OMG I love Bridezillas they make me laugh
I saw the top 10 as well (at work)
I dont have cable so I dont get to watch it unless the guys I work with leave the room for awile hehe
I do feel bad for a few of the Brides because yeah there crazy, but the people who clame to love them just do things to hurt them, like one girls bridesmaids desided they wanted to go to a club the bride hated for the bachlorett party after it had already started...
And the one girls FMIL who hated her and was trying to get her son to call the wedding off, or the Bride whos FI sisters hated her and got "fired" at the rehersal dinner!
Though most of the time the Bride is CRAZY, but a few times I have seen it where I felt bad for the Bride and I think I may have lost my cool a bit