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Everything posted by Jenamie

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mnh1983 Well, we found out this week that he won't be deploying...but that is a whole long story I will tell you later, Jeni. We're both upset though because the extra money from the deployment was going to go to the wedding fund! Ugh! Oh crap! I mean YAY he will be with you but boo on the no extra income :/ I'm so excited his med board should be coming back next month, and keeping fingers crossed that he will get back on flying status! Then he can go on TDY more so we can get the extra income haha
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva Im officially married and I am ready to hop on the baby wagon! I do have a 3yr old already and want to make her a brother or a sister. I have been late so I went and POAS and it was negative I have an IUD but I thought maybe something happened and it didnt hold up. We leave for our honeymoon early monday morning but when I get back I am making a docs appt. I will have my IUD removed and let nature take its course! The wedding stress is most likely what made you late. Hope it was a wonderful wedding enjoy your honeymoon and happy TTC when you get home
  3. Marisa, we worried about that alot too cuz his deployment was coming up, But hes squadron deployed 6 weeks after the wedding... and lucky for me sucky for him he is on a Med board so he did not deploy We did not do mess dress or blues cuz we thought it would look silly on the beach... though I have seen them that did not look silly but it was not for us at all
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 I know! I can't wait to start seeing some bumps! I just have what looks like a college girl beer gut at the end of the day We're leaving Monday for our "honeymoon" because our wedding afterward was spent with our families - of course we're going to Italy the country of WINE! Haha, but hey, the food is just as good so I'll be having plenty of that! So I'll be MIA for a few weeks - good luck to those of you TTC and I'll see the rest of you mommies when I get back OH so jealous! So looks like we are NTTP now... basicly only because I ran out of birth control... but I'll be going back on it next month... maybe *looks around*
  5. I love the pregnancy belly stickers! I'm bookmarking that site
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Andrea - are you getting little onesies with each month on them for growth pics? Where do you find them? That is such a good idea! I've seen people use block and signs and things but I love the clothing idea! I found this site for you Personalized and Memorable Monthly Baby Onesies
  7. Last year me and My hubby went to New Orleans and for St Pattys day we went on a Vampire tour and to a haunted bar! The size of the drinks I was SOOO drunk halfway threw the tour! Hahaha We had a great time!
  8. Thanks, I cant wait until I have the hard copy!
  9. Margie wow! I cant believe the pain I'm glad you had a C-section then! Your baby is adorable! I love the picture of you and him together
  10. Congrats Mrs. Martin!!! Thats awesome news Babies so close!
  11. Just dont tell him that twins have nothing to do with him its all you girl hahaha And I'm so jealous I want twins so bad I can taste it... but I guess I have to start trying before I can have anything haha Double Congrats!!! You can do it, as soon as you get the hang of it things will be just fine, but it will be something to get use too
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 Hi ladies! I am a military bride as well. My FI has been in for 7 years are we are preparing for a 13 month deployment in August. I am not looking forward to it. This will be his first one. Luckily the wedding is distracting me.. but I know it is going to hit me harder when that is over. Ekkk Anyway, I just wanted to say hi to everyone and I look forward to talking more with you Hey there welcome Ick 13 months! I'm sorry... Yeah The wedding plans will distract you, are you guys planning a trip before he deploys... I've always thought a great vacation is a great memory and lots of pictures he can hold on too!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by skadow How awsome. Did you get it framed? It would make cute gifts for the parents. Its not out on the stands just yet, But that is a great idea! Thanks! Thanks nbills511 I had an amazing photographer!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan LOL. We thought about doing it just for the u/s too! Just to have a quick peek at the little one! 18 weeks is going to feel like forever for that first u/s! 18 weeks! wow pregnancy is such a waiting game!! Wait to take a test, wait for your first doc visit, wait for the first u/s, wait for next u/s, wait for baby ahh its crazy! I'm not TTC or prego but some of this stuff is just scary for me to want to try But I just love love babies ! haha Good luck girls! And congrats all the new mommy's!! (jealous)
  15. come on us silly romantics need more info!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 Congratulations on making it into print.I love the sand dollors in the bouquet and the seashell messages.How did you make that work? With help of my friends and family to get everyone to sign the shells. It was before the ceremony so I never really saw it happen
  17. Goodness girl I already knew this story and still teared up when I read it hehehe Dan is such a good guy I'm so happy you two found each other!
  18. Marisa, I think its a beautiful location and I cant wait to see it!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 that's sooo cool, how'd you get the story on there? My wedding photographer used my pictures as ads in last seasons magazine and then the editor contacted my photographer for my info. I think she used two of my photographers brides in this one
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by kerrij Your clock isn't ticking at 27! heheh I'm 32, I'm the one who should be saying that...but i'm not worried yet. My cousin is a Nurse and she said the norm these days is to be in your early 30s...girls with babies in their early-mid 20s is so much less common! We have lots of time!! Haha I'm not saying that I'm to old to have baby's hahaha I'm just saying that its a ticking clock anywho My mom is a labor nurse but in a small town and her average age is 15-21... But yeah I'm trying to wait
  21. Sorry I was MIA for so long, After my wedding I was weddinged out but now I'm back to help and be apart of everything going on! We just did a PCA Kinda annoying because he needed to buy a new uniform and provide a "landing fee" in the new squadron We are still working out the fiances because I got out of the military before we got married
  22. Its your day you need to do what you want if people cant go then great you get the small wedding you want... there will always be people who think there invited anyways... but will quickly learn there not. I had family assume they where invited to my wedding too, but you really need to do what you want cuz in the end you and your FI are the only ones who matter
  23. Marisa!!!! I had no idea you where on this site!!! Its not out yet Its not on the stands until March or May I don't remember I'll let you know though Hey Random question do you have my new address and have you sent out your STDs?
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