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Everything posted by ~Jessica~

  1. So I went on my second dress shopping trip yesterday and I really didn't think anything would be able to top the dress I had found the first time around. But the more I thought about the first dress I realized how hot it would be out on the beach. I just didn't want to boil!!! So off my aunt and I went again. So it was down to two dresses that I still had to try on and only one had made me go WOW so far. So I tried on the second to last dress and I didn't take it off for about 20 mins and then tried on the other wow dress only to put back on the other one and to start crying because it was the one. I just wanted to share my excitement and I knew you girls would understand how in love you can be with a dress!!!!!! Me in my amazing dress The detail of my dress
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrot Hi girls- I went to dafonts.com...... I don't know where to go once you get there! there are a million links! I need help with a monogram/fonts so if anyone has any extra directions with that site I'd appreciate it! Amy- Go to Nature (in the Dingbat section). The ones used the most are WMTrees 1, and Hibiscus. Then go under Animals (also in the Dingbat section), the one I have seen used the most is WM Aquatic 1. Last but not least go under Various (also in the Dingbat section) and SC by the Sea is another good one to have. I would also really recommend copying into a word document the outline they give you of what each letter is. I had to refer back to it a number of times to make sure I was getting a starfish and not a shell. Hope this helps!
  3. We aren't doing one, we are doing our TTD session the next day and I just don't want to feel rushed into planning a breakfast as well. I don't think they are mandatory and you pretty much say thank you to everyone the night before! We are doing a welcome dinner though.
  4. Just for reference I am sending my STD's out now (my wedding is next May) so a year in advance just to let people know that if they want to start saving for the trip. Then I will be sending the formal invites out in October. I just want to make sure people have plenty of time to make plans to attend and have the opportunity to save the $$ it takes to attend. Then about a month before I am sending out a brochure all about the trip so if people RSVP'd but still have not made travel arrangements it is just another reminder. I would stick closer to the 5-6 months before for formal invitations just because you want people to have plenty of time to plan. And three months may feel rushed for some people.
  5. It is hard once you fall in love with a dress to go back. I am out looking again because the one I found is to formal for the beach. But I think if you love it you will find a way to make it work. Maybe find out the max $$ of your parents budget and then you could match the rest?
  6. Okay ladies those of you who brought your own decorations like table overlays, centerpieces, flowers and such. Did the WC at the resort set all of this up for you? Or are you expected to set it all up?? I bought stuff to make my own centerpieces but the last thing I want to do while i am getting ready on my big day is worrying that someone from my wedding has to go down and set them up... Thank you in advance
  7. I read about these in one of my bridal magazines and I really want to use them too. I think as long as they are biodegradable (the ones I saw were too) they are fine and you should totally use them.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrot My ticker isn't working! i"ve been trying this for 20 minutes Is your ticker posted as a URL?? If it is posted as a img that may be why it isn't working?
  9. I am sending out my STD's this week and my wedding is May 2010. I just wanted to give my guests a year ahead of time notice and then we will send out the invitations around October, so about 7 mos. before just to remind people and still give them plenty of time to book if they haven't already. And I totally agree with heartbeat send the invites to just your close friends and family. You can always to the AHR to celebrate with your entire family. Destination weddings seem to be the less expensive route but once you have a huge party they can get really really expensive! But also an AHR on top of the wedding could be more expensive too, I would just sit down and break down your budget and see what is more affordable. Because with a DW and a AHR you will have two sets of invites and two receptions to pay for. Just something to keep in mind .
  10. Angela, I love dress number one on you!! The back detail is so beautiful and it compliments your figure! You look amazing!
  11. Jillian I LOVE the buttons!! soo sexy! I am still in the process of trying to lose weight so I am nervous to buy anything yet but I so want to start shopping. I know Sept. will be here before we know it! Soo excited to meet you and the other girls it will be a great BD Shoot!
  12. Girls I just got some this past weekend and they come in two different colors, lime green and black. They do say Ikea on the sides of the bag but it is really small and really who cares? All my guests are going to use them for is as a beach bag, I loved them and you can't beat the price. This way I can find cooler things to put inside them.
  13. Savannah I happened into Michaels a couple weeks ago and they had a large palm tree punch on clearance. It worked so awesome for my STD's and I wish I could sell it to you but I still need to use it. But I found it for you on this site: https://www.uchida.com/eUchida/so/so...x?Cat1id=50223 That way you can stay in the house getting better while it comes in the mail!
  14. What about putting the fathers name and then under it put "In loving memory of..(mom's name).." so you include her. I think RIP looks a little morbid after the name, but "the late" is a good choice too.
  15. I was going to do a flipflop basket too, but I didn't want to worry about everyones sizing and maybe forgetting someones. So I am just getting flipflops for the bridal party.
  16. Thanks for letting everyone know! I will def. be stopping there on Sat.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Thanks ladies...I really need to check out where Im going to leave my Baby Chico. Im going to see how much it will cost at petsmart and search around for other alternatives. JMiranda- We have a chocolate lab puppy and there is a great place right by O'hare where he gets to stay whenever we have to leave him. I attached the website, he has stayed there three times and has had so much fun each time. The only problem was last time he had to much fun in the pool and ended up with an ear infection so when he goes to stay for the wedding we are going to have to get him antibiotics ahead of time so he isn't affected during his stay. But he gets his own room with a glass window and the only times he is in it is for naps and at night for sleepytime. Otherwise he is in the 10,000 sq foot play area with a bone shaped pool. The play area is indoor doggy grass that gets irrigated every night and people are always in the play area interacting with the dog. If you pay a little extra they get a treat every night and can even be groomed during their stay. We totally recommend getting them to give him a bath before you pick him up, Moose smelled sooo bad from playing the pool for 5 days when we picked him up. I also think one of the major benefits with going there is there are webcams that you can log onto and check in on your little ones !! And u can park at their location and they will shuttle you back and forth to the airport (they are about 5 mins from O'hare). Best part, they are open 24 hours for pick up compared to most boarders that are only open till 6pm, so you can get your pet whatever time your flight comes in. We booked the smallest suite and it was $47 a night. Welcome to Paradise 4 Paws : A premier resort for cats and dogs.
  18. So cute! Thank you for sharing. It is totally what I need since all my bridesmaids are in different states.
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