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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. Hate working out period but it's a must I suppose Thanksgiving dinner?
  2. I don't know; I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, I feel like b/c it is a destination wedding, you should give people as much time as possible to be able to find & book travel. On the other hand, I feel like you may overwelm people if you send them out around the holidays; the holidays are enough stress on their own. As far as travel & finding a great deal, you just never know when something great might come up, so from that aspect, I would say the more time you give people to find a deal, the better. Hope that makes some sense; good luck!!!
  3. We had a chocolate cake with the vanilla whip cream custard. It was different (LOL). I know it sounds strange, but I wasn't sure what to expect with the whole custard thing & it truly was just like custard (which I'm not a fan of.) It was very good though, I'm just weird about the textures of food & custard is one of those weird textures to me. We cut our cake after our outdoor ceremony & it held up very well through the ceremony - didn't melt at all. Good luck!!
  4. Hands down, without a doubt - VANESSA JAIMES!! She is awesome. I had planned an entire wedding in Cancun (only to have it cancelled due to the swine flu), but Vanessa was the florist I hired. She is super helpful & always responds in a relatively timely manner (2-3 days). She worked with all 200 of my emails & requests & came up with the PERFECT flowers & colors. She sent me pics of everything & even though we ended up getting married in Hawaii, I still used her pics to give the florist in Maui. I know lots of other brides on here have used her, so you might want to do a search for her name & see what pops up. Good luck!! P.S- Her website is www.vanessajaimes.com. She also lists on her website that she has a minimum, but she worked with me & I didn't have to have a minimum b/c she didn't have to go far to deliver & we didn't need her to set-up, so you might want to inquire about that if you're on a tight budget.
  5. like (A MUST!!) chicken ranch pizza??
  6. The memories of that day still seem so vivid; it's hard to believe it's been 8 years. I too, send out my thoughts & prayers to all who lost loved ones!!
  7. If men had to go through what we women go through for just one day, that would probably be just it, one day & they would be done. Girdles to make you have less lumps & bumps & bras to pick em up & push em out. Not to mention the makeup & hair, etc, etc. Oh the things us women must go through!! LMAO
  8. Yeah, I don't think the Dr would go for that. It's just tough to spend that much $$ on something that isn't really "necessary", or at least my hubby doesn't think it's necessary (I DO!!) He's not the one that has to pull his boobs up to put them in the bra every morining. Ok, LMAO, probably TMI huh?
  9. I love this thread!! I have desperatley been trying to talk my hubby into allowing me to get the newly dubbed "mommy surgery" (boobs & tummy tuck). Kids have a way of wreaking havoc on your boobs (I use the tennis ball & tube sock analogy unfortunately) & I had a c-section & I swear my gut will never be the same. Now if I can only convince the surgeon that this is only considered 1 surgery (much cheaper for 1, right?)
  10. I can't be much help b/c we had our ceremony @ 3:30 so that we could make it to our reception at the "Drums of Pacific Luau" that started at 5:00. Most every luau I looked into started around that same time, maybe the latest was 6:00. We were thinking sunset ceremony as well, but our photographer told us that the lighting is not great at that time of day & it's best for picture purposes to hold the cermony during the day. Sorry I couldn't help, but if you're interested in an awesome luau for your reception, look into Drums of Pacific at the Hyatt. You also may want to speak with your photographer about his/her opinion on sunset pics. Good luck!!
  11. The only thing that we did as a group was snorkel. For the people that didn't bring their own snorkel equipment, we went next door to a dive shop & rented it for like $7.00 for the week. We then just went to different spots that were recommended to us. It was so much better than doing a tour IMHO, b/c we didn't have to be on the schedule of the tour company. We did Black Rock & it is awesome, def a MUST!!! We drove over & parked in the Whaler's Village garage & spent the afternoon snorkeling & just lounging on Kaanapali Beach (which is fantastic BTW.) There are so many amazing places to snorkel on Maui & by renting or bringing your own snorkel equip, you can see them all. Good luck with your planning!!
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