We sent out our invites in the beginning of July and asked that people RSVP by the ending of August. All of my guests were aware of our plans so I felt that STD's werent necessary for me.
I think thats a great idea! Hope it all works out.
Right now we are working on our favors. They should be done by next week.
Ladies my legal day was awesome. My hubby looked soooo freakin cute that day. We were very lucky b/c we arrived at the courthouse and there were 3 couples ahead of us and by the time we walked out there was a line 2 blocks long!!!! We went to an early dinner with my family and then they surprised us with a weekend getaway to the Poconos. We had an awesome time and I was able to wear my ring for the weekend. But now I miss looking at it!!!
Hey ladies I havent had much time to check BDW out.
Melissa, Love the invites!
Girls have fun at your bach parties!
Today is my legal day so I should be officially married by this afternoon!
Jerseykitten & Lovely3457, I am so sorry to hear that your sisters arent going
Thanks for all the advice!!!!!!!!
Things seem to be getting better, he doesnt seem as mad as before.