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Everything posted by Jenamie

  1. Defeantly lots of pics We are going to get pro Disney photos done... I just cant deside if we should do them at Epcot (so its all over the world photos) or do it with the animals!!
  2. I dont know a girl alive that will turn down jewelry... I think your safe I'm doing necklesses myself, they have turtles to match my turtle theam
  3. Thats a cool idea I'm doing sparkelers but I never thought of fire works... but I belive flying fire works are illigal in north carolina
  4. Hey I will take all 4 tote bags I'm doing a turtle theme and I love those!!! PM me or email me with the info [email protected]
  5. No I'm not paying transportation but my mom got a beach house for the family and my SIL is my bridesmade and she is staying with us and My best friend and MOH is staying in a room with me.... though my little sister (other BM) is staying with my dad Though I'm not sure what the guys are doing, I know FI is staying in the beach house his mom rented and so is his brother (GM) but I'm not sure what his best man is doing (he is married with a baby) and still waiting on the other (GM) to say if he can come or not
  6. In Disney!!! We are spending 6 days in the Animal kingdom loge!!! I'm so excited I am such a kid at heart and I love the fact he though that since he is getting the wedding he wanted (I wanted to elope in Vegas ) then I would get my dream honeymoon in Disney
  7. Jenamie


    Welcome and congrats!!!
  8. OMG I'm having a problem too :/ I dont know if I even want one or not!!! I kind of do because that the "bride" thing to do but dont because I just dont want lacy crap in my hair.... I'm not saying there bad and I have seen some look really good but I just dont know what will go with my dress and fit on the beach with out getting blown all over the place Agh yes so I feel your pain I have no idea either :/
  9. Me and Tim met when I was a freshman in high school We where both in Theatre and kind of ventured in the same click. After graduation he went off to college and I stayed back and went to a community collage later to join the Air Force We later found each other on facebook where I learned that he also had joined the air force (we are both air force brats) When I was deployed to Iraq we started emailing alot more and so when I got home I took a trip to see him. We hit it off really well and had a great time together. When I was on my way home I got 5 mins away from his house and he called to tell me he loved me We had been spending as much time as we could, living 15 hours from one another until he had to deploy. When he was deployed we where on web cam and voice chat and I asked him to marry me (yes I asked him! ) he thinking I meant that second told me there was no way he was deployed I just started laughing and I said no lets get married after I get out of the military in Aug of 09... He was like wait are you serious and I told him I was I wanted to get married to him! He told me that I could start planing if I wanted but that did not count as a proposal and we where not engaged until he asked me... I let him believe that hahaha After he got home from his deployment he came to visit me and I could not get off work so he borrowed my car when I was working and one day after I got home from work he told me he made me something, I took it and it was a comic book he had drawn himself with him and me as the main characters and once our characters defeated the bad guy his character wrote down to my character "Will you marry me" I then looked at him and he got down on one knee and asked me if I would marry him I just cracked up and said yes... Oh and was given the most beautiful ring he almost dropped getting the wedding ring out of the middle of it
  10. thats just silly, I would be like you have until friday and if you dont I will! But I'm that kind of person hehe
  11. Thats awsome Me and my honey where friends in high school and found each other on Facebook
  12. I registered for it, I found some I like even though I'm not a fine china girl I know in my futures line of work I'll be expected to have a formal dinner party at some time or another (where I'll be buying food cuz I cant cook hehe) So I desided to regester, though I may not get any and I'm fine with that too! But me and Tim have been living on our own for like 4 years so we dont need alot of household stuff we will already have double of most hehe
  13. Best- eyes/ tummy (right now I'm proud) guys would say my bum Worst- what I call my back fat... I cant show off a bit of my tummy I'm so proud of with out my stuppid muffen top jelly rolling out agh!
  14. YAY congrats Thats so exciting (BTW I love your avatar I LOVE penguins)
  15. I think you have every right to feel that way, once you get married your wife/husband becomes your family and yes he should think of you and your kids first... Though alot of people feel there extended familys as there number ones... Maybe after your married for a bit you can bring this up again... right now he could just be worried about his finaces going all to one person.
  16. I'm so sorry you have to go threw all that! I'm not completly there with you but my MOH when I call her she has to tell me all about her life and really skips over what I'm trying to get across with her.... Sometimes girls just get funny about things, but I realy wish she would come forward to you so you could put together what was going on with her all along... *bug hugs*
  17. I hate having everything long distance: My FI, My mom, my MOH, My BM (both), My wedding location.... I lack the modavation to get this done alone.... I never wanted a wedding (I know I'm a very odd girl) and I'm more excited for the honeymoon than the wedding Oh and I hated my proposal.... what he did was great... where he did it really sucked :/
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