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Everything posted by Jenamie

  1. So I'm sorta happy, DH would be deploying this month, his whole squadron is but he had a med problem and is DNIF (he is a flyer and its a do not fly list) so he cant deploy... yay for me I dont get to lose him so soon after the wedding... but him not being aloud to fly is really crappy for him and his carrier... So hopefully in the next month we will get the med results and he can either get off the do not fly list or he can start the proses of getting a waver to fly again so YAY and boo at the same time :/ I hate life in limbo and its killing him
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jaime+Brandon Jeni! I just saw the pics in your siggy... you look beautiful... great pictures! Congrats on your wedding!!! ~Jaime~ Hey Jaime thanks It was amazing
  3. No way! would you ever shoot someone if you could get away with it?
  4. thanks, it was a very religious ceremony... so the flower circle was the circle of love to combine Me and Tim and God, so the only people in the circle for the wedding was Me, DH and the preacher... It was something like this: Darrell: On behalf of Tim and Jenni I would like to welcome you today. In this life there are many kinds of love and many words are used to describe it. We gather here today to celebrate a special love. The love that exists between Tim and Jenni is as the circle you see before you, this circle represents the eternal love of God. They have stepped into the circle together, to stand together in God’s love. It is here they have chosen to make their love for each other eternal through the bonds of marriage. Tim and Jenni, Your love is like the ocean that splashes between the shores of your souls. It is like a great field of flowers or the rainbow over a vast ocean. It is all the most beautiful things, and it is your home. Here in this circle, before God, before your loved ones, you have chosen to lay the first bricks of this new home. Your love is part of your every breath. It is part of every step you take together and like God’s love for you both it will never end. It came up again with the rings too, it was really a good ceremony Me and DH came up with most of it so it was very much us hehe But if anyone would like to see the rest just let me know
  5. humm I never got an engagement gift (but the ring haha) But I think anything she will love if its from the heart
  6. yes I think make a compromise should work But he should relised that once he popped the question it was all about pictures from there hahaha
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TCIbride wow, wonderful pictures! I love your wedding set-up. Were the flowers that made the circle real? yes the flowers where real, we did not have to clean them up that way hehe
  8. thanks everyone It really was not that dark when the pictures where taken, but it was really windy being Hurricane Bill was right off the coast hehe
  9. hey I just did a North Carolina beach wedding So let me know what you need and I might be able to help you out
  10. And TTD photos by Swank Photo Studio :: Wedding Photographer, Portrait, Family photographer, NC and the World
  11. my wedding week was nicknamed wedding roulette, I had lovely hurricane Bill coming... and I got married outside on the beach with no plan B in sight he was off the cost for my wedding and it made my waves in the back ground awesome! and with a 60% chance of rain it cleared up about 2 hours before my wedding and did not rain until after clean up! Weather is just not anything you can worry about its too unpredictable and believe me rain or shine your wedding day will be beautiful and the best ever
  12. I cant wait to start getting updated story's 2 weeks for me !!!
  13. OMG I know its crazy close hehe I cant wait you should have the full forum opened to you soon if not already
  14. Awesome thank you everyone
  15. *hugs* I know its hard but keep your head up, but know its okay to cry when you need too
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ebbica Also had the strangest dream last night-- that FI's cousin & wife showed up with 3 kids that were their nieces and nephews, and I was like, I have no more chairs, and no more food! WTF am I gonna do with these kids! I was glad it was just a dream, lol! You know that almost was a problem for me, solution put a blanket/ towels down for the kids, they will love a picnic! One month today till my wedding!!!!!!! Just got all my stuff into my new house in La, though tomorrow I have to go back to NC until after the honeymoon I'm going to miss my cats like crazy need to crack down on all my final stuff when I get home!
  17. Bah well I was going to take a shower hahaha
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Jen - You will have to direct me to that military wives forum ... I don't know anything about it! Log in These girls are my life line to all things miltary (and everyday life) I would love for you to join us
  19. I'm in a Photo of the month contest for my BD pic She picked her 4 faves and counting out votes She has some voting on Facebook if you would like to vote for me hehe I'm #3 Login | Facebook or here http://www.facebook.com/event.php?ei...6709435&ref=mf Thanks for your help
  20. Well legal issues are keeping my Ring Barrier from going really upset about that... I have one week before I pack up all my stuff and my cats/turtles and Drive 15 hours haha Then I'm back a week and a half to finish up paperwork and head to my moms for a week and then to the beach!!! I cant believe how fast things are moving along
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