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Everything posted by EDSROSA

  1. I had the same problem a while ago and someone told me to stop putting colored nail polish and start using clear polish with calcium in it. I tried this for about 2 months and I saw a difference. My nails were not only growing fast but they were strong as well.
  2. The one that I am bringing is the SoundDock Portable Digital Music system
  3. Rain, Rain Go Away Come Back in about 20 days!!! I hate this weather! Where is the sun?!?!? Heres to hoping that next weekend will be a better one!!!
  4. Cutting back on daily purchases helps big time! We also opened up an account with ING Direct. Since its a online bank we really do not see the $ and in a year we were able to save $5,000.00! We would put any extra $ we had in that account. We also have piggy banks that we put our change in it everyday.
  5. Josie u are amazing! Thats great that u were able to save all that money! Just think that once you are all done with your pending obligations you can go back to saving! I know how it is to deal with a $ hungry ex. I get to deal with one myself!
  6. Congrats! I have never stayed there but my family has a timeshare and that hotel was highly recommended!
  7. Although I can get bridzilla with certain things its nothing compared to what my BFF went through a year ago. DW is the way to go!!!!!
  8. Kelly, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Although its hard just remember that she is in a better place now. My condolences to u & ur family.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by inunez haha, i have this conversation with my FI all the time. he also gave me my ring on the night of my birthday and I told him that because of that i get to keep it. But he was actually "smart' about the whole thing...he gave me a pair of yellow stud earrings as the "gift" and then proposed. so i guess i did not luck out! LOL My FI gave me a boots and perfume along with the ring so he says the ring is technically not a gift, the other two were. I always tell him that If it got down to it I would fight him tooth and nail in court to keep my ring!
  10. I LOVE wine. My favorite is Moscato it is a white sweet wine. Red wine is good too
  11. No u r not crazy! I would def be doing the same thing! I am sure everyone will have a great time! Sorry to hear about ur accident, hope all is well!
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