Let me start by saying that my FI always said he would propose after being with him for 5 yrs, his relationships never lasted longer than that. Well 5 yrs came and went so in October of 07 (at this point we were about to make 6 yrs) we hit a rough patch, all we did was argue! I mean really really bad arguements It got to the point that I was questioning our relationship. By November I was at my wits end! He was acting really weird always on the computer, staying late after work. I had some bad thoughts in my head but because of the holidays I kept my composure. Fastfoward to 12/24/07, my family celebrates christmas at midnight, we all hug each other and then we open up presents. Well after all the hugs and kisses were done, my Dad had everyone raise there drinks (I am soo crying as I write this!!!) and he announces that someone has asked him for his daughters hand in marriage. ( I have 2 sisters, at that time only 2 of us had boyfriends) Next thing you know I see everyone looking at me and I looked at my FI who was down on one knee (in front of about 40 people) and he proceeds to tell me how I am the love of his life and He wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with me! Of course I was all tears (along with the rest of the household) I was so excited that I forgot to answer so he said is that a yes and all I could do was nod my head! He put the ring on my finger and everyone congratulated us! That night I found out that he had met up with my Dad the Sat after Thanksgiving to ask for his blessings and to show my Dad the ring. This was so meaninful to me because I am such a Daddys girl! My mom was a little hurt b/c nobody told her but my dad was sworn to secrecy and the day my FI got the ring my Mom was taking care of me (I had all my wisdom teeth pulled). Thats how it happened I tear up everytime I think of it!