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L&C In Love

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Everything posted by L&C In Love

  1. This is the Will you be my bridesmaid card that I sent to all of my BM's. They really liked them and thought I had made them, couldn't take credit for it though. I love etsy! I got them from the seller the polkadot alley and she was great to work with!
  2. Thanks so much for the reassurance Erica!! I am starting to feel less stressed since I made this decision, i just don't know if we will get married first or after, but I am leaning towards after. One question, did the minister speak English? The suite sounds so great, I will definitley request a suite on the RM side, I don't think it will be a problem if we book with Yucatan. I finally feel like things are starting to come together, I ordered my STDs last night! YAY!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Kplanta Hey L&C In Love, I noticed you are from Edmonton. I am in the final stages of trying to finalize a group quote from our travel agent, and I am now being told that Nolitours is the only tour operator in Canada that is offering the CAT, and that they are only offering the Yucatan side to Canada. I was wondering of you have booked your group, and on what side of the hotel? I am also wondering if we book on the Yucatan side, can we upgrade to the suites on the Rivieria side if we call the hotel directly? I am worried that the rooms on the Yucatan side might not be as nice, and that we will not be able to book a suite for ousleves! Have you run in to this issue? What do you guys think I should do? Just book on the Yucatan side? I would really like to have a suite for oursleves though, because it is our wedding and I would like the nicer room. Plus all the girls will be getting ready in the room on the day of the wedding, and it would be nice to have more space. Kristen Hey Kristen, I haven't offical booked with Nolitours yet but it will be soon so I will let you know how everything goes. But I am sure that we will get what we want. With the renewal of the vows package I know we get a room upgrade but I am not sure if it is a suite. I too really want a suite so we have a lot of room for everything and everyone on the wedding day. So I am going to request that we get this when we book. I am sure that since you have a wedding there they will accomodate you and give you the room you want on either side.
  4. Your colours are very similar to mine, so you have given me sooo many great ideas! Thank you so much for sharing! I love your invitations and STD!!
  5. Welcome to the forum Amanda, there is so much info here to help for the planning process, have fun!
  6. Well I think after much deliberation I have decided to go with the Renewal of the Vows at the Cat. The legal requirements in Mexico and the lack of hearing back from Elena has just made me want to go the easier route! Also I really want to have the ceremony personalized and in English and having the legal ceremony meant I really wouldn't get that. Meyer2010, I know that you went this route as well. How was your experience with this whole process? Did the minister you had perform the ceremony work out well? Did they make "real like" so others didn't know it wasn't actaully a legal ceremony? Also I think you said the Cat didn't require you to have the marriage cert at the resort so you didn't have to have the legal marriage done before? Did you stay for a honeymoon as well? I think some resorts want to see a marriage cert to give you a honeymoon package. I was going to go somewhere else for our honeymoon, so that is why I am a little worried as I would want to get legally married after Mexico.
  7. Thank you sooooo much for sharing this with us!! You have such great things, I especially like your invitations and oot bags, you have given me a lot of Inspiration!! Oh I just realized it is your wedding day today, HAPPY WEDDING!!
  8. I really think I am going to try this, the pants have been getting tight so now is a great time! I think I am going to try (try is really the key word there) to get the FI to do it too! I am not going to start for about 2 weeks though because I have two busy kind of party weekends coming up and it would be pointless. Keep sharing all of you who have tryed and I will share once I have started! One question, did anyone put a little salt (sea salt) and pepper on their meat?
  9. Hey there Ladies, I went to bridal debut (the south side one) and had a great experience. Couldn't quite make up my mind, but they recomemded that I go to the Sherwood Park store and when I do they will bring the other two that I really liked so I can compare. I think I am going to take the FI to the bridal house to look for his clothing, has anyone gone anywhere else for their FI? Keep sharing info, any places that you have gone for wedding of AHR stuff?
  10. Thank you so much for sharing this! I have been trying to decide on a photog and there wasn't many reviews on Juan. Beautiful Pics. It will be a hard decision!
  11. It is soon! I hope that booking will be easier once August hits! Has anyone spoken with Elena lately? I haven't been able to get an email back from her with my questions. Or does anyone have an updated or new price list?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-script-21660/ Hey L&C in Love , I found the thread only by accident so thought i would post it incase you havent found it on here yet. Its something i hadnt thought too much about at this stage - but may be worth contacting the WC once your date is confirmed. Thanks Josie!! I am going to have to contact her because I want my wedding day to be the day I am legally married, but i also want a minister to perform the ceremony and for us to be able to speak some of our own vows! I hope we are able to do something like that!!
  13. Thanks for posting Maya! Everytime I hear about a bride from the Cat, I get more and more excited! Did you have a legal ceremony or did you just do the renewal of the vows and get legally married before you left?
  14. Hello there fellow Canadian bride and welcome! Happy planning! This place is great!
  15. Well you have come to the right place! Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  16. Welcome Sal, happy planning!
  17. Welcome! So much great info here to help you decide! Happy Planning!
  18. Welcome to the forum, I have heard that the TA's on this site are just amazing! I would have used one but my Aunt is a travel agent. Click on the top part of the website where it says BDW travel agents to get in contact with one. Happy planning!!
  19. Welcome, you will find so much great info on here to help you make a decision! I am sure you will find the info to make the "one" decision! happy planning!
  20. Welcome to forum! There is so much great info here to help you! Happy Planning!
  21. Welcome! There are so many places you could go, take browse through here and I am sure that you will narrow down a spot. Happy Planning!
  22. Welcome to the forum, this place is so great and loaded with so many awesome people and info! Happy Planning!
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