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Everything posted by ~Jessica~

  1. I really like the simple detail on #2. Since your dress is so stunning and so detailed a more subtle shoe may compliment better. But I do think both pairs are stunning and would both work with your dress.
  2. I think option B because of your height I think it would be so stunning, especially the back piece. My only tiny piece of advice is when picking the dress think about how hot you will be on the beach getting married in any dress you try on. Remember more layers underneath the dress will be hotter for you. Now if that doesn't matter don't worry about it, but I would also chose option B because it will not make you very hot with extra layers!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jmmercer Hi Jaime, I cannot remember it takes me forever to go back through the threads (slow mo computer!)... who are you using for your photography? I remember reading and several ladies are bringing or brought their photographer with them but unfortunately I am unable to do to that. If anyone has any local recommendations please let me know! Thanks! Jaclyn I am not Jamie but...I am using Nathan Cordova and so is Autjo, I think. I haven't met him in person but he is great to work with thru email and I can't wait to have him shoot my wedding!
  4. Quick question ladies...When did Rebecca ask for your deposits to hold your day?? I talked with her back in March about holding our date of May 14, 2010. She said it would not be a problem and she has me down for that day, but no deposit had been asked for since she said 2010 pricing isn't out yet. I still have not heard from her and I know I am still 10 months out but I just want some definite confirmation that my date is on hold. Am I jumping the gun??
  5. Congrats MarieSam on becoming a Mrs!!! Your pictures are gorgeous! And Akumel has officially made it on my must visit list.
  6. Its gorgeous!! I absolutely love the colors you chose.
  7. I love the first and last dress! Have so much fun trying them all on and finding your "one"!
  8. I drew the same blank when thinking what I should ask the resorts, so I made my fiance sit down with me and come up with questions he wanted answers to. The more he came up with, the more I came up with. Some of them are geared towards our resort specifically but you can alter them to wherever. We just sent them to our WC at the resort and she sent them back filled in. Hope they help! Wedding Questions.doc
  9. I put both our names and our address (since we live together) and used vistaprint like Josie and Desiree. If you sign up for emails from vistaprint you will get tons of offers for free address labels or address labels for $1.
  10. There is the basic design of one on this website (plus lots of other really great ideas) Posts tagged template - Aylee Bits
  11. I think it is all up to personal preference. We are inviting about 70 people knowing they all won't be able to make it, but we are not sending the invitations to a lot of people who would have been invited if we had our wedding at home. We narrowed it down to an "A" list and a "B" list. Whoever made the A list will get an invite and the B list people are not getting one. People on the B list were relatives we never see (like 3rd cousins) and parents friends and coworkers.
  12. did u try using wordart?? It is available in both word and powerpoint. It will let you manipulate words that way.
  13. We are going to register at Crate & Barrel and Bed Bath and Beyond.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by J&MWedding On the rehearsal dinner subject - I was sent tons of quotes and info from restaurants and other BDW brides. There were some great rates as other brides have mentioned, but I think I came to a conclusion. We were going to take everyone out offsite to dinner, but I think we are cancelling it all. We will do the rehearsal and then whoever wants to just eat together at the resort will. My girlfriend said that it might be better for us not to have an 'event' scheduled every night -so that guests can have time to theirselves to enjoy their "vacation." We are doing a welcome gathering on Wed, wedding on Friday, so I figure have nothing scheduled on thursday so that guests can just go on excursions etc. etc. Does anyone feel like that is just totally rude not to have a formal rehearsal dinner? We will still go to dinner with our parents probably but just at the resort at one of the restaurants. I don't think it is rude at all. We aren't really scheduling one either, we may take our bridal party and parents to dinner after the rehearsal but that is it. If we even do anything, I don't even know if I will be up for it. I just kind of want to chill the night before and not have to think about a big event and the coordination of a big rehearsal dinner. I think as long as you are at one of the Dreams restaurants people can come join you if they would like the night before!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM I love that dress! Are you wearing it for your wedding or just TTD? It's really beautiful! I got it as my TTD dress. It mimicks the look and flow of my real dress. I was super excited to find it so cheap!!
  16. You may want to post this also in the Invitations, STD's, photography, website forum. I know that is where I found my Chicago BD session. I attached the link bc I know some of the girls on the last page are looking for a Chicago BD session and could be interested in the package you found. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t40321
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