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Everything posted by gemwhite2b

  1. Hey Ladies, Well I leave for Mexico in 3 days and get married a week tomorrow. Like Nicole I am very laid back so not worried to much about the details. I have a great husband to be, my friends and family coming and a wicked dress so should be good. Just need to get there in one piece now! Will give you guys a review when I return. Happy planning. Gem
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Welcome back Allisa, glad to hear that everything went well for you! I just wanted to say thanks for everyone's help. We have decided to move resorts for our wedding, which is just now 8 weeks away! I will miss you guys. It looks like I am going to have to start up my own thread since no one on the boards has done a wedding at this hotel. Take care everyone! Oh no, my date twin. Your wedding will be beautiful wherever you are and prob slightly less stressfull. Where have you moved to? Hope everything has worked out for the best for you. I wish I had the energy to do it at this late stage.
  3. Hey girls, Not sure if any of you have done the same but I have just had an email back from Tiffany regarding what is included in the packages. I noticed that the new Silver and Gold packages for 2010 had the sand ceremony and bride hair style included (also, a few other bits that I wan;t too bothered about) so I emailed Tiffany about it and she has just added them onto my package free of charge. Thought I would share seen as we do not get many things for free at AS! It is only 8 weeks till the wedding and I do not have a passport yet! Need to get organised now.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 Thanks for your post Sam. We heard back from our TA today and they have said they can't do anything about the package as the hotel won't but they (the TA) will waiver the £35 pp change fee and let us change the hotel/destination free of charge. How has it been for the hotel you've changed to? was there a big difference? and where did you change to? (sorry about all the questions!) and yep...started looking at Cuba but kinda gone back to looking at alternatives in Mexico now. just so wary because I don't want to find myself in the same situation again... soooo stressed! Hey Katie, I have been through everything you are going through now. I called my TA to get details on moving resorts and even contries but after looking at every hotel all over, i didn't find any i liked as much AS. We totally wanted a hotel that was modern and new and looked the part for our wedding. I have been to Cuba twice and loved both holidays however, the hotels are not up to the standard of AS and are very dated. The beaches are beautiful and people are friendly. I just couldn't picture my wedding with old fashioned decor and furniture. Maybe that is not an issue for you? Money is a missive issue however and it kills me to think of the money it is costing for the so called "cheaper option". We have helped this issue slightly by not having a private reception, only going for white decor of the location and sticking to standard things like flowers etc. Let me know if you see any hotels elsewhere that you love. I would be interested to look myself! I am sure it will all work out fine for you Katie. Also, to add to the stress, i have just found out that the shop i have bought my dress from has gone into liquidation! I have lost the money I have paid for the dress but luckily, the designer is still on track to make it as I was having made to measure anyway. i just need to find the money again!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Hi ladies. Today was kind of slow on the wedding side of things. My dj did tell me that we are getting ripped off on the equipment rentals, shows you what I know. He is going to talk to Lomas directly and see what he can work out I guess. My 7 year old came home from Mackinaw Island this morning with a nasty case of bronchitis and eye snots, my first thought was, jeez I am going to have a great time getting her through Mexican customs next week. One look and they would sick the swine flu police on us I am still not doing well on the picture posting, so I am just going to attach a link to the website with a few snaps of it. WhiteXchange.com - The Premier online wedding gown listing service | Dresses Ash, Love your dress, so pretty. It shouldn't be too hard to recognise you now seen as we are on the same day. I will look for the dress.
  6. Tiffany also just sent me an email about this saying "This package has an untrue statement on it which says that that promotion is applicable to all Karisma Hotels. However, it is not available at all of them because Azul Hotels does not offer this package. So there is a Buganvillas package but it is not offered to Azul Hotels Wedding Couples" God, thought I could have saved the £££'s there!
  7. I have just heard back from Thompsons who said that this must be a package that the hotel are offering and it is not something that they can offer us. It would have to be bought direct through the hotel. So could we not cancel out wedding package with the TA and buy the new one from the hotel
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 I'm confused!! For my wedding we are purchasing the gold (or silver - may downgrade) wedding package and then the Sky Deck on top. What is the $1700 you're referring to? And what is that in comparison to? the silver or gold package? (I paid for my packages in £ not $ so don't really know how they compare!) Katie, I have just called Thompson about this to see if it is true and applies to us too? If it does, i will be downgrading quicker than Tiffany can send me an up to date costing sheet!!!!! Will keep you posted.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 I'll load the pics on my computer tonight and will attach them to a message for you I ended up trying on so many dresses I couldn't even guess who the designer is!! I ended up buying from Confetti and Lace because (well, the dress obvioulsy) but also the alterations package they do. what did your TA say about moving the wedding?? (just out of interest lol) Katie. Oh I am excited to see your dress. They said that it would not be a problem to move the wedding to anywhere as long as I do it by the 13th September and there may be a £35pp admin charge. If the new location is much cheaper than AS, and as I have already paid in full, I would get the difference refunded. As it turns out, i did look at other locations but couldn't really find anywhere I liked as much and especially for cheaper (there was one in maldives). I am sticking to my original choice and crossing my fingers and preying for sun.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 oh and I'm starting to worry slightly about the number of people changing their resort from AS - it's making me doubt myself..... Me too Katie, I even called Thompsons to see how doable it is to change at this late stage! I think I was just having a crazy moment though cos the more I think about it, i remember the reason why i chose AS in the first place. Good news about the dress. that is a big thing sorted. I am just waiting on mine to be finished and hopefully no more fittings needed as being made to measure. I actually can't even remember what it looked like on!!! Can you tell me who it is by or style without risking you FH seeing it?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Hey Katie, I'm getting married on the beach, so they supply the sound equipment for the ceremony. So, I figured since its already there, I'll just add my first dance song at the end of the ceremony playlist. If they won't play it for me, well then I guess I won't have a first dance! lol. Seriously, I'm not paying for a private event just be able to rent the equipment. I have a small ipod docking station at home, but you wouldn't be able to hear it on the beach with the wind, waves, etc. I'm sure I would need some big speakers or something so I'm not even going to bother going that route. So, maybe you can try having your cermony on the sky deck, they'll have all the sound equipment up there already, and try to squeeze in your first dance up there? Maybe I'll send Tiffany a quick email asking about it. I'm just so sick of the answers I keep getting back lol. For example - I don't want to use the wooden runner for 2 reasons: 1) My dress will likely catch and rip (I have a very delicate train) 2) I have one GM walking 2 bridesmaids back down the aisle... there's no way they'll all fit on the runner. So... I asked if I could not use the runner but use the money value of it towards something else. Uh, of course that was a problem! I was told no. I can either use the wooden runner or not use it.... its the same price. OR I can PAY MORE to use something else. Seriously WTF? LOL. I just hate how everything is such a big deal. BUT regardless, our weddings will be amazing . I'll keep you posted on the first dance thing. Hey Nikki, I was thinking the same re the isle runner and just wanted the coloured sheer on the floor but to be honest, i don't even want to ask cos I know what the answer will be! You will have to let me know what she says to your request. I think that I might have to do the same for the first dance too that way I know it will get done and I am not trying to squeeze it in somewhere later in the night!
  12. Also, does anyone else read trip advisor then question their decision to have their wedding at AS? I do this every day!! I am so worried that my friends and family have payed so much for what is supposed to be a 5 star hotel and it seems like every review is saying that is is def not a 5 star! It is alot of money to pay and I feel so responsible for my guests having the best time and the best hotel.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 OK, trying not to hyperventilate at the moment..... so here's my reply from Tiffany to my questions about photographers and options for eating and reception..... "The approved photographers are Matias Cano and Caribe Photography. Below are their links. Caribe Photography = Caribephoto Matias Cano Photography = professional wedding photojournalist photographer in riviera maya The following are the locations where you can have your private events at. Beach – Plaza Zavaz – Polapa Yoga – Zocallo Cocktial Terrace – Plaza Zocallo – Pool Deck – Zavaz Cocktail Terrace - The options above are for a private reception where you will have to pay for everyone. If you would like to just use the dinner reservation that is included in your package, you can however, this will not be a private event. This dinner will be at the Spoon Restaurant which is the only restaurant that we have for this reservation. (see spoon restaurant pic from the site...haven't learnt how to attach!) Behind the curtain is a private area, the on site team tries to offer this to wedding couples. However, it is not always available to give. Please keep in mind that if you do have this private area, you will not be able to have your own music or lighting. If having a first dance together or the other customary dances, you must have a private reception and pay for each guest." I'm confused....I thought we would be able to eat (for free) in the spoon restaurant for food and speeches etc, and then have our reception/party in one of the areas....have I clearly got that wrong does that mean if I want to guarentee (sp) that we have some sort of area that we have to pay for everyone to eat again? if we are forced to fork out those prices I think I'm going to cry ( we are having a big reception when we get back and thats already costing us an arm and a leg - there's no way we can afford to do both. K. Hi Katie, Looks like all of us UK brides are in the same boat. I really wanted first dance and speeches etc but we are NOT paying pp to eat when it is a gourmet all inc resort and like you, are paying an arm and leg for a reception when we get back. I have kinda just got used to the idea that we will be in the spoon and hoping we just have a good time and regardless of where we are and if it is private. When i first booked i used to get all stressed about this stuff and now I have stopped letting it bother me. I will be the bride who is walking round the whole resort with her wedding dress on!!! hahaha.
  14. Katie, Did you saythat you are getting married on the Sky deck? Did you originally get the Gold package? Do yuo mind me asking how much on top you paid for Sky deck cos we were thinking of doing it there too. Cheers
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 Hey Gemma another Uk bride!! I booked the gold package, and am already realising how little THAT includes, as well as the added problem of the photographers - our gold package includes our photographer...tho looking at who's approved that doesn't look like such a good thing anymore now, if we want a good photog, we're going to have to effectively pay twice for one. we're looking into the pros and cons of trying to downgrade our package. what are you having problems with? how many have you got going? Katie. Hi Katie, We originally went in to book the gold package and i changed my mind at the last min. I am quite glad I did now although it still doesn't help the situation with photog much! I stupidly assumed that the decoration of the gazeebo was included (seen as it says "decoration of wedding location") but that is like another £250ish! I am thinking of taking my own organza as I cover wedding chair covers as a part time job now so should work out alot cheaper. The bouquet is also going to cost alot more than the package allows! We only have 22 going at the moment including us 2 so quite small. We wanted an easy option instead of all the fuss of a typical UK wedding! We also only gave guest 2 weeks notice to book and we only booked in Jan this year! How you getting on? have you decided on receptions and things yet? We get the dinner res for 40 i think at spoon. Not ideal but not too bothered about spending the extra for a private party when I am having a massive party when we are back home.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Francine Hi Katie, I've just got married at AS and returned home to Glasgow, I read your message re: the photographers and your concerns about them, I used the photographer included with my package from Thomsons which is the one approved by the hotel. I know that this is such a huge thing and so very difficult to pick when your on the other side of the world, I found my photographer to be very professional and made me feel very at ease and comfortable. I'd be happy to email you some of my pics for you to look at but would need to do it through my hotmail account, not too sure how all of this works at the minute!!! Let me know if this would help Francine x Hi Francine, I am also a UK bride and am having concerns about the photog. Did you use Caribe? Could you also send me some examples and it might make my decision slightly easier. PM me and I will send you my address. Thanks so muck Gemma
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Thanks for the welcome everyone! Gemma-I think you are getting married a few hours before us, on the beach. I asked Grace about a week ago, when I saw we had the same date. Our wedding is at 5 on the beach. We are doing a cocktail reception afterward (not sure where yet) and then dinner/reception on the terrace at Zocalo. I've got about 15 outstanding quote items holding on Grace/Tiffany. I'm heading down the first week of September to work out some menu/location stuff. I haven't booked a photographer yet, I'm kind of waiting on the dust to settle. I looked at bringing one down with us, but we would be looking at $2500 worth of expenses before the first picture was even snapped! You seem to know more about my wedding than me lol. We have a small group so not too bothered about cocktail reception etc, just gunna go with the flow really. I just want to get the photog sorted and no idea what to do. It is way too expensive to bring a photog from UK and then pay the fee too. I am kinda just hoping they sort out the approved ones before I go so I have more chioce! have any of you girls coming from UK booked the Silver package? I am only just starting to realise how little it includes!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Hi ladies, I am new to the sight. I am getting married November 27th this year. I guess Grace was my coordinator, but not anymore Are any of you doing rehersal dinners offsight? Hi there, Looks like we are getting married on the same day. What time are you getting married at? How is the planning going? The major issue for most at the moment is the photographer, have you sorted one yet? Gemma
  19. Hi, Thanks for the great review, you looked amazing. You said that you went to the a different hotel for the Honeymoon? Did you say it was Le Blanc? That is where we are going for our honeymoon too after a week at AS and just curious if you were pleased that you moved for the second week? Thanks Gemma
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Angelfish Thanks for posting and keep posting updates so we can all get info from one another. I am getting married there Novemeber 28th, 2009... Hey Angelfish, I get married on the 27th November so will no doubt bump into you there.........
  21. OMG, these pictures are so beautiful, you are a stunning bride and it has made me excited all over again for my Wedding in November. Congratulations.
  22. We just got our wedding date confirmed and it is 27th November 2009, please can you add us to the list? Thanks
  23. Hi I am Gemma, I have booked to get married at the Azul Sensatori Mexico November 09. I have been looking at the forum for ages and now my own wedding is booked, i thought it is about time is joined in. Thanks
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