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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. Hi Everyone - i'm back - I missed you - congratulations to everyone - I have to catch up on a ton of stuff but Erin I did see that J's daughter was ordered to attend the wedding - how awesome. i'll be posting some non pro pics ASAP and then reviews - I came home with a horrible cold so not at my best.
  2. Hi Everyone I'm back - so much to tell - I will put together my review and some helpful tips for you very soon!
  3. Ok ladies - i think this will be my last post before I go. I have had several glasses of champagne so forgive any mistakes - FI is out with friends now - better for both of us - I need to take a nap! i can't tell you how much i love you girls -- i don't know what I'd do without you! i will have tons of pics when i come back - Tracy and Meghan and Taylor - You will all beleaving gone while I'm away, so i wish you all the best - most beautiful weddings you could possibly have! Suzy - I hope everything works out with your mom. Erin - fingers, toes and eyes crossed for tomorrow. Natasha and Mellidel - I'll talk to you before you go i hope I haven't missed anyone - i apologize - again...champagne. GO APRIL BRIDES!!!!! xoxoxoxox Michele aka Jerseykitten
  4. Thank you Andi - i remember seeing your pics - gorgeous!
  5. Thanks everyone - sitting here waiting now is killing me!!! if you read my other post - FI has only packed a duffel bag - I know he doesn't have enough stuff and if I say anything he will get mad. i'm too keyed up to nap!
  6. We will be gone for 10 days. I have all of my clothes packed in 1 giant suitcase, which is a MIRACLE. I have a second suitcase with all of my OOT items and decorations. I will be carrying on my gown. FI has a garment bag with his suit and other hanging clothing and a DUFFEL BAG!!!!! It's sitting right next to me as I type and I'm trying not to have a breakdown - he told me he'd pack his own clothes (I did the toiletries)...but seriously, he doesn't have enough stuff. We will definitely argue if I say anything. I know his mom and dad already argued about his dad's clothing... I don't want to fight with him the day we're leaving but I needed to get this off my chest!
  7. it's hard, but try to ignore it. Jamaican resorts are very safe. for some reason people seem to thrive on telling horror stories to us when we're trying to plan something wonderful. When someone says something like that to you, try turning it back on them and asking them "Wow, why would you say such a horrible thing when you know we're getting married there?" they won't know what to say. It works...I did it.
  8. i love Justin Timberlake! so this is my last day home - leaving for my nail appointments soon - it feels weird - I'm not sure that it's all hit me yet - my packing is pretty much done - just have to see if i can get some of those water/aqua socks to wear when we go to the falls - go for one last round of tanning...all my papers and documents are in order. the bad thing is that i feel like i'm coming down with a cold - my FMIL was sick this weekend but still cooked Easter dinner - i told FI we could get sick from eating it and here I am with a sore throat. I'm going to go buy some zinc stuff to see if I can knock it out. I ended up writing a toast to everyone - i have nobody else doing speeches - we aren't writing our own vows either but wanted to make sure i got some stuff out - here it is: I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and make a toast to all of you for being here. It means so much to us that you made such an effort to be with us for our special day and we really appreciate it. First, to my new husband Jim –you have changed my life – made it better in so many ways – you let me be myself but you still challenge me to want to be better. –From the moment you told me you loved me on my couch…..I have loved you too. You have shown me love, made me laugh and given me more than I ever thought I’d have. You’ve taught me to pack a little lighter and worry a little less. You’ve put up with incessant wedding planning for the last year and let me do pretty much whatever I want with this. I love you more every day. I also want to thank my parents, who for my entire life have been there for me for everything, good and bad. I know that no matter what I can always count on you. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and I hope you can rest a little easier knowing I have Jim in my life. You are the greatest parents and I tell everyone how lucky I am to have you. My in-laws Carla and Jim – you do so much for Jim and me – you’ve welcomed me into your family – I feel so lucky to have gotten such a great husband and a wonderful mother and father in law as well. And Thank you to my friends – who have always been there for me – Debbie, Michelle, Bethann – I don’t know what I’d do without you. And now I’d like to have a toast – to all of you – Took time off Got on a plane who came so far to see us get married – Thank you for being in our lives – and thank you for believing in us. To Love, To Luck, To Laughter and To Our new life together Cheers!
  9. It's nice to know that there are still good people out there. thanks for sharing that story amygirl!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton Michelle - how was your experience with DW.com? We are going thru them... just wondering Thanks for posting your thread! Not a fan of DW.com - there's a thread about them in the travel section - you can see my comments there or PM me.
  11. i did the same thing - Started as a word doc with all of the photobucket codes and links - then just pasted the whole thing by section into the thread - much easier than trying to create it all at one time! Stems from being an English major and Outlining all my papers before writing them!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by msglave Very nice. How did you make the map cards? I found a picture of the map online and did it on Vistaprint with their free postcards. Most of the resorts have their maps online, or the lovely ladies on here have them somewhere. So that was side one, in color - then side 2 I made the timeline - black and white, which was free.
  13. ] Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding. Cute garter Natasha. I just spoke to my grandma this morning and asked if she had something she could send down for me with my parents, since neither she or m grandpa are able to come with us. So I'm not sure what I'll even be getting (she mentioned pearls, I mentioned a pin or brooch) but she knows me well so I know it'll be good. And definitely special since it'll be a part of them with me on my wedding! Erin - we'll have everything crossed here for you as well and hopefully the ruling goes in your favour!!! It would be heartbreaking after all this time if his daughter was NOT allowed to go so here's wishing you all the luck I can!! On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH! 3 words for the Groomsman: SUCK IT UP!!!!! If your FI wants to go with him to find another comparable shirt let him - could it really look THAT bad? SHEEESH....men can be such babies. 2 hours till I leave work!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Michele, I know the feeling!!! but it must be worse to be having to work, but not be easy... 1 more day!!! OMG Nat I love the garter, your mom did an amazing job. Plus it's your something old!!! Good job!!! I know it def crept on me too!!! Are you all done plann Nat? if not hows everything coming along? Meghan, can't wait to see your pretty bouquets you made!!! So I made a few orders last week Monday, saying to myself I'll have plenty of time to recieve it in (curling iron, Pro-active, more tote bags) but I completely forgot there was no mail Friday or today!!! Now I'm in panic mode!! lol ugh what'd I get myself into... I only had over a year and a half to order that stuff!!! So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations. ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!! This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!) *sigh* sorry for my vent who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it) Seriously Tracy- I want to punch this chick for you!!!! Tell her it's too late and be done. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 Just wanted to share a photo of the garter that my mom made. It is my "something old". She made it out of the satin and lace from her wedding dress. The blue ribbon and rhinestone detail is not from her wedding dress, just something she decided to add to it. I'm so proud of her! So pretty!!!! i love when people are creative! Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk michele, i think i'm losing my mind! i guess i was thinking that may 22nd was actually april 22nd.. i need help! that's my mom's birthday though, so a fun date either way!! here's hoping for a fast last day of work for you! natasha, your garter looks JUST like mine, and mine's actually just my mom's old one. i love the "something old" thing! plus she made it for you, that's awesome! tracy, that friend of yours is psycho! fingers crossed that the whole situation gets figured out soon! i can't imagine a huge vacation so last minute! i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!! I was thinking about that yesterday Erin - Iwill have everything crossed for you - I really hope things go your way. i'm hoping I can get internet on my phone in Jamaica- FI won't let me bring the laptop with me but I may try to log into bdw and facebook to check in - I will be having some serious withdrawals!
  15. Hi Tiffany My name is Michele and I am also addicted to shopping...for makeup and online at Victoria's Secret for clothes. I LOVE getting the packages when I get home from work!
  16. I'm excited - I'm ready to go. 4:30pm tomorrow (when i leave work) can't come soon enough!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk michele, your AHR is even before our wedding date! i'm so glad mel will still be here with me until the end of the month!! Erin my AHR is MAY 22 - you'll be married by then! so this week is: julie, kimmy, martin and michele! amazing! i can't wait until everyone's pictures start rolling in! tomorrow I just have to wrap up at work - today they tell me about all the projects they want me to start - I'm like -you know that won't happen till i get back, right?
  18. Here are my finished OOT bags http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...gs-done-57075/ Hangover kits: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...res-too-55605/ Fans for the ceremony PlaceCards My barefoot sandal from Etsy for my TTD session My friends got together and made me a Spa Day shower http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...o-lucky-56671/ I don’t have pictures of my reception décor – it will be white candles with pink and orange mats under them. My friends and family are coming the 8th, the wedding is the 10th and they are leaving the 12th. FI and I will stay through the 17th as our honeymoon. I hope the next few days fly by - and then our trip goes by very slowly!!!!
  19. Here is our STD My dress on the model: Here are my shoes My veil Here is my hair inspiration My invitations
  20. There have been so many times throughout this process when I never thought I’d make it this far. First, I have to say, I Love BDW. I don’t know what I’d do without this site, the ladies on it and the volumes of advice, experiences, and strength that I have gotten from here. I think I have gone on The Knot 10 times in the year + of planning, but I am on BDW countless times a day. I feel like everyone on here is my friend…especially my girls on the April 2010 Brides thread. So, where to start…my FI…we went to high school together and he found me on classmates.com 20 years later. We were inseparable almost immediately and he proposed to me on our 1 month anniversary. Here is our story: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...e-story-38486/ My ring We chose our wedding date while sitting at a gas station waiting for FI’s oil to be changed. This is me after we picked our date! Picking a resort was the most difficult thing for me to do. After narrowing down an island (Jamaica) it was a BDW Bride’s pictures that made me choose mine – I think her name was Caroline – Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton in Lucea. Night view Beah wedding Resort photo
  21. hi Everyone- I leave Very early thursday - car service is picking us up at 3:15am.. but it's worth it to get down there early. Almost done packing - I'm going to have to switch pocketbooks the day before - We each get one checked bag for free and the 2nd one is only $25 so not too bad - my bags can "nest' inside each other so the one that has my OOT stuff and decorations can go inside the other one. Our AHR is May 22 - invites are going out Monday - my mom was ok with adding another guest - she's handling these invites and RSVPs - I have enough on my plate right now. I kind of wish I took this whole week off - unfortunately i don't get paid if I don't work so it's hard - definitely need the $$$ - finding it hard to concentrate on things! Hope you all have a nice Easter -
  22. Tracy I can't sleep either - i was up all night with my mind racing about all things wedding - Plus we ran into FI's aunt last night at the mall, who we invited to the DW and she said no, and apparently my FMIL told her about the AHR, but FI told me not to put her on the list - so she's not - and now she needs to be added....but my parents are making that thing, and my mom is a pain with adding people...so I was thinking about that too. We're having a beautiful day in NJ today - I have so much to do - hoping to get something done Laundry - like 4 loads Packing I bought 4 little sparkly hair clips last night - I'll take a pic of them.
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