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Everything posted by Jenamie

  1. awww now thats sweet!! I love how he took something that was just you two for the proposal
  2. WOWzer home from! 2 months from yesterday I'll be getting to the beach house I'll be staying in for the wedding
  3. congrats and welcome!
  4. I would say no, save your money and just send out wedding anouncements when you get married, but thats just my oppinon
  5. we are running away for our honeymoon, everyone seams to think my wedding is a family vacation for them, and thats cool but if I was staying there for my honeymoon I would go nuts
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  7. I'm kinda a freak when it comes to my books I like the Anita Blake searies by Laural K Hammilton; basicly trashy romance novals with vampires and ware-animals hehe V.C. Andrews, her books are kinda twisted with weird events like the guy the main charater is dateing turns out to be her brother kind of stuff... Though right now I'm reading a book someone said on this site "saving your marrage before it starts" really really good points to think about when getting married Though now I want to read the Something Borrowed searies but the first one is not on the kindal yet... but the second one is :/ booo
  8. Sooo Friday I have my BD pics :/ I'm kinda worried and I'm not sure I have the right clothing for it and I ran out of time to order anything and I really wanted to do a 60s Pin up type thing... but I only have two outfits for that.... Also a friend desided to crash my couch for a week and I work nights so I only have Thursday to hit up the mall/"fantacy" shops in town... I'm really mad at myself for this, but when I pay I'm going to finnish paying her for the wedding too And I forgot all about trying to get my hair done... and I still have no idea how I'm going to do with my hair short I need to finnish my DIY shirts for my bridesmaids and my honeymoon I really feel like I cant get a thing done when I'm working the night shift two months to today I will be... out of the military!
  9. I'm glad I found this a friend of mine told me that my arms needed toned, and lately I keep having dreams about having misshapen arms for my wedding :/
  10. OMG I love Bridezillas they make me laugh I saw the top 10 as well (at work) I dont have cable so I dont get to watch it unless the guys I work with leave the room for awile hehe I do feel bad for a few of the Brides because yeah there crazy, but the people who clame to love them just do things to hurt them, like one girls bridesmaids desided they wanted to go to a club the bride hated for the bachlorett party after it had already started... And the one girls FMIL who hated her and was trying to get her son to call the wedding off, or the Bride whos FI sisters hated her and got "fired" at the rehersal dinner! Though most of the time the Bride is CRAZY, but a few times I have seen it where I felt bad for the Bride and I think I may have lost my cool a bit
  11. One of my faves is the dress hanging before its put on. Bride with each bridesmaid (can give that as a think you gift later)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by loanmao I love flip flops! And actually...two of the most comfie pairs of flip flops come from trusty ol' Target. And only $6 a pair! They're probably not as squishy and comfie as lisaloo's, but hey...the price makes them feel quite good! Bahahaha I use to be like that too, but my Doc will yell at me if he sees me in cute cheapy flip flops.... I love my rainbows comfy and can walk all day in them with out killing my back knees and feet BUT man I miss spending $5- $10 on flip flops hehehe
  13. Happy late Birthday I hope it was great!
  14. let me know if you have any left over after the other girls are done I love doing this and yes its WAY eazy!!
  15. This is why holidays will be for us to spend time with each other and the only reason I'll go home for a holiday will be when my FI is deployed. We will take vacations and maybe be near one parent or another near the holiday but the day of will be for us and when we have kids. But we also dont live near our parents his are 6 hours away mine are 15 hours away, I love my parents but I dont see the need to be with them on a holiday over any other day in the year. I can see why you are mad though, if he had last year this year should be yours if thats your agreement, but if he is not into being in groups I can see his point to, if your family makes holidays a big deal and he is not very comfy being around alot of people So I guess you two just need to talk alot of things over and set up how you two will handle the holidays so you dont have this fight every few months of every year
  16. I just got back from LA and moving my FI into our new home!!! Its a beautiful 2 bedroom condo with a garage and huge walk in closets There are closets every where and space to grow with us. Half of the kitchen's cabnits are still empty and he is the cook in the family. At the end of July he will be flying up to help me pack my house up in a UHaul and drive it my 3 cats and two turtles down to OUR place!! After I unpack though I have to fly back and then I'm moving in with my good friend so I can finnish my military out processing and donate the rest of my stuff to the church. I cant wait for AUGUST!!! 68 days!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by angieanderson Thanks everyone! Jenamie-- NC was our second choice! Nags Head to be exact but he didn't want to deal with trouble of making our families and friends drive four hours just for a day. I'm sure yours will be beautiiiiful. Congrats! Haha well between me and FI there are only 6 people in NC going to our wedding and everyone would have to travel no mater what I know yours will be great its in an awesome area
  18. yeah I'm always reading the stuff over there too hehe
  19. I love them I love love the sunglasses I'm so going to do that now
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