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Everything posted by EDSROSA

  1. Hey date twin! I agree with LeAnne. If he didnt have the courtesy to notify you about possibly attending the wedding then why should you go looking for him for answers? If he hasnt booked than dont even count on him attending. Good luck let us know what happens!
  2. I confess that i was doing good on my diet.....But today I was craving a beer. I ran to the supermarket and got a michelob ultra light 12 pack (not just for me I am sharing with FI) and I just had my 1st one and BOY is it good!!!! At least its ultra light!?!?
  3. OMG you must be sooo excited!!! The fact that you are not stressed is a good thing right?!?!?
  4. Very exciting!!! Good luck house hunting!
  5. Lisa: Love your invites! Vikki: Those colors look great together Jess: My friend had the same problem and I was a BM in her wedding. The owner from the first store had the dresses shipped to my friends house and she even gave us the name of another bridal shop that would assist us if we needed anything else. One of the other BM's dress was missing jewels and she took that dress to the recommended bridal shop and they took care of everything. Good luck with everything. Ladies my legal day is next friday and I am starting to get nervous. I keep telling myself that its the "fake" wedding but everytime someone mentions it to me I get nervous.LOL Oh and if anyone has a White house black market store by them check it out. I bought 2 dresses from there at a great price.
  6. We are doing a symbolic wedding for a couple of reasons, my FI was previously married so it would have cost us more money for translation of documents the $1000 diff btn symbolic and legal was put towards our honeymoon. Find out if your resort requires a marriage cert prior to performing your symbolic ceremony (My hotel does not) because if they dont you could always have a legal ceremony after you get back from your DW Good luck
  7. I am in the same situation. I posted a thread about my fustrations as well. It sucks that people have to be this way but as people have been telling me, this is all part of the wedding planning package. I just dont understand it, b/c my FI and I are the type people that would do whatever it takes to be at someones wedding, especially if its family. I keep focusing on what the other girls have been telling me, as long as the 2 of us are there thats all that matters.
  8. Good luck with your new business!!!!!!!!
  9. Awwww! That was soo sweet!!!!
  10. LOL I was wondering the same thing. When we went shopping for our wedding bands the girl had to explain everything to me!!
  11. OMG I hope WP gets back to you soon. Just focus on the positive and everything will work out!!!
  12. It sucks to see how something that is supposed to be so special for you can be mutilated by other people. I have tried to make my FI see the brighter side but he still isnt budging.
  13. I apologize if this is long. My FI and I have been engaged for about 2 yrs. We wanted to to a wedding in NY but I just couldnt see myself spending $30-50 on a wedding. I could use that $$ as a down payment on a house. Since I was a little girl I pictured myself getting married in front of the beach. About 1 year and a half ago I started researching it and realized that I could have the wedding of my dreams at a reasonable price. So my FI and I discussed the destination wedding idea with my family and they were on board. His immediate family gave us some for it but once his mother found out we would pay for her trip she was fine. His sister came around soon after and the brother wouldnt give us a yes or no answer. Let me just tell you guys about his wedding before I go any further. He was married on july 4 2007 in vegas. He told us a month before that this was going to happen. We already had a trip booked to Puerto Rico (booked in feb 07 and they were fully aware of this trip) for my FI's Bday 7/9. Anyways I tried to see what we can do but we were looking at losing about 1500.00 if we cancelled our trip. So my FI spoke to his brother and asked that they change the date to labor day weekend. They wouldnt budge ok so a huge fight breaks out btn the 2 of them and we ended up not going to their wedding. BTW they didnt take his mom but they sure did take her parents. So now that my wedding is coming up they arent going. I found out sunday. My FI is really hurt by all of this. We didnt go to their wedding because we did not want to but b/c of the $$ we would lose and at one point we were going to just cancel our trip altogether but my FBIL said some really mean things to my FI and FI refused to go. They claim that they have no $$ but yet they are at the casinos every other weekend dropping 500-1000 a night. So now I am left with a heartbroken FI and I am not sure what to say to him to make it better. I have tried to make excuses up for them but everytime I see how hurts he gets just talking about it, it makes me even more mad. Any suggestions?
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