I have a bit of a dilema, my aunt is a travel agent and she has booked trips for me in the past, which were all fine, but she didn't go the extra mile with anything.
Im not trying to complain about that because I totally understand considering she wasn't making commisssion off our bookings but I was very low maitenance, finding everything out myself and just getting her to actually book the trip.
So I don't really want to book through her for the wedding, I want to go with another recommended travel agent that has been really really helpful when booking other destination weddings.
My Aunt also lives in another city which might make it a little harder for those who like to do the face to face booking.
Do you think I will offend her if I just book with someone else?
I kind of think it would be nice for her so she wouldn't have to worry about all the travel arrangements and just enjoy a vacation, but she might also think that I am don't care or that I am making her miss out on a possible large booking, thus more commission or sales for her agency.
Any advice would be so helpful, I have been thinking about this for a while and just can't make a definite decision.