift today- a copper frying pan. It's nice, but it was pretty funny opening the box and finding a frying pan. Somehow I feel like I should be a bit more excited about wedding gifts? Don't tell the sender Bed Bath & Beyond lets you return gifts for cash but DF is way opposed to this- he thinks it's being deceptive! I think I'd rather have a new TV fund/house fund than a frying pan.... hehe Copper frying pans are REALLY expensive! FI is dying for one but doesn't want to spend the $$$ might be worth the $$ to return if you can lol! Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover jerseykitten Thanks for sharing your letters. Appreciate it. Did you hear anything back after you sent them yet? My second, sorry to be pushy email worked I think. Everyone has booked except for FI's co-worker. I told the TA to hold the rooms another week, then cancel. If anyone books after that the rate won't be guaranteed.
  16. This was my second note - not quite as nice : ) Hey there - Sorry to be so pushy, but if you're coming to the wedding, please book the room ASAP - I'm only going to be holding them another week and then the rate won't be guaranteed anymore. Here's the travel agent info: PS - we are only waiting for one couple to book and we are DONE!!!!!
  17. Here was my first letter: Hi Everyone, In case you are thinking about joining us in Jamaica next April, we are sending out a friendly reminder . If you do plan to join us, we want to suggest that you secure a room reservation as soon as possible, a small deposit holds the reservation. The rate for 4 nights is $372 pp for a double room. One final note: Passports are required for travel to Jamaica, so now would be a great time to make sure your passport is up to date or to obtain your passport if you don't already have one. Passport applications can be obtained and submitted through your local Post Office, and processing time is generally 4 to 6 weeks. Detailed information on passports can be found on the US Department of State website: Passport Home I copied from one of you on that As for OOT bags - I think mine came in today from Vistaprint - I'll have to take a picture tonight - and I just bought crossword puzzles for $1 each at Target last night so I hope people appreciate them!
  18. I'm using Air Jamaica out of Philly - so are my parents and FI's parents - we're all going to get car service and go together - our flight is at 7:25 am so we need to get up EARLY!!! It's a little further than Newark for us, but they have way less problems. Our NJ friends/family will be flying out of Philly, Newark and a couple out of JFK. Continental has some direct flights out of Newark now, but not every day.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mswhatever Jerseykitten, What is you menu going to be? I chose Appetizer: CRAB AND CHEESE BREAD Soup: ARTICHOKES AND TOMATO TANDEM SOUP Served with bread croutons Entrees: GRILLED GARLIC SHRIMPS SERVED WITH SEASONAL VEGETABLES AND RICE or CHICKEN BREAST GRILLED SERVED WITH POTATOES, VEGETABLES AND WHITE WINE GRAVY Phylicia said she needs to know who wants what, which I hate to do, I'm going to ask her if there's any way to let my guests choose when they get there. Quote: Originally Posted by tiffandmarv Ladies, Are you planning to host any other events (on-site) besides the wedding reception. Like a group dinner or cocktails at the bar? Curious to know what others are doing leading up to the wedding. I was thinking of a group dinner in a buffet resturant and/or meeting up at the Infinity Bar for drinks. I'm going to have a dinner the night before - right now I'm at 20 people -I think we can manage at one of the buffet restaurants and just pull tables together. Most people are coming Thursday, a few on Friday. Quote: Originally Posted by julloy Hi! They finally wrote back. They didn't have my ceremony time, location and reception location reserved! I had selected all these things months ago. It's all arranged now though, thankfully. The new wedding coordinator seems really nice. I have the Blue Lagoon reserved for 6pm. I was considering the Steel drum band. What about you? What are you doing for music? Thanks! Julie Wow - I'm glad you got that straightened out! I'm just using an IPOD for music - I'd love to do the Steel Drum band but it seems like a lot of $ for a short time.
  20. Mel - what an awesome gift from your company! QUOTE=echo2_62;1132040] And I'm excited because I'm officially signed up for my assessment with the trainer to get started with the kettlebells. THey do 1on1 sessions and group ones so I'm hoping that I can incorporate both. I'm a little intimidated though because I totally won't be used to having someone really push me. Especially not someone who simply won't care what excuses I try to give them. I'm looking forward to it though, and I may have found a friend of mine to go to some classes with me along the way which will be really nice! Plus FI and our guy friends play squash every week so the girls are all talking about going to yoga on the same nights. I can't wait!! My trainer pushes me - it's actually awesome although I can tell you I've never worked out so hard in my life - and I've had trainers before. This dude is tough. I hear his voice in my head all the time..."Come on Michele, 2 more Michele...you can do it Michele" It took me 3 days to get him to laugh. There's no joking around or chatting with him.
  21. MsKenyaF - I know it's hard - a lot of people will give you their opinions on how and when and where you should get married, but be strong and just smile and say "I (we) really appreciate your opinion, but FI and I have decided that we really love the idea of a Destination Wedding, so that's what we're doing - We really hope you'll be able to come, but if you can't, we'll understand". I said that to everyone up front. What I've learned is that the people that really count will do their best to come no matter what, and there are just some people who like to hear themselves talk. Don't let them bring you down!
  22. and said, "you know, I keep meaning to thank you for making my son so happy...he's never been so happy in his life. We love you so much and are so happy you're in our lives. Have a great night". HOW NICE WAS THAT? Made me cry and ruin my eye makeup!
  23. I am a 2nd time bride and I think I will be doing a veil this time too. I love the flower and veil you have on in the picture. If you feel good in it do it!
  24. Erin - a friend of the family calls the next 3 months "Extreme Accounting"!
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