Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha Hello ladies!
I can't believe Gavin is 2 weeks old already! I'm sorry I haven't been on but it's been a little hectic as you can imagine! I've been very fortunate to have DH home from work all but a few days during the last 2 weeks and he's spoiled me rotten! He's been doing all the house work, most of the cooking and most of the diaper changes! He goes back to work on Monday and I'm both dreading it and looking forward to some time for myself!
It's been a crazy 2 weeks with a rocky start to breast feeding, DHs 30th B-Day and Gavin's circumcision falling on the same day and the overall adjustment of sleeping in spurts of 2-3 hours but I've loved every second of it and could not have done it without my hubby's support! Have I mentioned he's been awesome?!!! I want to shout it from the roof tops!
I promise to be back this week with my labor story and all the little tid-bits of having a new born, pictures and tips for any of you who plan to breastfeed. Just wanted to chime in on the workout question. I did cardio and walked A LOT all through my pregnancy and I believe I owe fitting into my jeans this weekend to staying active!!! In addition to breastfeeding and starting to walk again. I still have a little belly to loose but am basically back to my pre-pregnancy weight!
Congrats on EVERYTHING! Handsome baby boy, supportive husband, weight LOSS! CONGRATS!!! CONGRATS!