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Crisp Video

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Everything posted by Crisp Video

  1. Wow! Hang on to your hat, you're gonna love it! Congratulations, Joel
  2. Conratulations! You're gonna love it! Best, Joel
  3. Welcome! You're gonna have a blast using this great resource. Congratulations! Joel
  4. Oh you're gonna love it. Try to make time to go pet the dolphins! Congratulations! Joel
  5. Welcome and enjoy this wonderful resource! Cabo is great and you're gonna want to go back again and again. Congratulations! Joel
  6. Relax. You don't have to say anything in particular. The words said in the ceremony don't make it legal, signing the papers with the officiant in front of witnesses makes it legal. Just write your vows and repeat them after the minister/officiant. At my wedding we just said "I do" only and let the minister do the talking. No embarassing mistakes! Congratulations Joel
  7. You can do a honeymoon (money) dance, or a married couples dance. This where all the married couples dance and the DJ has people sit down who have been married 5 years or less...10 years or less, etc. Finally the couple that has been married the longest is left and you give them a gift. Congratulations! Joel
  8. I always encourage couples to give the photographer all the time he needs, if the cocktail hour is when you're taking photos. When it's all said and done it's the photos and video that last. Congratulations! Joel
  9. I've done over 500 weddings so I've seen a thing or two. Please do yourself a favor and sloooww down, take a deep breath, and find happiness in the now first. Then calmly, with your FI, discuss options. You can't be in a tremendous rush to have a relaxing day! It's usually not a good idea to make decisons when you're upset. Also, can you get off from work a few extra days for Thanksgiving? It is your wedding, not just a vacation. And people in cold climates yearn for a beach so strongly in the winter, I think that is your best bet. All the best, Joel
  10. Please, please nail this down. Don't leave anything to chance, don't make any assumptions. Plan early and plan well so you can relax and enjoy on your Big Day! Congratulations! Joel
  11. Other places are nice but Cabo is CABO! And I've enjoyed working at Dreams. Make sure you take time to chill at Santa Maria beach. Congratulations! Joel
  12. Water taxi. It's cheap. Haven't done it in awhile so I don't know exactly how much. Best, Joel
  13. We had a fantastic 10 days all alone on Ambergris Caye in Belize. Perfect. Another rum punch?
  14. 1. Hotel Del Coronado 2. La Valencia in La Jolla (Bono stays there) 3. La Jolla Cove Suites, because of location 4. Coronado Marriott I got married in La Jolla, it's a very special place. If I were you I would go for La Valencia. I DJ'd Deepak Chopra's Christmas party there last year. Congratulations! Joel Crisp
  15. I would go to World Famous. Right on the beach with lots of windows. Honestly, tho, the tastiest food in PB is the Bareback Grill. They have this lamb burger with...OMG...the best.
  16. I've DJ'd there a dozen times. The view is beautiful but the rooms are a little bland. I would get uplighting and allow the florist to use as many colors as possible. Congratulations! Joel
  17. There are several Marriotts. Wasn't sure which one you were referring to. Congratulations! Oh and I really must speak up for the food at El Zarape on Park Ave. It wins Best in San Diego everytime I turn around. Yum!
  18. Congratulations! Plan well beforehand so that on your Big Day you can just enjoy! Feel free to ask me any "locals" questions. I'd be glad to help if I can. Best, Joel
  19. Mary Elisa and I had a perfect honeymoon this past December. Just the two of us on Ambergris Caye in Belize. Perfect.
  20. Welcome! I'm new here too. I'm a wedding videographer in Cabo and San Diego, and I lived in Cabo for a couple of years. Dreams is very nice, I've worked there. Never been to Tulum, sorry. Congratulations! Plan well and plane early. Joel Crisp
  21. Hi, Joel here. I'm a wedding videographer in Cabo and I've worked at Dreams. Let me know if I can help - not just with video but general questions, too. Congratulations! Joel Crisp www.joelcrisp.com
  22. Hi and welcome! I've worked at Dreams in Cabo and it is very nice. Haven't been to Tulum. Plane early and plan well! Best, Joel
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