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Everything posted by BeachBride10

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Do you have any other resort/hotels in mind on your list in Cabo? I know it is hard to narrow down since there are so many beautiful places there. Good luck and happy planning
  2. AAAwwwhh... this makes me so sad to hear about these terrible things happening at this special time. I had the same thing happen with my kitty so I know how horrible that decision is to make. I just cried myself to sleep for a week or so. Family illness is not easy to deal with to begin with, so I am sorry this is happening when you are supposed to be being happy. I wish you and your family the best and hopefully you can enjoy your big day.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mrs.timpone hey ladies excuse my ignorance but I am a newbie i would love to order around 20 pashmina's how does this all work?? can someone share the link to the website where i can buy them in bulk?? The website is wholesalepashminascarves.com
  4. Thanks for letting me know. The one individual one I got... was it fuchsia? I was worried about it and wanted to make sure. Thanks.
  5. This is the one I got... there is some DIY involved though, need to glue glass together and something else. I have the instructions I can post on here if you'd like. I got mine at Kohls for $9.99 but I found the same frame on amazon for $25.00 Amazon.com: Umbra Ether 10.5 X 8-Inch Frame, Espresso: Kitchen & Dining
  6. Those look great! Are you putting one hangover kit per person in each bag? or one hangover kit per bag for couples? I keep going back and forth on whether to do one hangover kit for each couple but just put double the amount of meds/etc or if I do one hangover kit per person? Thanks for any help on this
  7. Hey Loveisintheair, Did you send those out USPS/priority or UPS/ground? I was just wondering when I should expect my order. Since others are getting theirs I am just getting excited. : )
  8. Welcome to the forum and congrats! WOW you really are close! Glad you found the site in time to help out. You will find tons of helpful information and awesome ideas from other brides on this site. Happy planning
  9. I might have you beat in the timing department... my fiance and I have been together over 10 years and have been engaged for 5. You have a better reason for waiting as long as you did... what a neat idea. I wanted to finish school first. Have a beautiful wedding in Jamaica. Happy planning
  10. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and awesome ideas from other brides on this site. Happy planning
  11. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Hopefully you will be able to make it work. You will find tons of helpful information and awesome ideas from other brides on this site. Happy planning
  12. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and awesome ideas on this site. Do the multiple wedding happen at the same time at the same resort, or are they staggered? If do they occur in the same location of the resort? Happy planning
  13. Welcome to the forum and congrats! I've been to Hawaii, but now Maui... should be a beautiful wedding. You will find tons of helpful information and awesome ideas on this site. Happy planning
  14. BeachBride10


    Welcome to the forum and congrats! Never been to Jamaica but the pictures are beautiful. You will find tons of helpful information and awesome ideas on this site. Happy planning
  15. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Never been to that place before but it sounds beautiful. You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  16. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. I haven't researched PV so sorry that I can't help out much. I know the photographer that I booked travels to PV. I am waiting on another bride's review on him who just got married in PV. Her review of EM Weddings should be up any day. Happy planning!
  17. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  18. BeachBride10


    Welcome to the forum and congrats! It can be a little overwhelming at first but you will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  19. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Sorry... I can't help you with your destination. I have never been there and I haven't researched it at all, but there are tons of other brides on here who have. You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  20. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Do have any ideas of what destinations yet? Happy planning!
  21. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  22. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Maui sounds beautiful.... been to Hawaii but not to Maui. You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  23. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will find tons of helpful information and beautiful ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  24. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Happy planning!
  25. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Do you know where you are thinking about in Cabo? I remember stumbling upon this site and wondering about the feasablility thing too, but after staying up all night long because I couldn't stop reading people posts and seeing all the beautiful ideas I said we are gonna make this happen! Way to get a head start on the planning. Happy planning!
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