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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. Karen, thanks so much for all the options. I really like the one from VS. Thanks!!!
  2. These are the times that I am thankful to live in a SMALL (& by small, I mean VERY small) town. We had to wait, but only for about 30 min. to get the shot for my son. Trouble is, he has to have another one (children are required to have 2) in about 3 weeks, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 1) they have the vax avail still at that time b/c who knows with the shortages & 2) the line isn't outrageous. I'm glad I started this thread so that everyone could chat it out over this H1N1 decision. Good luck with finding the vax ladies!!
  3. I know - I really do NEED it!! I have been seaching for it for days & have come up empty handed. I hope some veteran online shoppers can come up with it, or at least something very similar.
  4. I did my hair much like the 1st pic that Jenny posted (low chignon) & I tucked a real white & pink orchid into the side of it. We got the flowers (all my girls wore one as well) from the florist. We got married in Maui, so flowers in your hair is a must
  5. Sadly, it is becoming my new obsession. Who wouldn't love to sit at work & shop, LOL.
  6. Carly, I tried to upload the pic to photobucket, but it told me that the file type wouldn't work (don't know exact wording, but it did not work & I tried it 3 times.) So, sorry for the link, but it will have to do, since photobucket doesn't like my url Thanks for the directions though (at least I know how to do it now.)
  7. Jess, I think the one you posted is heavier, but still VERY cute, I just added it to my cart. LOL - online shopping is becoming a bad habit Thanks for your help!!!!
  8. Hey girls, I thought with all these women, there is bound to be someone who can find this sweater online somewhere. I know it's kind of a silly pic, but I really love this sweater (& the white top under it for that matter). Thanks to all you online shoppers!!!! Google Image Result for http://i426.photobucket.com/albums/pp344/prettybland/kate_gosselin_crap.jpg Sorry for the link; I don't know how to upload photos
  9. Karla, I am def not trying to have anymore children - we have a 6yr old & trust me when I say that the stresses of having one child is enough for me, LMAO. I have actually looked into Mirena since we don't want anymore children, but they want something crazy like $800 just for the IUD & that doesn't include the dr's fees to put it in. Anyhow, I have always thought the depo was a good thing b/c of the lack of periods (although I do hate shots prob more than I hate trying to remember to take a pill daily.) Anyhow, my question is about weight gain; have you gained any weight from the depo?? I have heard horror stories about women that have gained like 15lbs from this shot, but I guess you never know b/c some also claim to gain weight on BC pills (I think you just have to watch what you eat b/c the hormones tend to make you want to eat.) Just wonder what your experience was. THANKS!!!!
  10. I have thought about using Nuvaring, but the idea of having to insert that thing (TMI - sorry), kinda freaks me out; LMAO. On the other hand, I'm not such a good pill taker, so the idea of not having to remember to take something each day is kind of appealing. Thanks for your comments!!
  11. I'm wondering if any of you girls take Seasonique?? My doctor just gave me a sample pack to try, but I've heard of some complaints about spotting, amongst other issues. Anything that only gives you 4 periods a year is a plus in my book, but I also don't want to just be spotting constantly KWIM. I would also love to hear what other types of BC are popular out there. Thanks for your help girls!!!
  12. I am envious; Tahiti is one place on our list of many to visit. You will have such an amazing honeymoon!!!
  13. My vote is for #2, then a close second would be #3. They are all awesome shoes; good luck choosing!!!
  14. never tried it (will have to some time) pumpkin pie??
  15. Thanks for being the "stalkers" that you are ladies & for posting these for us to see. Heather (when you do read this), you looked amazing & you now have some of the most amazing wedding pics I have ever seen to cherish forever. Looks like the reception was a BLAST!! Congrats & enjoy you're honeymoon!!
  16. LOVE (could totaly eat some right now fast food??
  17. Ok, I have finally come to a decision in regards to vax our 6 yr old son. I will be taking our son today to the clinic to get his H1N1 vax. I spoke with the DR & while she does not necessarily recommend it for adults, she is recommeding it for children. She says this strain of the flu seems to be targeting children which is reason enough to vax your children. I have gone round & round with this & I hope I have made the right decision; I'm praying that I have made the right choice. Good luck to all of you that are trying to make this same, very difficult decision!! **Thanks for all your input**
  18. I have been taking Centrum for Women for a little over 6 years now. I really like it; no yucky vitamin taste that other brands leave in your mouth or worse, come back up later. As far as things to possibly be taking to prepare for pregnancy, I have read somewhere recently that you should begin taking folic acid for about a year before conceiving so that you get it's full effects. Hope that helps; good luck!!
  19. Happy wedding day; I hope it's all you've dreamed of & more. Can't wait to read your review & see pics. CONGRATS!!!
  20. Wow; amazing pics!!! You're so lucky to have your entire trip documented by your photog. The sunset pics are AMAZING!!! Congrats & thanks for sharing.
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