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Everything posted by EDSROSA

  1. Hey Seven! Congrats on 10 years!!!! This site is the best! I am sure you will find everything you need here! Oh BTW you're practically my neighbor I live in Kew Gardens Hills!
  2. Thanks Ladies for all your help. My FI is such a mommas boy I constantly have to tell him to cut the strings! He doesn't realize that we are going to be so pooped after spending a week with 50 people that we are going to need a little vacation. Thank God he came around b/c this was really bothering me!
  3. My FI was the same way!!! He would not only spend $$ on lunch and breakfast but he was giving away about $200.00 in ATM fees. He works in Manhattan and for those who dont know you always pay more for food even McDonalds in the city than you would in the other boroughs! And like you I was the total opposite! I HATE paying ATM fees! So one day I sat him down and I explained to him how much we can save if he was just a little more careful. I had to take baby steps with him, I started by having him withdraw a $100 dollars every week (w/o paying fees) and he started realizing that he really was throwing $ away stupidly by paying fees. The first month he had an extra $150 left! Then came the hard part, limiting how much he spends on lunch and breakfast. I started making him lunch and breakfast 2 days a week, then 3 now I am up to 4-5 days a week and he couldn't be happier! Now I created a monster!!!! (But I live it LOL). Try doing a spreadsheet and show him how much he can save by cutting back on certain things. Good Luck!! Let us know how its going!
  4. When I was 21 : Moved out on my own
  5. Congrats! Happy Planning!


    Congrats! Happy Planning!
  7. Welcome! Happy Planning!

    New from OH

    Welcome! Happy planning!
  9. My FI proposed after 6 years. We will be together for almost 8 yrs on our wedding day. God that sounds long!
  10. Your pics are beautiful! Glad to hear u had a great time!
  11. Oh I am soo sorry to hear this happened to you.
  12. Congrats! Happy planning!
  13. Bring back memories : Pictures
  14. I am happy to hear your weekend was great!!! Buying a house is such an exciting experience!! Enjoy your spa day too!!
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