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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. Beautiful dress!! I say at least give the heels a try to appease your new hubby at the reception. If they kill, you can always switch back to your flip flops. Good luck - your only 11 days out - how exciting!!!!!!
  2. I stayed at the Omni during my last trip to Cancun. Unfortunately, I did not see any weddings taking place, but I can tell you that it is a beautiful resort. The rooms are very nice & the grounds are beautiful. If you have any specific questions about the resort, I would be more than happy to help (sorry I can't help with wedding questions.) Good luck!!
  3. LOVE! (wish I was doing it now, too bad it's 50 degress, lol) tanning beds?
  4. love them : sweets (I wish I hated them, LOL)
  5. I've always felt that Kate wanted to make it work & it was (& still is) Jon being the jerk! I wonder though if he doesn't have some ulterior motive for trying to halt the divorce. I don't know what that motive could be, but I do know that starting on Nov 2nd the show will be just "Kate plus 8", so maybe he's trying to get back on the show or maybe he just wants to continue to reap the rewards of Kate working so hard doing all those signings & appearances. Who knows, I just don't really like the guy, nor do I trust him much (maybe that's just the way the media wants us to feel about him.) He has just acted like such a jerk since all this came out. I can't see Kate being very forgiving after he has flaunted ALL these girls in front of her face.
  6. 12:39 - just came back to work from lunch; wished I could have just gone home & curled up on the couch instead (brrrr it's cold here today.)
  7. baby making : no more for me : ) (babies that is, LOL)
  8. dislike (I always seem to make a mess lip gloss??
  9. I vote for the 3rd pic (the drowned orchids.) That is what I did, with 3 different size vases with hot pink orchids & a floating candle - so pretty!! Good luck!
  10. I'm sorry that I can't be of any assistance with info on this, but I just wanted to say that this location would be AH-MAZING for a wedding. I hope it works out for you; good luck!!
  11. sometimes (when we're on the 4-wheeler skiing??
  12. You did a fantastic job; great work!! I love all the music!!
  13. like!! (makes me think of someplace tropical onions??
  14. CONGRATS!!! I remember how excited we were to finally own a little piece of land we could call our own; I'm excited for you. I look forward to seeing your pics & your progress!!! Good luck with the ripping up carpet & possibly redoing the hardwoods; I feel your pain on that one, as we have been doing that for what seems like eternity now (really only been about a week, but still CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  15. don't do it, b/c trust me, nobody wants to hear that, LMAO hiking??
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