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Everything posted by EDSROSA

  1. My FI gave me my ring on Christmas so I consider it a Christmas gift. Would I keep it? It depends how the relationship ends (not that I want it to end). If he did something that caused the ending I would keep it, if I no longer wanted to be in the relationship I would def give it back. BTW in NY you do have to give the ring back. I am friends with a girl who had to give back the ring, court ordered.
  2. I contacted Dina and she was very prompt and precise when she got back toand me. Look at the banner on the top click on her name when u see it.
  3. So (jokingly) my FI and I always argue about who gets to keep the ring if things don't work out?!?!?!? Not that I (we) are planning on it but just wondering what people think
  4. Are u guys comfortable with carrying that? As long as u guys are than go for it! We felt that buying the Bose speaker was easier for us b/c 1. we did not have one 2. we really wanted one any way. And like foxytv said maybe u can try to use the speakers that the hotel has?
  5. Date Twin: Now u have a FG! Looking for a dress will b the easy part ! BTW still dealing w/wedding drama!!! At this point I wish I would have gone with my elope idea!!!!!!!LOL
  6. Let me start by saying that my FI always said he would propose after being with him for 5 yrs, his relationships never lasted longer than that. Well 5 yrs came and went so in October of 07 (at this point we were about to make 6 yrs) we hit a rough patch, all we did was argue! I mean really really bad arguements It got to the point that I was questioning our relationship. By November I was at my wits end! He was acting really weird always on the computer, staying late after work. I had some bad thoughts in my head but because of the holidays I kept my composure. Fastfoward to 12/24/07, my family celebrates christmas at midnight, we all hug each other and then we open up presents. Well after all the hugs and kisses were done, my Dad had everyone raise there drinks (I am soo crying as I write this!!!) and he announces that someone has asked him for his daughters hand in marriage. ( I have 2 sisters, at that time only 2 of us had boyfriends) Next thing you know I see everyone looking at me and I looked at my FI who was down on one knee (in front of about 40 people) and he proceeds to tell me how I am the love of his life and He wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with me! Of course I was all tears (along with the rest of the household) I was so excited that I forgot to answer so he said is that a yes and all I could do was nod my head! He put the ring on my finger and everyone congratulated us! That night I found out that he had met up with my Dad the Sat after Thanksgiving to ask for his blessings and to show my Dad the ring. This was so meaninful to me because I am such a Daddys girl! My mom was a little hurt b/c nobody told her but my dad was sworn to secrecy and the day my FI got the ring my Mom was taking care of me (I had all my wisdom teeth pulled). Thats how it happened I tear up everytime I think of it!
  7. Amazing story! It made me tear up! Congrats on finding true love not once but twice! Wish u nothing but the best
  8. Thanks Ladies! I am looking for a cute white dress to wear but haven't found one! I think we will probably go out to an early dinner afterwards. I only told my immediate family about it I didn't have the heart to hide it from them No one else knows, it makes things easier that way. And I think I might get a nice bottle of wine for my FI (Husband at that point!) and I once we get back home!
  9. For those who are getting married legally before their DW what did/are you wear(ing) that day? What did/are you do(ing) afterward? We are doing our legal day 7/10/09 and I have been looking for a dress but could use some advice. Thanks
  10. I was looking at the calender today and it just hit me! 5 Freakin months left. I remember thinking that I had plenty of time to do things not too long ago! Is anyone else dealing with people causing drama over taking a vacation? For the past month I have been dealing with people (who ALWAYS take vacation) complaining that I am doing a DW! They act like they didn't know for the past year that these were our plans! It was really getting to me and finally I decided to deal with people who have positive things to say about my wedding! If one complain comes out of a persons mouth I just hang up the phone or walk away! Sorry, just needed to vent Prettyhazardous: Happy 5 mths anniversary till we get married date twin!

    Cancun Bride

    Congrats! Happy Planning!


    Congrats! Happy Planning!
  13. Congrats! Happy Planning!
  14. Congrats! Happy Planning!
  15. We have the bose speaker that the ipod sits on and that is what we are bringing. The sound is excellent and we are greating playlists so we can enjoy ourselves and not have to keep changing the songs. Hope this helps! My family often brings electronics over to Colombia and the only thing they usually do is bring dogs over to make sure there is nothing in them. That is usually done upon arrival not leaving the US
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