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Everything posted by tdmitchell

  1. size : 11....... * I used the periods because my message was too small!
  2. I absolutely Love it! I called my mom as soon as I went to the page and she said she can make me one w/ fabric glue!!! YAY thanks for the wonderful idea!
  3. tropical island : Where I wanna be
  4. 1. Where is your cell phone? charging 2. Your significant other? Harrisburg 3. Your hair? nappy 4. Your mother? Pittsburgh 5. Your father? Jeannette 6. Your favorite thing? relaxing 7. Your dream last night? running 8. Your favorite drink? water 9. Your dream/goal? Happy 10. The room you're in? calm 11. Your ex? Who? 12. Your fear? rats 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? home 14. Where were you last night? bed 15. What you're not? rich 16. Muffins? banana 17. One of your wish list items? car 18. Where you grew up? Northside 19. The last thing you did? This 20. What are you wearing? glasses 21. Your TV? On 22. Your pets? NONE 23. Your computer? Toshiba 24. Your life? fine 25. Your mood? LAZY 26. Missing someone? Fiance 27. Your vehicle? dependable 28. something your not wearing? shoes 29. Favorite Store? Target 30. Your summer? short 31. Like someone? Yes 32. favorite color? blue 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? today
  5. I would say NO! You don't even know them like that and I think it was innapropriate to try an impose on your wedding! Sorry, I don't have any advise on how to tell them because I don't know how to tell people no either!
  6. awww, thats wonderful! soooo sweet!
  7. The dress in stunning! Go for it! Like the other girls said it doesn't matter the location, all that matters is that you LOVE the dress and you look beautiful on your day!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by koolatta Good Luck tdmitchell!! It is going to be one of the craziest and just plain fun and exciting experiences in your life. I told my friend to get married next year just so I have a reason to go back..lol. One piece of advice...take at least 2 or more people to help you find dresses and hold on to you...trust me you will need them :-) Thanks! 2 of us actually went in the Spring to one they had in MD. We aren't going when doors first open. We went around noon and all the dresses were back on the rack and majority of the morning crowed was gone. So I plan on going around noon to beat the crowd and I will be taking my mom this time!
  9. I Love it! It gives me hope, a couple of us from the site are going to Running of the Bride in DC on Friday!
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