Hello Everyone, My name is Tiffany and I’m a newbie! I wanted to share my engagement story and a few pics since I have a year until the big day and won't be posting any wedding pictures anytime soon.
Our story:
Joe and I met second semester freshman year at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. We became best friends , that summer he went to basic training in Florida and we communicated via mail. The following semester he was in Tech school and we spoke on the phone every night! He came back to school in January of 2003 and we began to date!
6 Years later:
I moved to Maryland to teach kindergarten in PG county, summer 2007. Joe moved in January 2008. Later on in the school year I found out that myself and the 2 other kindergarten teachers would be responsible for the Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony and Reception.
June 3rd, 2008, I was preparing for my students' BIG DAY the following day. I had purchased decorations, a cake, and various other supplies for the ceremony and reception. I asked Joe to accompany me to the school, so that he could help carry and setup. He was acting as if he didn’t want to be bothered and he would be bored at my school. I was a little disappointed that he was acting that way!
The next day June 4th, 2008, Joe reluctantly (Atleast thats what I thought) accompanied me to my school, after he helped prepare the library for the reception he went back to my classroom. It was very hectic, early in the morning and I had to gather my class and make sure they made it down the aisle and were seated on time.
The Ceremony lasted about 45min and I had forgot all about Joe, but I figured he was ok probably bored in my room playing on the net. So, my children, parents, and I headed to the reception. As the parents and I chatted and I went crazy trying to keep track of all of my children amongst the other 2 classes and parents I could hear one of the pre-k teachers saying " May I have your attention please". I was a little upset, because pre-k had their ceremony the day before and we hadn't interrupted their ceremony (lol). As I turned to find out what was going on Joe was in front of me on one knee **"babbling" with a ring in his hand. All I could do was cry and say YES I didn’t hear a word he said, I was shocked. Tears flowing, I hid my face because I am very shy in front of a crowd and people I don’t know! My children were so concerned asking me what was wrong and was I going to be ok?! They had NO clue what had happened. All my parents had tears in their eyes!
I was sooo surprised and never expected it! It was the best surprise of my life!
We plan on having a DW in July 2010. We have Not picked a destination yet.
** I say babbling because I have NO clue as to what he said and he has never repeated it to me since!
I tried to attach a link to my photo bucket pictures because I was unsure of the size requirements when posting pics on the forum.
Engagement pictures by tdtillman - Photobucket