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Everything posted by ~Jessica~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo Hi ladies! Happy Thursday! I have an iphone app with a bunch of tickers and today is 1 month until our legal day - yipeeeee!!!! Yea for dress fittings! Karen, IMO, I wouldn't go with Davids. I bought my dress there too, but they are way over priced with little to no customer service in most alterations departments. Go with something like Jamie mentioned to get better service and price. Jamie - not sure where you are in Phoenix, but would you mind sharing who did your alterations? I'm thinking about going to the Wedding Accessory Superstore because they are close to the house but really I haven't done any research yet on the alterations. Jill - your shower sounds like so much fun! LOL at your FMIL. My PITA is my mom, she is a total head case about the wedding. And I mean that in the nicest way I totally look at my dress all the time. It is just hanging in the closet taunting me. I even love my legal day dress Congrats Autumn, only 1 month to go!! Ahh that is so exciting! How did the stadium cups turn out??
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Oh Jessica - I don't know. I think I have the best choc. lab ever!!! Humm how about a tie?? Moose is 17 months old so just a tad bit younger than your gorgeous lab!
  3. Here is my furbaby Moose! He is the best chocolate lab ever!!
  4. Congrats!! You have two beautiful dresses! I bet the red will look so amazing in the TTD pics!
  5. I love the maggie one! I think both are beautiful, I just think the maggie one is more stunning.
  6. 2 months!! I am sooo jealous! I wish mine was only two months away! It almost would be if my FI had let me keep our original date of 12-18-09. Ohh well! Your bridal shower sounds awesome, you will have a great time! I love the old fashioned hankies idea! I am sorry you have a stupid FMIL too. I don't think one salad is much to ask, you would expect she would want to do WAY more to help on such a special occasion. I am lucky mine lives in Cali and I live in IL but she still finds ways to piss me off. And I can't even express how excited I am for you to get to try on your dress and start the fitting process! That makes everything sooo real! I am sure I won't want to take mine off either. One bridal place I went to said a lot of their brides come visit their dress once it comes in and all the way up until their fittings! I kinda laughed, like what silly people, but now that I ordered my dress it doesn't seem so silly (especially since I look at pictures of it a lot). I wouldn't put it past myself to go visit my dress. And like Karen said, where are the pics?? You know we are all picture whores!
  7. Don't worry! It will be here before you know it. I can't even believe mine is only 8 months away, time has flown! I can't only imagine how the next 8 months are going to fly!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by J&MWedding WOW GIRLS! I'm away from the forum for two days and I feel like I missed a ton of stuff! I had to go back and re-read everything to catch up! Oh, and girls, I just got back in town and rcvd my bridal shower invite! It just made me a little sentimental. I can't wait for it! I already have my hat and dress! they are so cute! I was out of town all weekend too, and I am sure I would have been on even during vacation if my fiance's backpack (with his computer inside) hadn't decided to jump off the luggage rack on the Hertz bus while going to pick up our rental car and break his computer. So I was going thru some withdrawls, but now I am back. Jill, that is sooo exciting you got your shower invite!! You will have to let us know how it goes!!
  9. I am adding an RSVP just to see if they will be coming or not. So just a yes or no. Then they can worry about their own travel and my TA lets me know whenever someone books. I am also going to send out a reminder to book your travel about 3 months out through email, to the people who RSVP'd yes.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by staceysbride I forgot that I might have taken the link from the vip site, and if you're not a zappos vip the site won't load. If you take vip out of the www addy, it should link to the same pair of shoes. If not they are pleaser USA delight 615. If you search for delight 615 you'll find them. Oh nevermind, lmao, here's a link. SUper sexy!! Those will look soo hot in the pictures! Here are my shoes GUESS Credenza (Black Leather) - Strappy Dress Sandals - Stylehive And I also have a pair of 4inch black peeptoes I am going to bring!!
  11. Heather (hockeymom97) - live in Hoffman Estates, but would probably be driving from work in Buffalo Grove. Kelly (kellynadam2010) I live in Bartlett, probably coming from Lombard Jessica (future mrs. griffith) I live in Naperville, work downtown Chicago
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis Friends are just like that sometimes. Women just have this need to compete especially when it comes to relationships and marriage. Don't let her steal your thunder, if you don't let it bother you, no one else will notice. Just brush off the passive aggressive remarks and just congratulate her. Afterwards she'll wish she had been nicer. Though I do have to say, even if someone isn't paying for all of their own wedding, that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to budget and be frugal. I am my family's first daughter to get married, it's a big deal to them and so they want to help pay for it. And just because I could ask them to pay for something that costs a lot, I'm not going to because I don't think we need to be spending that much to make our wedding special and I don't want to put that between us in a way that could harm our relationship. A wedding isn't about the money. It's about you and your husband and the people around you sharing the day with you. Katie, I think you just took what I said the wrong way. I didn't mean that money makes the wedding, but if you knew her and the way she spends money it would make more sense. It was just offensive to me that she asked about our money situation when it is so different from hers and she knew that before she asked, she was just trying to be rude and make a point.
  13. Any plans yet ladies We totally need to get together for a happy hour somewhere!
  14. Soo I really DO NOT like my FMIL for many many reasons and for some reason my FI told her I had a facebook page, which meant the next time I got on I had a friend request from her. And you have to accept otherwise you look bad....but since we are not FB Friends I get comments like this on my page: hey D I L YOU GUYS HAVE A GREAT TIME----HAPPY ANNIVERSARY---TAKE BEANO--AND DON'T EAT TOO MANY BEANS HEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHE LOVE YOU So I confess I wish her computer would DIE so I didn't have to be FB friends with her
  15. Jamie, I have an update 2009 version of the contract Rebeca sent me if it will be of any help to you. It is from when we were originally going to get married Dec. 18th, so it has 2009 prices. All you have to do is update it how you want it, print it and bring it with you. Hope it helps!! Jess, I LOVE your bachelorette pic! It looks like you had soo much fun! jessicawood.xls
  16. Angela your e-pics turned out awesome!! And what an awesome location, I loved the pics inside the barn! And you can already tell with her vision of locations your TTD is going to be freakin AMAZING! Congrats!
  17. I think both his uniform shirt and jersey would be hot!! And then everytime he will put them on after seeing the pictures he will think about you in them!!
  18. Thanks so much Lisa, my wedding will be 1456653387098876 times better than her's!! I just think it is totally shady what she is doing and it is bad friend etiquette. And I agree if my dad had the money to pay for my wedding it would be easier. But in some ways earning and saving for something so special makes it so much more special if that makes any sense.
  19. I confess I just used the last 45 mins of my work day to read this thread...and it is awesome!! So now I will confess..... A girl I used to be best friends with but we kinda grew apart over the last year, moved recently back to her home state where she met a guy and they started dating. They got engaged last week after 5 months together and are planning their wedding a month before mine. Her dad is paying for the whole thing but has the nerve to ask me what kind of budget I am working with (my FI and I are paying for our whole wedding) and tells me "who knew wedding stuff was so expensive!" So not only is she flaking on my wedding, but had the nerve to write me a message on facebook that she guessed I wouldn't be able to make it to her wedding since it will be a month before mine, but to drink a beer on her wedding day to think of her. IS SHE F**KING SERIOUS! Okay now I feel better. Is it wrong to think she is stealing my thunder by getting married before me??
  20. Your book is beautiful. Major props to Sarah for doing an amazing job! I am excited to use her for my BD book and hopefully my wedding album as well.
  21. Mine is next weekend and I am totally freakin out! My aunt (who is like a sister to me) and I spent all last Saturday finding sexy outfits and coming up with ideas on how to piece stuff I already had together! And I totally agree with Autumn, use somethings that have meaning because those pics will really stand out. Like I am using my fiance's army jacket from when he was in the military. Nothing like a half naked girl in a uniform
  22. I had this problem with another company Brides by Demitrios. I honestly think it is all bridal gown and bridesmaid gown companies. They just try to screw with you in terms of sizing. For the wedding I was in a year ago the stupid company wanted me to order a size 16 dress (I am a street size 10) which I thought was RIDICULOUS! But the lowest they would let me order was a 14, so I said fine. When it finally arrived (it was shipped from AZ) it had to be taken in almost 3 sizes down to between a 10 and an 8. It cost be $150 to alter it because she basically had to remake the entire dress. So to me they are all conartists!
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