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L&C In Love

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Everything posted by L&C In Love

  1. Welcome to the forum, you will actually stumble on a lot of threads here that are so awesome! The Riviera Maya section will have so much! Trip advisor is also good to see how the hotel is and has lots of pictures, but you can't listen to all of the reviews, some people are never happy. Once you have some specifics nailed down like size, price, and other preferences then it will be easier to make a choice, Happy Planning!!!
  2. Thats a nice engagement story, very sweet! This place has loads of info, you just got to have some time to go through it all, its awesome how much everyone helps you out here! Happy Planning!!
  3. Thanks for all the great advice ladies!! I hope it didn't sound that I was ungrateful to my aunt for helping us before, but I always found the best deals after I had asked her to, I guess thats kind of what I meant when I said low maintenance. I really also don't know for sure that she never charged us commission, I guess I just assumed it. BUT she is my family and I don't want to exclude her, I don't want to question her talent as a travel agent. So I think I will just talk to her and ask her if she would feel comfortable booking for me and that she is not obligated to, and if she doesn't want to I have someone here in mind. Also if she can help me with all the things I need to get done. I would love for her to just be able to enjoy this trip and I don't want her planning it to ruin it for her, because she does deserve a nice time.
  4. All I can say is WOW!!! Your bags are so awesome! I can't wait to do mine, everytime I see all of these bags it gets me more excited to do mine! I just hope mine look as awesome as yours! I may just have to ask you a few questions when I do mine, if thats ok
  5. That dress is really pretty and it looks so great on you! I can't wait to go dress shopping!
  6. Great bags! Thanks for sharing!! Congradulations to the both of you!
  7. I have a bit of a dilema, my aunt is a travel agent and she has booked trips for me in the past, which were all fine, but she didn't go the extra mile with anything. Im not trying to complain about that because I totally understand considering she wasn't making commisssion off our bookings but I was very low maitenance, finding everything out myself and just getting her to actually book the trip. So I don't really want to book through her for the wedding, I want to go with another recommended travel agent that has been really really helpful when booking other destination weddings. My Aunt also lives in another city which might make it a little harder for those who like to do the face to face booking. Do you think I will offend her if I just book with someone else? I kind of think it would be nice for her so she wouldn't have to worry about all the travel arrangements and just enjoy a vacation, but she might also think that I am don't care or that I am making her miss out on a possible large booking, thus more commission or sales for her agency. Any advice would be so helpful, I have been thinking about this for a while and just can't make a definite decision. Lacey
  8. I really like this idea of the magnet and the postcard! So did you just send the magnet and postcard together in an envelope? Also I noticed that you used mywedding.com, did this work out well for you? Lacey
  9. Congradulations on your engagement!!! Welcome to the forum, this place is so great. Something that helped for me was getting the hotels in my price range, and then going on the designated threads on BDW forum and going on trip advisor. This really gives you an insight on what the hotel will offer you and if you think it will match your needs. The girls will actually list out what they paid and all of that good stuff! T he DR sounds like a great location and is usually really good price wise, good luck with everything!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Tifuhhknee Welcome L&C. If you have any Qs about the Catalonia Riviera Maya resort, I stayed there in April 07 and June of this year. ) Oh thats awesome! You liked it there? I may just be calling on you in the future with questions
  11. Hey there I am also going to be a 2011 bride, in the Mayan Riviera. I am 90% decided on the Catalonia Riveria Maya in May 2011. I haven't done anything yet!! I just moved into a new house with my FI, so now I am starting to go on here more and get more ideas. I get so distracted though because there is so many threads here to read! LOL I also really like Moments that Matter photography...looks like I need to get on top of things, you ladies are so organized! Hahah its hard, I think my girlfriends will think Im Crazy for wanting to plan so early!! Haha I guess I just need to start planning myself some more.With winter coming, I won;t be so busy and I will really want to be thinking about a warm wedding on the beach!!!
  12. Welcome to the forum, happy planning, you will find sooo much on here!!
  13. Great designs! I have to say 1 and 2 are my favs!! This is great, you have given me some inspiration to do mine! Thx!!!
  14. Welcome, you will find soooo much awesome info on here! Happy Planning!!
  15. Congradulations and welcome!!
  16. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!!
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