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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. If you go back through this thread you can see we've talked about this. I never asked, and it' s not in anything i was sent from GP about not allowing outside photographers. My photographer told me she has worked at the resort (and I've seen the pics - Sun Gold - check the sticky in the Jamaica thread) and not had an issue. worst case scenario, they are my guests and I pay a for guest passes.
  2. i'm paying just over 3K for 2 photographers, 8 hour wedding shoot plus TTD shoot plus 50 image wedding album plus 250 image DVD photo show - pkus a lot more - SunGold with Paula and Damian - the biggest splurge in my budget was photography- I love pictures and getting my picture taken! I fell in love with their pictures as soon as I saw them and had to have them as my photographers!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tennyt1 Does GP charge a vendor fee for using an outside vendor? I have been reading that some of the other AI's do? If so what is it? What kind of outside vendor?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk michele, handing out your OOT bags before you go is probably one of the greatest things to do! it significantly cut down on what i have to bring!! in my information booklet in the bag i explained what everything in the bag was and that they should probably bring everything with them, but this way they had a carry-on bag and could pack the stuff however they wanted and they would know to leave room for it all! glad to hear there wasn't super huge amounts of damage, but it just adds on to the stress doesn't it?! i'm going to go try that VS bathing suit thing right now!! $15 for a suit, count me in! meghan, i just now saw the "days" thing and it is majorly scary!! but in a good way of course Seriously Erin - you made my day FI met me for lunch and I told him that I was going to do this..if I'm happy he's happy. I don't think he really understands everything that goes on with these OOT bags He just knows I get lots of packages that have to do with the wedding...and I have piles of bags and tshirts all over the place...now I will put them together and make a little list of directions and i have a color printer at work so I don't have to use vistaprint!!! I'm so excited!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! And I know, holy $h!t DAYS till the wedding!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JENISE Hey Ladies, So let me just tell you how much I hate Continental Airlines right now. So my wedding gift to my FI was going to be to fly him first class down to DR. I've booked this flight with my TA more than 10 months prior to the wedding. She calls today to tell me that Continental has stopped all direct flights on weekdays now So now what do I do? I can take a connecting flight but I think it's kind of pointless to fly First Class on 2 short flights. Or, I can travel to an airport 1 1/2 hours out of my way to get a direct flight. JFK is that airport and I hear it's a nightmare. Should I just fly coach and nix the whole surprise wedding gift idea. I was really SOOOOO excited about it though as I knew he'd love it. I kind of feel forced to tell him what I had planned as a surprise and have him make the call on what to do now. There goes that surprise! Thanks a bunch Continental!!! Thanks for letting me vent ladies. I'm up for an opinions if you have some. Jenise, can you get car service or someone to drive you to JFK so you don't have to actually drive there? that might make it not as bad to do the hour and a half drive. We're going over an hour away to Philly rather than Newark, which is closer, and we're taking a car service to be more comfortable and less stressed. Continental did that last year with the Jamaica flights, then reinstated them to 1x a week. It could happen again. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 Glad to hear that *most everyone had a good weekend. Tracy - sorry you're not feeling well, hope you get to feelin' like yourself soon! Michele - I'm so glad that the flood didn't affect to much, especially your wedding stuff. I bought several items from VS 1 1/2 weeks ago online, and they came in the mail within 5 days. I did the slow ground delivery too, so you should have your items in before you leave. ***Thirfty buy: you can purchase bikini's for $15 (top and bottom) from VS if you click on the honeymoon option, you will see it there. This is what I bought and I"m really happy with the. They don't come in to many colors, but it's still a nice bathing suite. Considering that their cheapest bikinis are $15 for top and then antother $15 for the bottom I think this is the way to go. Now you tell me - I seriously just ordered $300 worth of stuff from there! Luckily i got $75 dollars off and I only neded bottoms for some of the tops but then of course I ordered some more suits and a few dresses and tank tops and shorts.....then I came back here to tell you girls and I read about the honeymoon option....FIGURES!!!! LOL And of course I'm at work! I really should be working~ I bought several starfish and sand dollars yesterday online and I can't wait to get them in. I decided to use the starfish as name cards for dinner and I'm going to use the sand dollars for the sand dollar prayer. You should really check out this site: Sand Dollars, Starfish and Seashells for sale, I found it from another girl on here that was very happy with her order, they are so reasonably priced too! Once I get my final orders in I'll take pics of everything completed and post them. For some reason it's not letting me post the post so i'm randomly typing this at the bottom!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by marak Why is it that... People are always confused between STOP and YIELD...NOT the same folks People feel it's just dandy to merge onto the 65 mph highway at 40...STOP THAT. People are in such a rush to pass me, then drive 10 mph slower than me. Jerk offs. Toys R Us and McDonalds have to be on opposite sides of the 6 lane road, really Kamakazi soccer moms darting out into traffic is never a good thing folks. People ask me if there are trees in New Jersey. It't the freekin "Garden State", not the "Garden State, just kidding" Mall people walk soooooo slooooowwwwwww. People look at me funny when I shout "BEEP BEEP" at them as they text and nearly walk into me. The majority of handicapped parking spaces are filled with itty bitty sportscars a handicapped person could NEVER get in and out of "No child is left behind"...some really should be. Really. We have not yet recognized shoe designers for their engineering genius? I have seen some shapely gals that test the laws of physics for a stilletto. Kudos bitches for making those shoes WORK! And on that note, why is it that some women have not yet realized the shoe ONLY looks good if you can actually WALK in it. I don't care how hot the shoe is, if you are walking around like a leper on pegs...not cute. Starbucks is like crack? Oh heavens I have a million of these that run through my mind daily. Quote: Originally Posted by marak One more...Why is it that people knock on the door and then open it, rather then knock on the door and wait for a response It's like HEYYYYAYYYY, I'm letting you know I'm going to humiliate you before I do it and HAHA you can't stop me! AHHHH...another Jersey girl Why is it that other people drive really slow till I go to pass them...then they speed up? Why is it that when I tell people that FI and I ride motorcycles and we're going on a trip, they tell us about some horrible motorcycle accident. Why is it that talking on hand held phones in the car is illegal, but I see every cop do it regularly? Why is it when I tell people i'm getting married, people tell me about their divorce?
  8. Erin, You started passing out your OOT bags? What a FANTASTIC idea!!!! OMG! I want to do that! How much easier will that make my life?? You are so brilliant! Are you telling them to bring everything with them? Natasha - no nothing wedding in the basement - mostly books and tools, and my kitties hang out down there - they were a little stressed but they are ok. the sun is finally out today but the rivers are just cresting in some areas and tons of floods. New Jersey has been declared a diaaster area. My friend who's home my shower was in just got her power back. I have pictures on my facebook page - Michele Bailin - you can request me to be a friend : ) i got one swim suit at Marshalls yesterday - $15 for the whole thing. i'm going to go to the mall, which is 5 minutes from my house this week for more. i just keep spending and spending - so glad i got this new job!
  9. Every picture is gorgeous - the coloring, the lighting - you were so lucky to have a fabulous photographer, and you guys all look so happy! congratulations!
  10. Well, i realized last night that I have 2 bathing suits that fit - that isn't going to be enough for a 10 day trip, and I don't think ordering from Victoria's Secret is going to work at this late date, so now I have to shop. Our basement also flooded over the weekend from the major storms we had...nothing like a little added stress - I don't know if you saw my post but my friends surprised me with a shower this weekend - it was so nice - a Spa day - FI was a big part of it - he did all the cooking and was the "suprise" caterer! i was so shocked! No pictures yet but soon~ I feel like I'm in total panic mode too Tracy - There just isn't enough time in the day!
  11. i think it's about 20-30 minutes from the airport and has a disco on the resort. the nice thing about coming with a group is that it's always a party!
  12. Congratulations!!! Enjoy the rest of your trip!!!!
  13. Well I had the nicest surprise this weekend. FI made me cancel my hair appointment Saturday because he said it would be the first nice weekend we'd have together...maybe we'd go riding...whatever...so I said fine. then we see the weather, and it's supposed to poor, but he said we'd go see Alice in Wonderland....and not to re make the appointment. So we end up sleeping in,dressed for the gym, so sloppy...very little makeup and then just kind of shopping around...he's telling me how he's so happy to spend time with me - he's helping me pick out things for my centerpieces...then we go to a hardware store...YAWN then he says he wants to go to a tool store...I can wait in the car...fine by me...i took a little nap...I figured we would head to the gym after. so if you haven't heard about what's been going on in NJ, we had a NorEaster yesterday, which is basically a hurricane in the winter....rain, 55 mph winds... He gets back to the car and tells me we have to stop at our friends house...i say ok...we get there and he asks me if I'm coming in, i say of course... We go in and my friend hands me a paper that says, Michele Welcome to your spa day and I'm looking at it like what is this? so she pushes me towards the dining room and there are my friends, my sister and my mom and FMIL They made me a spa day shower! i was floored. I never expected a shower of any kind, because a) it's my second wedding and having a DW, I didn't want anyone to go any more out of their way for me. so they had a massage therapist, a manicurist, a make up artist and a hair stylist there to give anyone whatever they want. Unfortunately, we lost power about halfway through my massage!!!! the power is still out in much of NJ. so I still managed to get my massage, some pretty nail art, and my make up done before it got too dark. they also told me they had a special caterer coming.... so when the caterer got there I went to the door, and it was my FI!!!! Right after he dropped me off he went home and started cooking! I am still so shocked and filled with happiness at how much effort and planning went into this by my friends. All of them travelled over an hour in a huge storm to get to this, and be there for me. i am so lucky! i will have pictures soon, i promise.
  14. I am going to agree with the others that say don't tip...although I know if it were me, I'd probably feel like I'd need to tip anyway. can you ask a local makeup artist, at a salon or store, what they would expect in a similar situation?
  15. I've seen tons of pictures of brides wearing wedges, flip flops, bare feet, bright pink, bright blue, bright red...your day honey...wear what makes you happy!!!
  16. I know - it's like they work in 2 different places! This is the one I was sent. SPECIAL EVENTS 2010 APPETIZERS (Cost US$15.00 inclusive of tax & service charge, per person)** HOT APPETIZERS BBQ Spare Ribs Vegetables Spring Rolls Mini Chicken Skewer with Teriyaki Sauce Fish Fingers batter in Orly Sauce Lamb Kofta with raita Spiced Caribbean Potato and Crab Cake Panko coated Prawns with Soya Sauce Mini Beef Wellington with Horseradish Cream Mini Vol-Au-Vent with Ratatouille Chicken Wings in Hawaiian Style COLD APPETIZERS Endives Stuffed with Seafood Salad Soft Cheese and Tepanade with White Asparagus Polenta Topped with Goat Cheese and Cherry Tomato al Pesto Prawn Canapé with Dill Mini Tartlet with Cream Cheese Mousse and Mujol Caviar Smoked Marlin and Grilled Chorizo Canapé Blackened Chicken and Pineapple Relish Canapé Artichoke Hearts and Prawns salad Mini Portobello Bruschetta Mini Bagel with Sour cream and Smoked Salmon I have to say, being Jewish from New Jersey, i don't know what they are thinking with this one - Cream Cheese, maybe...Sour Cream...blech Please Note ** The number of items to choose from the list is 10, maximum 6 HOT appetizers. ** The price includes the service of beverages. If only cocktails are requested (no appetizers), the price will be US$6.oo including tax & service charge, per person.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.Hockey My wedding is all over and done with. I've been back from Cabo for 2 weeks now. But I was just sitting here thinking, and it sure makes me annoyed... All through my middle years and high school years I had a real close group of girlfriends. We stuck through anything and everything! But, as I've gotten to the point I'm at right now, things have sure changed. Of the 7 of us girls, 4 of us are now married. I was the last of the 4, so previously when the other girls were married I was there for them through everything. I attended all their weddings ( with a $100 gift), all their showers (of course with atleast a $50 gift), and all their stagettes (I missed one girls actually). Of all those events, I needed to travel 5-10 hours away. One stagette cost me $700 once the flights, meals etc. for the weekend were taken care of. I did not have money coming out of my ying yang by all means, I just did what I could because I wanted to be there for them. Now fast forward to the last 6 months. Of the 6 girls, only one came to my wedding (she was a bridesmaid) and that is understandable becaue its a lot of money and I realize that. But, she was also the only one to attend my bridal shower, and the only one to attend my stagette. One friends sent a shower gift, and then later a wedding gift. But other than that - that was it! There are 3 of them that I still haven't even got a phone call from. When I think of all this I can't help but feel bitter. Am I being a baby or did anyone else go through this as well? p.s. this is not about the gifts, I really could care less. Its more about common courtesy really... If someone gives you a gift, do you not feel like you need to return the favor when their time comes?? Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 OMFG, YOU'RE READING MY MIND!!!! I was actually just venting today to my BMs about how I can't believe how some of our friends are acting towards me since I got engaged. From some of them I feel like a social piranha, they've been totally avoiding me just to avoid having to tell me they don't want to/can't come to the wedding - which I'm TOTALLY fine with. I understand if people don't want to use their vacation time to attend my wedding or would rather do something else with their money/time. I haven't been pushy with it at all! But you'd think they would make efforts in other areas just to make up for it - like attending my bridal shower... I heard one of my friends purposely didn't open the evite to my shower so that we wouldn't know she had viewed it... WTF? Others just haven't bothered to reply or let anyone know whether they're coming or not... I've been there to support them in all of their parties/showers/events and they can't return the favour? It is really upsetting, but I guess you learn who your true friends are through the whole wedding process. I mean, I could also care less about the gifts, its just a matter of friendship and principle. Sad but true! I totally agree and I think i put this in another post. FI's supposed best friend isn't coming. One of my supposed best friends dissappeared when i lost my job (another major life event) but magically reappeared when my invitations went out (and she didn't get one). My sister isn't coming to my wedding either, even though I was her maid of honor, made her a shower and a bachelorette party, etc when she got married, and a baby shower when she had my niece...oh, and my parents were going to pay for her to come to the wedding, so she had a free ride...so her only sister's wedding is just not important to her.... So definitely, some people suck, but it does make me appreciate the people in my life who ARE there for me, and are awesome. I'd rather have a few good friends, than a ton of crappy ones.
  18. Got it - thank you so much! - it says minimum 25 people on it - right now i have 25 but FI's cousin's wife just had brain surgery...we're not sure if they are coming now. I'm not that impressed by it - i like my menu better, personally. here's the whole thing everybody *STANDARD CANAPES COST: US 15.00 *Minimum 25 people COLD Salmon Mousse Canape Pate Canape Celery and Blue Cheese Mozzarella and Cherry tomato with Pesto HOT Teriyaki Chicken Skewers Seafood Balls in a creamy spicy sauce Mozzarella Cheese Sticks Sausage wrapped with Puff Pastry *JAMAICAN CANAPES COST: US 15.00 *Minimum 25 people COLD Ackee and Salt Fish on Bammy Paw paw and Jerk Chicken salad Fried plantain and Garlic Shrimp Conch Salad on Cucumber boat Cheddar Cheese on Spice bun HOT Jerked Chicken wings Pepper Shrimps Conch Fritters Stuffed breaded plantain BBQ
  19. I don't have any strapless bathing suits - maybe I'll buy one this weekend or just take down the straps on mine when Im lying outside...i don't look good in them either and my brain is on overload already! We are making our IPOD playlist tonight. My dress fitting was ok - they tied the back so tight you couldn't tell it was a corset so they will take it in a few inches on the sides - my mother was maing me nuts - she got one picture with my phone and then did something to make it turn into a video camera and couldn't turn it back. She is lucky to be alive right now. I am seriously starting to lose it ladies! TGIF~
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 focus on the positive things... in a month you are going to marry your true love, surrounded by friends & family in a beautiful location no one is going to focus on if you don't have extra decor for the tables, or OOT bags, or if an extra guest is there. keep your budget in mind, spend money on the things you NEED to have, not the things you want. oh...and get a massage, you deserve one. FI keeps saying all these things to me...but I will know. Quote: Originally Posted by Jules Oh my dear, I know what you are feeling! We leave in two weeks. I am a teacher and we are in the midst of writing report cards, I haven't picked up my wedding dress yet, I just got an email that one of our guests is bailing b/c of work, my FMIL is driving me nuts with little nitpicky things I don't care about or need to here about, and my mom is getting all nutty too! What's the deal?! As for your decor, don't worry about it too much. Go simple. I am bringing tea lights, as mentioned before, and little glass marbles in my colors. Other than that we are getting the flowers that come with the package and I'm bringing a few paper lanterns. As for OOT bags, can you send some of the items down with your guests? My aunt and uncle are going to the resort a week before us, they have 2x the luggage allotment we have, so I am sending a suitcase full with them. Like someone mentioned before, one thing at a time... for me, it's getting these %&$# report cards done and off my mind! Take care! p.s. I'm so with you on the massage idea! I'm going to try to pack the OOT bag stuff in a suitcase this weekend and see how they fit - i do have friends that will take things for me. it must be hard trying to concentrate on doing report cards...i'd be like "everyone get's an A"! I just started a new job last week so I think that might add to my stress... Thanks for listening ladies...it helps so much!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 Ok breathhhhhh ahhhhhhh Now wot you need to do to make sure everything gets done is to break it down into smaller chunks. H2b!!!! fax the papers yourself im sure that is just causing more grief than anything else.Hes not doing it you cant be married without it he seems uninterested your doing everything lalalalallalala Once thats done the pressure is off Send the papers then tell him you did it and get him to make dinner!!! All you need for decorations are a very few things. Tea lites in your colours cheap ones ikea thats where mine are from. If you seat all your guests on one long table as i am doing you could take three fish bowls some lights that work under water and three stems of artificial flowers to place inside.One at each end and one in the middle. Scatter some flower petals wallahhhhh done shopping list 3 x fish bowls, 12 x tea lite holders 3 x artificial stems Im wanting to do starfish as placecards Really you dont need to spend loads keep it all on one table and you dont need to do as many repeats. Youll be fine get him to cook the dinner lol xxx He actually does all of the cooking.... I looked at tea lights today.... i'm going to have a U shaped table - we saw bright pink and orange place mats that I think I will put them on... and maye some shells scattered. He promised me we would do the IPOD playlists tomorrow....we need like 5 hours of music. I had my fitting today and my mom annoyed the you know what out of me, which is why there is no photo of me change I need a massage to i need a drink!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by tiffandmarv Wow just 30 days to go!!! I am planning to do the cocktail hour too, so I can't wait for your review. Also, Nina sent me a menu for a "jamaican" theme cocktail hour. Same price, if your interested. Quote: Originally Posted by mswhatever Can you post the menu? I would love to see it! Please do! i want to see....
  23. I decided to go for it and do the food and drink. I love the idea of cocktails on the beach~ In the scheme of things it's not that much more $$ - I only have 25 people. Now I have to add another hour + music to the IPOD list!
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